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here are details of a new site and how to sign up www.motorhometoday.co.uk "next to welcome guest, you have log in then next to that you have register, click this which take you to terms and rules page, bottom lefthand side tick box to agree these rules, click register button in middle botton,takes you to the page you need to fill out with your details, then click the submit to register button at the bottom righthand side.then you are a sign up member." thanks for reading this cheers dave
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Doesn't this count as advertising? Personally I like the MMM Forum and would be sorry to see it diluted by yet another alternative forum site. What do other rugulars think?
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I also like mmm forum, and visit regularly to read the posts I also used to post on mhf forum with answers for other peoples problems With some 55 years of camping experience and as an apprentice trained, proffesionally qualified Control Engineer with a lifetimes experience in engineering problems And now the time to travel, with time to spare between trips I think that I had something to give - for free But then the site operators decided to charge With plenty to give and nothing to gain I dont see why I should spend even a portion of my pension there motorhometoday is another free site and will undoubtedly grow as things develop if there is no room for another site it will die out from lack of custom If mmm forum cannot be sustained in its present form It too will have to be ready for change perhaps a request from members is called for to see which way they would like to see it improved
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Guest Derek Uzzell
If you are looking for a comprehensive definition of any English word, to be 99.9 % confident of successfully finding what you want you'll need a massive up-to-date dictionary like the Oxford English that contains a definitive list of most current and past English words. In a similar vein, if you are trying to obtain trustworthy motorhome-related information via an internet forum the rational place to look is on the biggest forum available, as (at least in theory) the larger the population of motorcaravanners who 'subscribe' to the forum the bigger the knowledge base and the better chance you have of getting a worthwhile answer. However, the practical downside of this is that a forum with a growing number of motorcaravanners participating may become unwieldy to use, expensive to administer in terms of human and machine resources and require ongoing development to cope with the ever-rising volume of participants. (As an example, the MMM forum's current format comprises a single month of postings where new entries added to the top force old entries out the bottom. Imagine what would happen if, say, 100 people suddenly decided to post to this forum on a daily basis - a posting would appear at the head of the list and then rapidly disappear into the archive. Hardly a happy situation I think you will agree.) A forum that is user-friendly, visually attractive, has lots of dinky features to entertain the visitors and can cope with significant quantities of information is going to cost one way or another. When producing IT applications for personal amusement becomes a full time job the fun is likely to fade, particularly if it's also costing you money. Companies like Warners may consider the cost of developing their websites/forums worthwhile to maintain/increase the number of people buying their magazines, but large 'private' non-commercial websites will either need to attract plenty of advertising to defray development/running costs or charge a visiting fee (or both). Personally, I've no gripe over the MHF site wishing to charge for its forums - I used to develop software and administer IT systems, but I certainly didn't do it for love. MHF remaining viable long term will depend on whether enough fee-paying customers continue to feel they get value for money and what standard of competition is offered by the no-fee websites. As far as I'm concerned, anything I write on 'public' websites (like this one) is up for grabs. Provided that it doesn't come back to bite me I don't care who uses it or where it's used - and if you can make some dosh out of it on the way then good luck to you! Regarding petec's final point, it's a fair bet that the MMM forum will be revised in the not too distant future and I'm sure Warners would be delighted to receive suggestions about what improvements people would like to be made.
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Guest bill h
I see no problem with this site. Everyone has helped when asked. I take on board a new vehicle at the end of Jan. Then the fun will start. I'll post details as they arise...and...I shall need L Plates I reckon for a start. Its sure going to be interesting!! bill h
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Guest Derek Uzzell
Bill: Hopefully Santa Claus brought you a copy of the current edition of John Wickersham's "The Motorcaravan Manual" (Haynes Publishing) - that assumes you hadn't already invested in one of course.
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Am I seeing things - has this posting not changed considerably during the afternoon? Is there another similar posting? I can't see it and various bits seem to have disappered.
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Guest Derek Uzzell
Bill: I reckon that, if every UK motorcaravanner (or prospective motorcaravanner) bought John Wickersham's book, read it and made the effort to understand it, about 90% of the inquiries made on motorhome-related internet forums for basic information would be unnecessary.
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But Derek ... we'd all miss our little chin-wags, and Mr Wickersham would get too rich so wouldn't want to talk to us mere mortals anymore ... And just think of the 'experts' that this would produce - Derek, you'd be out of a job! I'm going to have a lie down now ... the mere thought of not being able to 'speak' to everyone is frightening ... I can't take this sort of stress!
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Guest Derek Uzzell
Even if every UK motorcaravanner bought JW's book I don't believe he'd end up rich - he definitely didn't look like a millionaire when I last saw him, despite his prolific output of magazine articles. If people became more knowledgeable in motorcaravanning basics I can't see it affecting the 'chit-chat', but it should reduce the quantity of drivel and guesswork that masquerades as technical expertise on some forums.
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