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Slimeridge Touring Park

Guest Maureen Smith

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Guest Maureen Smith
Hi, Has anyone stayed at Slimeridge Touring Park in Weston-super-Mare? I cannot seem to find much about it on the web. I would be grateful for any comments good or otherwise. Maureen.
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Guest David Powell
Hello Maureen, Are you refering to a touring park in the W.S.M. area called Slimbridge, or a touring park at Slimbridge which is about 40 miles up the M5 from the W.S.M. area? If it was the slimbridge bird wetlands that you thinking of visiting, the Tudor Arms caravan park behind the Tudor Arms pub is quite good at Slimbridge, but can be a bit soggy in wet weather. Otherwise a nice site. There are Caravan Club C.L.s there also.
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Guest Maureen Smith
Hi David, The site i am referring to is right on the beach at Uphill Village. It is definitely called Slimeridge and not Slimbridge. Thanks for the info though, may come in handy someday. Maureen.
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Guest David Powell
Sorry Maureen, my fault I confused the issue there by not reading what I was looking at. My excuse is old age and a fuzzy brain. Loads of info on www.google........Slimeridge Farm touring park, Weston Super Mare, Somerset
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Guest David Powell
Goodmorning Maureen, while on the subject of this area of the north Somerset coast, I was Coastguard in the Bristol Channel for 25 years. A little advance word of warning! Dangerous MUD, so watch where you are walking on the beaches, particularly any children. The local Coastguard have a specialist mud rescue team, they go out on mud sledges, and release the casualties from the mud with a compressed air probe. Can't pull them out with a helicopter, too dangerous, like pulling up a dandylion, might leave the roots behind.{not funny}.Enjoy.Have fun. Take care. Be safe. The bed of the River Severn is all mud and slime, and naturally it washes down to the Bristol Channel. Thus names like Slime Roads, Slime Ridge etc.etc.
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Guest Maureen Smith
Yuk! I imagined it was pronounced SLIM-ER-RIDGE. Knowing that it is prounced SLIME is a bit offputting. I looked on Google but only found a small page with not much info. I'll look again. Thanks a lot for the warning, I didn't know about the mud. I will be much more aware now. Maureen.
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