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Derek Uzzell

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As a result of the (plainly irrational) decision to label the purpose of the Hints and Tips forum as "Seek out advice", a significant number of people new to the Out&AboutLive website understandably tend to post their initial inquiries to Hints and Tips.


Although Hints and Tips is now, in theory, the appropriate forum on which to ask questions, Motorhome Matters continues to be treated as a general 'grab bag' forum for anything with a motorhome-related flavour. By comparing the two forums, it's very evident that Motorhome Matters dominates and Hints and Tips is just a poor relation.


Because the OAL Moderator posting "What are the vehicle details?" on Motorhome Matters is omitted from Hints and Tips, there is also a good chance that, if people do seek assistance using the latter forum, their inquiries may be short on valuable detail.


I have encouraged the Warners team several times to re-label Hints and Tips so that motorhome-related inquiries are not posted there. My efforts have been totally unsuccessful and I am forced to conclude this has become a 'losing face' issue on Warners part.


The present position is that new forum members are regularly asking for advice on Hints and Tips and they are often ignored or given minimal attention. Presumably the Warners team is unconcerned about this, but it reflects badly on the O&AL website as far as I am concerned.


As there seems to be small likelihood the situation will alter, can I ask forum members (particularly the 'old stagers') not to forget Hints and Tips and to help out with inquiries on that forum when you are able.

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