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Which Motorcaravan Shrinking?

Mike Chapman

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Has anyone else noticed that Which Motorcaravan has less pages as the months go by. The average until recently seemed to be in the region of 190 pages but the last few issues have been 114 pages. In fairness the price has remained at £3.25 since 2007.


The last issue February 2009 looked more like a sales brochure for Swift.


After the demise of Out and About is Which Motorcaravan the next to go?


Have cancelled my subscription and will now only buy issues if they have articles and tests that are of interest.



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Mike Chapman - 2009-02-03 1:09 PM  Have cancelled my subscription and will now only buy issues if they have articles and tests that are of interest. Mike.

Exactly what I did a couple of years ago, never purchased a copy since. Usually glance through the latest issue when we go to Tesco, by the time the wife has shopped the first aisle I have read enough and caught her up.....

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Just dug out my January 2002 copy of Which Motorcaravan. Price = £2.95 - number of pages = 94.


I ceased buying WM when the format altered to having the text of articles printed all over the photos. I moaned about this to Peter Vaughan (WM's editor) saying that it was like bl**dy car magazines trying to be 'stylish', that I found it hard on the eyes and unnecessarily difficult to read, and I thought this would be the case for many of WM's target readership (ie. oldies). I was told that the car-magazine look was intentional and, consequently, I didn't renew my WM subscription.

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I cancelled the, (in my opinion), woeful Out & About and WM 2 years ago. WM just seemed to be a vehicle - no pun intended, for a poor mans version of MMM.


The pathetic "first sight" tests, oh dear oh dear, I mean it's hardly like spotting Jaguars new hush model that's been kept under wraps for 3 years is it?


MMM leads from the front and long may it continue to do so.



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Ned Swift - 2009-02-04 9:48 AM

Agree with you Lordy, can't wait for the 300 plus pages to thump on the mat each month :->


Well that's untill you start reading it and realise that 290 pages are basically just the same as last month and hte month before that.

So much of it is advertising, so much of it repetitive. I gave up my subsciption last year. I may buy this months though just to once again check the advertisers haven't changed.

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