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Peugeot Boxer 2002 2.800ccc judder.


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Hi all,

Have a problem with a shake thro the steering wheel, when the engine

is under load at around 35mph--45mph,ie going up a gradient, up to now

I have ruled out the wheel /tyre/balance/new tyers, new drive shaft's 2,

new lower o/s arm, am now thinking to look at the o/s suspension,and top bearing as the shake seems to be on that side, also what about engine/gearbox mountings,has any one had problems in this area,

the only way I get round this is by keeping the revs high 3000+ not good. *-)

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I've read somewhat similar complaints in MMM's "Interchange" section in the past. It's sometimes suggested that the shaking is due to a torque reaction when the vehicle is being accelerated hard up a slope at relatively low engine-revs (a sort of FWD version of 'axle-tramp').


If that's what causing your problem, then I'd expect the shaking at the steering-wheel also to be grip-related - that it would be worse - or occur earlier - on wet or low-grip road surfaces.

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Another suggestion has been that where a motorhome has significant weight behind the rear wheels, usually in conjunction with longish rear overhangs, the nose of the van rises significantly when ascending hills.  This rise in the nose, due to the rearwards migration of its centre of gravity on the hill plus acceleration, causes the drive shafts to extend, and to operate near or at their maximum designed angle, both from the final drive and to the front hubs.  In this condition, it seems the shafts lose their normal ability to transfer power smoothly.  If your van has a long overhang, and is tail heavy, reducing the weight at the back, possibly by transferring some forewards, may eliminate the problem.
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Hello Gboden,


To add to the advice from Brian I believe that Peugeot recommend that the weight distribution between the front and rear axles should be a minimum of 47% to the front axle. This is obviously with the vehicle on the level. As Brian points out if there is significant weight behind the rear axle this will unload the front axle on a hill.





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My last Fiat (2003 2.8JTD) suffered from this from new to about 10000`

Purchased our last van new and did`nt even manage to get it home only 15` without the wheel shake, at this point steering also pulled to left. Dealer collected next day and returned van with new drive shafts (story was wrong ones fitted!!!) Pull to left was fixed but found during trip in Alpes shake reappeared once including a loud knocking noise pulling steeply uphill and also turning to left. Shaking occurred regularily sometimes relatively violently on steep or long inclines in 2nd and 3rd gear. On return to UK complained to local Fiat Garage and was given an explanation that the drive shafts would "run in". To give them their due they turned out to be right shaking reduced and after 10000` never felt it again. The van was an "A" Class with short rear overhang, other explanations I`ve seen include Torque Steer, problem was not unknown on quite a few vans, easing back on the power tended to reduce the shake.

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Thanks, Derek,Brian,Mike,Mirage & Rainbow, for your response,

Our van is a 2002 mod, and has 42000 on the clock, the problem only

started at about 36000 miles, so you might think the weigh distribution

may be fair, altho it is a "EL" so point taken and will look into this,as I said

have had the drive shafts replaced,all his was done last season, been too busy untill this week to do moore,until now, wen to main fiat garage today

they asked if I had the track lazer checkd, my son is in that game so I will do this at the weekend, the fiat man said as I live in the van he will have it

on wednesday for two hours to have a look, I did ask him to check the suspention leg & gear box mount,

On reflection someone n the forum last year,had a similar problem, and at the end of ths day it was the bolts holding the sub frame had come lose,

thank you John for that tip, still a mine of info from all of you will let you know how I get on with this pain. :-)

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