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Whats everyones plans for the summer?


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Apart from weekends, we are currently planning a spring break in possibly Norfolk or Suffolk, never really having been there, followed by a month on June/July on the west coast of France, maybe northern Spain.Lets see what actually happens!
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Our plans for the summer are no different to Spring, Autumn and Winter. By that I mean we use the van to it's full potential, we get out and use it.


The only changes we make are to the type of usage, i.e. the bikes are not overused in November and neither are the sun loungers, I think you get my drift.


I appreciate everyone has their own needs etc to meet but on a personal note it creases me up, the use of that phrase, "The Season". What does that mean, there's only one in a year?


I've always thought there were four...



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For me, it's Spain April/May 6 weeks, 3weeks june/july France in the mountains, Italy Lake Bolsena and lake Bracciano Sept then on to Spain when the Italian site closes at the end of Sept. Only our 2nd year of freedom in a motorhome, previously a tugger and at work. Still can't believe the freedom of being retired !!
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We're hoping (fingers crossed) to move in the next couple of months, so this might change plans, but we've got short trips planned in Stanley after our long Portuguese break.


From what we saw on that trip we're hoping to get a few mid week breaks to explore:

Aranjuez (nr Madrid)


and go back to Caceres.


We are hoping to get away on the bike tho, and take in Madrid, & Seville for a city break, and North Italy.

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Cumberland May, France June, not sure about July and August. Late August North Yorkshire, September/October France. A bit worried about UK as both main Clubs are reporting large increases in bookings and with our van we dont like booking ahead, it rather takes away our freedom to do what we want when we want to. So we will perhaps have problems with weekends which get booked up early. But I am sure we will survive! Perhaps stay abroad longer as it should be quieter with a lot of Brits staying at home.
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Guest JudgeMental

We have a 2 week family holiday to Goa booked for Easter, really need some sun after this grim winter. Then a week Whitsun half term, just the 2 of us with our new electric bikes touring the Loire region.


Then family trip to Lake Garda again July-August. Down through Alsace region and a week in Switzerland at Interlaken then two weeks in Italy.


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off to france for june & july. hopefully not staying on any sites. will use a mixture of aires, france passion & wild camping.


plans include a lot of walking with the dog, consuming lots of cheese, trips on several steam trains & seeing 2 mountain stages of the tour de france.

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For us we are fairly regular Motorcaravaners club ralliers plus doing our own thing now and then. During part of June and July (3 weeks) we are off to France and then into Spain, we will be using the Portsmouth-St Malo ferry as usual. We always try to return just before Basteil day which is a french holiday and most places are shut.
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Just back from spring break in Paris - I'll do a separate thread when I've a minute.

Plan for summer is to take in a big Baptist bash in Amsterdam, then east for a total of 5 weeks, covering Berlin, Warsaw, Budapest, Prague, Vienna, possibly a bit of Slovenia.

But we'll see!

We'll be seeking further advice about places to stay nearer the time.

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Like Lord Thornber, we use ours all year around and spent 4 nights over the new year in Nottingham.


We often go straight after work on a Friday for just 2 nights somewhere within easy driving distance, like Pembrokeshire. Last weekend we went to Llandovery and we also like Brecon.


Next weekend we're going to Moreton in Marsh for 4 nights for my birthday. Easter we're going to North Devon for 5 nights and we also have booked Tewkesbury and Bath Marina for the May bank hols.


We take our main holiday in Sept and usually go to France but this year we're going to try Germany for a change via Belgium. I'm planning it already - that's half the fun. We don't usually stick to my carefully planned itinerary but again, that's fun too.

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No signal - 2009-02-21 3:28 PM


Just back from Great Langdale, cold but nice. Germany in April. Then taking the kayak to Brittany, providing the pound doesn't disappear off the radar and the pills keep working.



Welcome to the forum No signal !


(That sounds like a long way to paddle).




Made no definite plans ourselves - but we only book ferries, nothing else.


May well end up in Croatia later in the year.



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I think so Chris. It was certainly the case some years ago when we were last there. We were told in no uncertain terms that not only could we not overnight at the ferryport, but that even sleeping in a car in a layby was illegal in Holland. Strictly campsites only! Maybe others know whether they've loosened up more recently? Plenty of Dutch people seem to use Aires in France!
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  • 2 weeks later...

We have used our MH as much as we can and spent a great afternoon on Sunday sussing out parking places / dinghy launching sites, for the summer weekends, in Hayling Island and Southsea. The New Forest is another favourite, being on our doorstep.


We will be spending a week staying with our son and daughter-in-law in Dubai at the end of the month (it's tough but somebody has to visit them!) B-) That should set us up for the start of the "warmer" MH days ahead.


MH weekends, wherever the weather is best at weekends in the UK and France until August. We will then spend a week with our other son and his wife and their young children, in a cottage on a farm in North Devon.


At the end of August / start of September Italy beckons again....... I really need to replace some garden pots and we found a fabulous place on our trip last year (loads of room in the MH to bring them back - last year we brought home 9 terracotta wall plaques and an angel water feature statue) *-)


Oh, the freedom of a motor home..... (lol)

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Hi all,

Being motorhomers with jobs and 2 children limited to school holidays. We too like to go all year round. Already had a few weekends away this year.

Scotland 4 days

London 3 days February break just gone.

We will have a couple of local weekends away before next school holiday April..... then off to South Africa for 10 days, Dubai for 5 days.

May holiday too busy in UK.

More weekends though,

August: Germany, Switzerland, South of France.

More weekends

October: Scottish highlands

Working on the wife for Christmas break...... she likes to be at home!!!!


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Still full timing (work that is !) so trips restricted. Did Cambridge for long wekend a couple of weeks ago, 10 days at Easter in Somerset/Devon/Cornwall, maybe a few more weekenders before main summer trip, this year it is Madrid, Valencia, Barcelona and Bairittz.
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