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EHIC only valid for 5 years

mike 202

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I thought that the European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) was valid for life but I have just found out from the Autosleepers Club that it is only valid for 5 years. If you look on the front of the card at item 9 bottom rt hand corner you will see the expiry date. The 24 hr phone number 0845 46 47 on the reverse will get a renewal phone number and you will also need your National Insurance number.

Mine expires next year.


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Ours expired in January 2009 and I went to the website to renew it. Unfortunately you can only apply for your FIRST one on line, renewing has to be done either by phone, or snail-mail via an application form.

Of course, if you go to: http://www.saynoto0870.com/ you can find out the landline number and thus avoid paying excessive charges for a so-called "local rate call".



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Conflicting information methinks! If you look at the EHIC website on this link: http://www.ehic.org/apply.html then it clearly says: To renew your EHIC you can either contact the NHSBSA by telephone on 0845 606 2030 or complete an application form which is available from the Post Office®.

Yet on the link posted earlier it does seem that you can apply online. haven't followed it through though, to see what happens, as we've already got ours now.

When I tried to apply in January, there was also a message displayed saying that you couldn't apply online for a renewal, perhaps a temporary blip, but nevertheless confusing.



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The site you need is www.dh.gov.uk/travellers and then click EHIC. There is provision for renewal on this site NOT on the site quoted above earlier, FREE OF CHARGE.


You will need to quote you Nat Insurance or National Health number; and there is provsion for spouses and children to be included. I have just renewed my EHIC. Hope this helps.

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The site given by J9WITHDOGS is valid and leads to the same screens as does my site! There is no need to pay for the renewal as this comes out of the NHS funds. Thanks J6WITHDOGS for pointing out the validity of your site.
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Thanks to mike 202 for starting this thread.

Went out to the van to check mine and it had out ran last year 2 days before we left for 3 months abroad.

Just renewed online and told will arrive within week.


bob M

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Thanks Mike

Your thread prompted me to check mine and sure enough it expired in January. I doubt i would have checked it before setting off for france in September so thanks. I don't really understand why they are only valid for 5 years but I suppose it keeps someone in a job...

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If you are a pensioner travelling through Spain also carry proof that you are in receipt of a pension the date of birth on card appears irrelevant.

I have never needed to use the card so have no experience of it but have just been reading the www.costa-news.com (Friday 6th) and at the bottom of 1st page under the heading more--- click on' Healthcard ultimation'

It starts as below and goes on in detail but you will have to read it yourself as I do not know how to paste.


The European Commission has given Spain an ultimatum to grant EU pensioners the right to free medication while on holiday in Spain

The - - - - -


bob M

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Thanks for that tip Bob - I must read that as unexpectedly I hope to go in June.


How do you get proof about the pension if it is paid weekly into the bank?


Finally, I was one of the first to have the new health card but mine is valid until January 2011 - just checked.

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Slightly off topic but sort of relevant.

My local bobbies are urging everyone with a "photo"  licence to check the expiry date. Apparently many people are driving around with expired licences which could presumably cause insurance problems etc in the event of an accident or police check. Like the EHIC card I was aware at the time I had to have a photo type (old style one stolen in Spain!) that it only lasted 10 years but had since forgotten and time sure does fly when you are enjoying yourself..

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  • 2 years later...

Just bringing this old post up as a reminder to all.

Just looked at our card and it runs out in a fortnight which is same date as we go to France.

Just renewed online at https://www.ehic.org.uk/Internet/home.do


Please do not follow any other thread as we were nearly caught out when they said the fee was non refundable???? There is no charge and we nearly gave a lot of information away.



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I have just renewed mine by phone, no problem, also I was able to renew my wifes as hers had expired the same date as mine,actually we were in Portugal for a month with out a valid card as both cards expired end January, I had a fall in Spain a couple of years ago and dislocated my shoulder, the Hospital was not interested in the E 111, they just took my Passport number.
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