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Any info on Swift Kon Tiki please?


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My husband and I are thinking about buying our first motorhome and like the look of the Swift Kon Tiki for my husband's retirement. We want to travel around the UK but also take some quite long trips through Europe and hope to stay away for two or three months at a time. There will be the two of us + 2 small dogs. We are thinking about the 669 model with an island bed.

At 28' long, are they difficult to drive on country roads and in small towns and villages? (I have my HGV & my husband has driven 7.5 ton lorries)

Does anyone know what sort of MPG we could expect from the 3 L engine?

We would be very interested to hear the views of any Kon Tiki owners and any other advice on offer. Thanks :->

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I have the Kon Tiki 665 at 25ft long with a fixed corner double bed. I have travelled on some narrow roads in this country and have done a lot of European touring without too many difficulties. Although having driven through lots of towns and villages I have not generally experienced too many problems although the French towns and villages can sometimes get interesting ! When on site I usualy leave the van and rely on the bicycle which I carry on the rear cycle carrier or on local transport, trains, buses, trams even water taxi's and I have never not been able to get anywhere I wanted. Some sites can be a bit of a squeeze in Europe but I have never encountered a problem here in the UK. A bit of research on the internet will usually tell you pitch sizes and the Aires Guides often give you any size restrictions. There are lots of bigger units on the road than mine so I guess 28ft should not be a problem especially if you are experienced in driving large vehicles. Livability would be my main consideration, the 669 for me compromised on living area space to make way for the Island bed and although this would not make a difference when the weather is good enough to be outside the van, on the occasions you have take refuge inside the 669 would have been too claustraphobic for me, but like everything it is all down to personal preferences. You don't say whether you are looking at buying new or used, take a look at the new Kon Tiki 679. Now if I had the money to upgrade this would be a real contender !
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We have the 610 which is about 21' which is quite a bit smaller than the one your looking at. All I can say from experience is that we are very happy with the build quality of the Kontiki the finish of cubpoards etc; is very good in comparison to some we looked at before we bought ours which was 1 year old when we got it, touch wood we havent had any problems with it in the 4 years we have had it.


The only thing to consider as you say your after buying for when your O.H. retires, is 70 comes around very quickly and 3.500 tons is our limit I dont know how you would fare as your husband has his H.G.V. license.


And our 2.8. engine we recon on about 30 miles to the gallon on a good run.

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PJay - 2009-03-01 4:55 PM



think you can drive over 3500 tons at 70, but you have to have a medical to get your licence renewed, and that is every 3 years




You are right about being able to drive over 3.5 T at 70+ but I believe the annualmedical is Annually.

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You could be right about the medical. My other half has just renewed his licence for the second time(73) but has not got the 3500+ so i just assumed the medical was as the licence (3yearly) Not sure we would want a van over 3500 anyway, ours is plenty big enough to drve around at 20 foot long


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Hi Everyone,

Thank you all very much for the advice, it's really helpful. Interesting to know about travelling on smaller roads, in villages etc. & also the stuff about the medicals - it's all to be considered.

Any other tips or advice will be appreciated

Thanks all x


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I would just like to draw your attention to the problems being encountered with Fiat based motorhomes especially the new model.


White van man does not drive a Fiat - everything but - so there must be a reason as profit is the main consideration for a business and Fiat are cheaper.


My advice is to read everything you can in magazines and the forums as there is a lot to assimulate and plenty of helpful advice.


I have googled the Kon Tiki 679 and found that one is available for hire - a good way to find out if it suits you.


Happy hunting







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PJay - 2009-03-01 4:55 PM



think you can drive over 3500 tons at 70, but you have to have a medical to get your licence renewed, and that is every 3 years


Yes I know but its a hassle isnt it? and round about 70 is when my O.H. has just started getting health problems :-S and I have started getting nervy when he is reversing up our drive HE is alright its ME. *-)

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we are on our second KonTiki (10years) and have travelled throughout UK and Europe and find that size does not matter.

If its worth visiting then there is coach access and usually parking for the tourists so if a coach can get in so will an 8metre KonTiki.


The van quality and fitments are top class, so go for it and good luck



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