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Fiat/Peugeot/Citroen transmission defect


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X250 owners seem to have reached the end of the road as far as any further mods to resolve the reversing problem are concerned.

In theory I see 2 options neither of which are likley

1 Have the new Ford based engine and gearbox fitted to existing vehicles

2 A new gearbox developed for the 2.3 & 3 litre engine with appropriate reverse ratio.

After some presure Peugeot did come clean and acknowledge there was a problem and what it was so.What will their attitude be to further customer complaints following modification about the still far from ideal reversing situation???

I think Andy's earlier suggestion that we push for and extended warrenty on the drive train is the only thing we can hope for however I do not think that would come without considerably presure and Peugeot may be the ones that concede first.Where Peugeot go FIAT may follow.

Given a situation where judder becomes apparent I beleive clutch slipping is the answer it may well lead to premature clutch failure but once out of warrenty its a cheaper option than a new gearbox.


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PSHORT - 2009-04-18 10:06 AM



As I am in much the same area(between Southampton and Portsmouth) I would be interested to know which garage you used as when mine is called in I want someone who has some experience on the procedure. Was yours their first such conversion I wonder,?


Hi Paul, You will see from my recent post, that my Peugeot Dealer was Hartwells of Ferndown.


However, Just last week they have changed over to KIA cars, but have sent a circular to all previous customers stating that they will continue to support existing Peugeot customers with spares and repairs etc.


I had the opportunity to have a breif chat to the mechanic doing the job about an hour after he had started it. I had left my reading glasses in the van and had to return to get them.


He admitted that it was his first time for this sort of job, and had never been inside a gearbox before. I did wonder and hope that he had access to higher support.


Service reception wanted it for 5 days, but in fact it was ready in 3 so no complaints with that. On my initial approach to them, of course it was all news to them, and I had to be very firm to get them to arrange for someone to come for a demonstration /test run. Once that hurdle was passed, they have been much more cooperative


I dont know if they will agree to take a second one, in view of their change to KIA, but if not then you could try the peugeot man in Brockenhurst, or further away, Olds of Dorchester.


Hope that might be of some use.




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I have been watching this particular posting with great interest as I have a Fiat based Motorhome,and yes it does judder in reverse, and I,m still in the queue for the fix (since November 2008) I think One point were all missing in this conundrum is that WE would be future purchasers of new/second hand motorhomes and if our experience is that Fiats /Peugeot are not a good base vehicle for our next Purchase through all we have heard and learnt, then we will avoid them much to the detriment of the sevel group , I for one will never ever buy another Sevel Product be it Fiat or Peugeot.and I,m sure anyone who has read this forum posting on this subject will shy away from Fiats / Peugeot,s (if they have any sense) so Fiat and Peugeot are not only dealing with today's customer they have to consider what this is doing to tomorrow's customer will they have faith in the new Model or will they turn out to be tomorrow's problem, If Fiat / Peugeot do not sit up and listen their already damaged reputation will end up in Rags. I have already made my feelings known to the rep dealing with the gearbox fix ,I think that's why I,m having such a long wait for the so called fix. I know people are getting fed up of this topic but it should not be allowed to die a death as it is the only response a lot of us have to Fiats future treatment of those of us with this problem gear box, Fiat,s Gearbox service Manager asked me where I got his phone number and when I told him ,his reply was a sarcastical Oh the good ole Forums. so someone is aware of what is being said and written.


United we stand divided we may fall

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Well, it's that time of year again when we clear off in the van for a few months enjoying ourselves in an attempt to convince everyone we're working.

Last year when we disappeared to Europe things weren't going well with this matter, but when we got back you lot had almost sorted it out, so we leave tomorrow knowing that Fiat will be seeing things sensibly and offering us all an extended warranty by the time we re-surface some time in August or September.

We aren't going abroad this year, so will be calling in at our shack in Leyland to cut the hedges occasionally, pick up emails and Scotch (although a trip to Islay is on the agenda), so if anyone has any good news or needs to speak to me just email.

I may be a while responding as I'm too tight to pay for that Wi-fi access stuff, and can never get it to work anyway.

Let's hope it's a good summer in Scotland, Wales, and Ireland, which is where we will hopefully be.


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Thanks very much Andy for your input. Your posts (and those of others) on juddergate have prevented me from making a very expensive mistake.


Enjoy your travels and don't let the transmission get you down even if it lets you down. Perhaps its just as well your not going abroad!

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:-D Andy may I just say have a good holiday and I too would like to thank you for your long lasting contribution and dedication in pursuing a favourable outcome to the Juddergate Saga, now go and relax, just keep driving forward your bound to end back at home sometime , good Luck and safe Journey,s

Corky :-D

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Guest peter
Don't you think it strange that nearly all of the people with the so called gearbox judder do not state what van they have?.
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Not strange at all, we want to keep you out of the inner circle of judderers, so here goes, I may be chastised for my lack of control at our next gathering where we can exchange anecdotes and have councelling to help us cope with our affliction


Burstner 615 Solano LP 2007 2.3 6 fwd gears 1 judder rev, average running weight 3400kgs


That feels good!!!!!!



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peter - 2009-04-21 10:29 PM


Don't you think it strange that nearly all of the people with the so called gearbox judder do not state what van they have?.

I have always stated the brand of my van in the majority of my postings.

More so recently as th denyers are saying there is no problem with the 3litre models-PAH!

And for the record; it is an Autotrail Scout on a 3litre 6-speed Fiat chassis.

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Guest peter

I hope not to become a member of your distinguished club Clive. As I've just bought a Burstner Morano T640.

But I don't care that much if I do, as it's a great van and the new Fiat cab is brilliant compared to the older one I had on my Rapido.

But I'm having the first stage fix done in May, just in case. :D

Will keep you posted. *-)

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Peter, I have clearly stated on many occasions the details of my van, right down to to the Fiat Official transmission ratio. I am not intrested in snobbery or bragging, I am only intrested like the rest of us of getting away in our vans, all we are trying to highlight is the problems we are having with our vans.


Fiat Ducato X250 2,3 litre 6 speed on Maxi 4.0 tN chassis Autotrail Cheynne 660.


On a plus side is is excellent in a forward direction, however, in reverse it is poor, before the modification I could not reverse on to my 1:40 gradient brick blocked drive without slipping the clutch and severe judder. Since the modifications the van is more than capable of reversing up a slight gradient, but, unable to reverse up a grass gradient pitch or a medium gradient smooth road surface.



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I don't want to seem like a 'Damp Squib' to you guys, especially as i don't own an 'Afflicted' X250 Sevel, But the outcome seems to be that Fiat etc.,

are thinking that this is as far as they go in the process of curing the problem. That being the case , I personally wouldn't touch a second hand/nearly new or 'new,old stock' X250 based unit of any type. I wouldn't buy one at least until the present 'stockpile' of X250's have cleared (about 2010 at a guess !) how that leaves converters, dealers who only market sevel based vehicles will be a PROBLEM (in my opinion).

A lot of unsuspecting folks will get their fingers burnt, it really is a jungle 'out there' . People who still buy knowing about the problem deserve all they get. :-(

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Guest JudgeMental

Have been away on holiday for a few weeks and it’s nice to see the aggressive/antagonistic threads have been either removed or disappeared.....


I wish all well with the fix! Can anyone advise when vans of the production line will benefit for this revised gearbox/clutch?


I am going to Dusseldorf show end of August and would like to know the position *-)

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Can anyone tell me if this judder problem affects the 2.2 100hp peugeot or has that got a different gearbox?. My wife and I are looking to purchase a new Compass 180 but having read about this problem I am not sure what to do. Unfortunately I do not know of a motorhome with the layout we want (rear lounge/front dinette) at about the compass price (£33000) that does not use the Fiat/Peugeot base vehicle - any ideas?


Cheers, Jim

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Just read the latest press from Fiat in May MMM.It explains the position quite clearly! Only 2.3 JTD may suffer and only " a limited number".As for the rest of you it must be in your mind or down to driver error!!

I am off to find some flying pigs whilst keeping my chequebook firmly in my pocket.

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Just read the latest press from Fiat in May MMM.It explains the position quite clearly! Only 2.3 JTD may suffer and only " a limited number".As for the rest of you it must be in your mind or down to driver error!!

I am off to find some flying pigs whilst keeping my chequebook firmly in my pocket.

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Just read the latest press from Fiat in May MMM.It explains the position quite clearly! Only 2.3 JTD may suffer and only " a limited number".As for the rest of you it must be in your mind or down to driver error!!

I am off to find some flying pigs whilst keeping my chequebook firmly in my pocket.

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