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Fiat/Peugeot/Citroen transmission defect


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Recieved this decision of the SMMT this morning, what a waste of time, the van is still juddering.




Our Ref: /RCU -000XXXX


04 June 2009





Dear Mr XXXX


Re: Your vehicle



Model: Ducato Motorhome


We have now received further information back from Fiat UK regarding your dispute.


Upon speaking with the service manager at Platt’s of Longton, the manufacturer states that no further inspection is required.


The garage has informed them the modification has been completed correctly and Fiat is pleased with the results.


In the opinion of Fiat, the vehicle is performing within their expected parameters and they confirm that no further work is required on the Fiat Ducato Motorhome in respect of this issue.


The aim of the Motor Industry Code Conciliation Service is to resolve disputes that arise under the terms and conditions of the manufacturer’s obligations set out in the Motor Industry Code of Practice for New Cars. Due to the above information I am satisfied that Fiat Group UK Limited has met these obligations in this instance.




Yours sincerely




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Melvin - 2009-06-04 12:15 PM



Recieved this decision of the SMMT this morning, what a waste of time, the van is still juddering.




Our Ref: /RCU -000XXXX


04 June 2009





Dear Mr XXXX


Re: Your vehicle



Model: Ducato Motorhome


We have now received further information back from Fiat UK regarding your dispute.


Upon speaking with the service manager at Platt’s of Longton, the manufacturer states that no further inspection is required.


The garage has informed them the modification has been completed correctly and Fiat is pleased with the results.


In the opinion of Fiat, the vehicle is performing within their expected parameters and they confirm that no further work is required on the Fiat Ducato Motorhome in respect of this issue.


The aim of the Motor Industry Code Conciliation Service is to resolve disputes that arise under the terms and conditions of the manufacturer’s obligations set out in the Motor Industry Code of Practice for New Cars. Due to the above information I am satisfied that Fiat Group UK Limited has met these obligations in this instance.




Yours sincerely




That's a bit Cavalier of the SMMT. How on earth can they make that statement when they haven't even been in the vehicle to assess it?.
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Euroserve I would agree with you, this is the SMMT prior email, this so called inspection has not been carried out. As regards modification carried out correctly it has been back twice, the last time for a quite a severe oil leak.




28 May 2009






Re: Your vehicle



Model: Ducato Motorhome


Thank you for your email on the 27th May 2009 in regards to your vehicle.


Having reviewed Fiat’s response to the case, I have requested the manufacturer inform me of when the inspection is taking place.


Once the inspection has been done and I have been informed of the outcome, I shall be in touch with you again in due course.



Yours sincerely




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Why not phone Ms Nicholls and ask her to send you a copy of the relevant "terms and conditions of the manufacturer’s obligations set out in the Motor Industry Code of Practice for New Cars"? Then you will be in a better position to decide whether or not Fiat has met its 'obligations' under the Code.

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Well I got the 'dear John Letter' from Fiat yesterday.


Your motorhome completed several reversing manoeuvers in order to fully test its performance. When the vehicle was reversed a slight vibration was felt, however, when the engine speed was increased very slightly the vibration was eliminated.


In the opinion of Fiat, your vehicle is performing within our expected parameters and I can comfirm that no further work is required on your Fiat Ducato Motorhome in respect of this issue.


Following the final transmission modification I tested the motorhome with the Fiat technician, this was carried out in the confined of the incline in their workshop yard. After 2 attempts the test was aborted and no road test was carried out. I was told to report back to Fiat, Fiat stated they are going to investigate further and issue a new case No.





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Calling all Peugeot 2.2l, 6-speed gearbox owners who have had the gearbox rework!

Having gone back to Peugeot Customer Care expressing my disappointment that the gearbox rework only gave a small improvement in the reverse gear judder (in an unladen condition) I have been assured that Peugeot have dealt with cases where this fix, i.e. the gearbox rework, has successfully resolved the problem.

Are there any owners out there who have had the gearbox rework who can report that they now have no judder?

There was a reported case in the May MMM where Stan Tingle reported that a new gearbox with the even lower reverse gear ratio, and a new clutch, had solved his problem. Are there other owners out there who have had a new gearbox fitted with similar results?

Plenty of owners look at this thread but it appears that few are reporting back on their experiences.


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aj8one - 2009-06-01 4:14 PM


Relatively new here


Seems that we need a larger voice to put our points to fiat, has anyone considered contacting BBC Watchdog


Watchdog is back on in the Autumn, in the meantime here is the link.


The categories are quite restrictive-nothing for motoring so I would suggest using 'miscellaeneous'.


also the One Show contact Dom Littlewood



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I suspect that odd requests here and there just get lost in the general waffle.

What I think you probably need to do is present the case on behalf of all those affected, not just as individuals.  I don't know who, apart from Andy, has the information on all of those affected, but it must surely be possible to submit a virtual petition to the programme presenters stating number of owners affected, the costs of the vehicles involved, the problems the judder presents, the damage that has been caused to various vehicles, the unhelpful responses from Fiat (and PSA), the lack of future guarantee on the fixes offered, the way in which manufacturer's warranties work against consumer interests when the defect is in design and not an isolated vehicle, etc etc?

With that much evidence of a genuine problem, they might be inclined to pay a bit more attention.  You can't all rely endlessly on Andy, or any other individual, to do all the spadework.  C'mon guys - get organised and all put your shoulders to the wheel.  (This latter comment applies more to the army of mute readers who do not post, than to those on here who I know play an active role in getting satisfactory resolution, so don't all sling bricks at once :-) !!)

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Brian Kirby - 2009-06-07 11:03 AM

I suspect that odd requests here and there just get lost in the general waffle.

What I think you probably need to do is present the case on behalf of all those affected, not just as individuals.  I don't know who, apart from Andy, has the information on all of those affected, but it must surely be possible to submit a virtual petition to the programme presenters stating number of owners affected, the costs of the vehicles involved, the problems the judder presents, the damage that has been caused to various vehicles, the unhelpful responses from Fiat (and PSA), the lack of future guarantee on the fixes offered, the way in which manufacturer's warranties work against consumer interests when the defect is in design and not an isolated vehicle, etc etc?

With that much evidence of a genuine problem, they might be inclined to pay a bit more attention.  You can't all rely endlessly on Andy, or any other individual, to do all the spadework.  C'mon guys - get organised and all put your shoulders to the wheel.  (This latter comment applies more to the army of mute readers who do not post, than to those on here who I know play an active role in getting satisfactory resolution, so don't all sling bricks at once :-) !!)

Brian , I for one couldn't agree with you more ,I have sent dozens of e mail,s to different magazines ,etc even Watchdog and very rarely get a reply , lone voices are lost in the wilderness, as regards to a figurehead to represent the active few and the many silent effected owners of these Fiats, that could only fall in Poor ole Andy,s Lap, he has More insight as to where things have Failed to progress to than anyone,But I dont think its a task he can shoulder alone and just how we can be of assistance to him,(should he be willing to take on this Mantle again) only Andy can say,and I to say to those Silent effected onlookers your input and just making yourselves known could make all the difference, I have a friend who thinks if he doesn't complain and register when he comes to trade it in he will get a better deal than those who say they have the Problem , I think he,s in for a shock, with you all the way here Brian :-D
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Our van is a Peugeot 100 bhp 5 speed and we have experienced judder since we purchased it new in Nov. 08. Last week it was at our dealer who I understand replaced the reverse gear, drive shaft, clutch and some other part. On reversing it unladen up the slope of our drive there did seen to be some improvement. We are away shortly and hope to give it a more thorough test and will report our findings. It does seem at least Peugeot are taking this problem seriously.
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A complete waste of time, due to the high value of motorhomes, I have discussed the situation at length with them. If you have been ripped off with a faulty television you might stand a chance of some payback but even then your claim could fail at the final hurdle and you could be left with egg on your face. BIG MONEY.

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The best way to deal with this fiascoe should be, as I have said before, is a mass demonstration by everyone who is concerned about the lack of response from Fiat so that the media can then highlight the sitution. Yes there are owners who will sit on the fence and let people like Andy do the dirty work for them, it's like loading the gun and letting someone else fire the bullets.
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rolandrat - 2009-06-07 3:23 PM



A complete waste of time, due to the high value of motorhomes, I have discussed the situation at length with them. If you have been ripped off with a faulty television you might stand a chance of some payback but even then your claim could fail at the final hurdle and you could be left with egg on your face. BIG MONEY.


Hi Roland, I haven't looked at the site in depth but pehaps you could expand on your egg on face and big money comments. I understood the service is about acertaining your rights etc. Or is that not the case?


Not trying to be difficult here at all would just like to know what they do and don't do. I'll also have another look at the site. I recommended it as it's been mentioned today in The Financial Mail On Sunday, regarding a motorist who has a grouse with a new car.



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We have just had our Peugeot 5 speed gearbox and clutch "fixed". After a four day testing trip the first impressions were quite good. The van was easier to reverse onto a pitch and did not judder much on grass. However, when tested on a local 12% hill (only the second time I have dared to do it) the judder was little changed. Still bad and still alarming to experience. The only real improvement was that the clutch survived this time! I am afraid that it is a case of "good try Peugeot but not good enough".
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Hi Martyn,

the reason I mentioned the final hurdle point was because I was recently involved with what I can only describe a cowboy tradesman situation with a fitted kitchen, the advice you receive is quite good until you get down to the nitty grittys and it all boils down to how much you want to spend in legal fees and could it be thrown out on a legal technicality leaving you with a very big bill. The rogue tradesmen out there are fully aware of what they can get away with and some of these government funded advice centres are a complete joke. Also beware of the No Win No Fee gobbledegook, there's no such thing as a free meal ticket.


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I think that previous suggestions of a few vans dirving round or parked in front of Fiat HQ is a good one, minimal cost and probably TV will pick it up after all it fills the screens for them at minimal cost also. Going through the legal process is probably expensive and a bit of a minefield.
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I read on a thread a little while ago that a group of owners of the sportier Transit vans were planning to descend on Dagenham to obtain some action from Ford because I recollect of their vehicles alledged ability to devour brake discs or something similar. They said the press had expressed interest but I have heard nothing further.Anyone know the outcome? It would be nice to think that Ford adressed the problem and made the planned demonstration unnecessary or did the press decide to pursue other areas of complaint that currently fill our papers. If there is to be a demonstration make sure nothing else is happening in the political world!!!
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bobalobs - 2009-06-08 12:37 PM


I read on a thread a little while ago that a group of owners of the sportier Transit vans were planning to descend on Dagenham to obtain some action from Ford because I recollect of their vehicles alledged ability to devour brake discs or something similar. They said the press had expressed interest but I have heard nothing further.Anyone know the outcome? It would be nice to think that Ford adressed the problem and made the planned demonstration unnecessary or did the press decide to pursue other areas of complaint that currently fill our papers. If there is to be a demonstration make sure nothing else is happening in the political world!!!




As a user and not an owner I'm not fired up enough to organise, but surely there's an angry enough owner to get it sorted, might need to do it on the 'darkside' though as Warners might not want it organised on this site.

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I thought this might intrest you people


Our Ref: /RCU -000XXXX


08 June 2009




Dear Mr xxxxx


Re: Your vehicle



Model: Ducato Motorhome


Following Fiat Group Automobiles UK Ltd’s response to your case and information from you advising the judder was still occurring, I went back to Fiat and have been advised of the following.


The manufacturer is happy with the performance of the vehicle. The Fiat dealership has completed the modification and is happy with the work completed. They have confirmed that the information from the dealership is sufficient enough to close the case. Fiat initially advised they will not be carrying out any further work.


They state the vehicle is performing within their design parameters. The modification has been successful and a slight adaption of driving style maybe required when performing some manoeuvres.


However, they have now spoken with their technical department and will arrange an inspection with the dealership (Platt’s). They will complete an inspection to confirm all the modifications have been completed properly and that the vehicle is responding correctly. However they are sure that this is the case but will carry this last inspection in order to confirm should you wish to proceed via legal routes.


The dealership will contact you directly when a date has been arranged. Fiat is aware of your internet posts on Motorhome forums and the information you have reported.


They are confident that the modifications have been completed correctly.


Following the above information, I will await the outcome of the inspection and be in touch in due course.



Yours sincerely





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Just a suggestion, try to mark the components where the dealers fitter is likely to carry out the modifications, that way you will be able to tell if its been done or not. It's been to know that disputed vehicles have been left parked up for a couple of days untouched then the owner has been contacted and told that its ready for collection, you think it has been sorted when it hasn't. It's a lousy thing to do but it happens. I would suggest mixing an unusual colour of paint and dabbing it on nuts, bolts, bellhousings, shafts and wheelnuts etc.


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It has had all the modifications, Platts carryout the transmission modifications in a proffesional manner, I have no dispute with Fiat dealership Platts, but, it still judders badly, I am trying to get a resolution from Fiat

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