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Bad good bad day - just got worse


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Rinsing through my van's water system and lo and behold, water poured into the cupboards from the kitchen tap. Connection to the base of the tap has failed. Wonder how the connection to the bathroom sink tap is holding up because I can't see a way of getting to check.


Now follows the hours of drying up and throwing away damaged kitchen goods,


Both my wife and I work so it's one of those days when we wonder whether motohoming is worth the aggravation.

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Same sort of thing but not as bad just seen me kitchen tap is leaking just slightly at the spout end I'm in Spain as well so hope it holds out til I get home at Easter :'( :'( if not could cost a few (pesetas) euros!!
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Know the feeling, cleared the van garage out this morning, prior to collecting a lump of furniture and found a really wet patch at the bottom of the back wall. It was behind where the table was stored so not noticed it before. Panel is soft round there. I keep an eye on the top end in the lockers and so on but never thought to check round the bottom.

Booked in for Monday week for inspection. More hassle.



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