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fiat camper assisit


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When discussing the width of X250 vs RAC ristrictions with RAC rep I was told "well you will be covered for first X years as we do Fiat", this was last year. Was puzzled on later reading elsewhere that AA covered Fiat.
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Nice to see Fiat are still monitoring this forum.

Could "Fiat" therefore inform me (and all the others who posted earlier before we were side-tracked onto RAC/AA) whether my panel van conversion purchased/registered in November 2008 as a "Motor Caravan" is eligible for Fiat Camper Services?

Tried the 008000... FreePhone number and was just bounced backwards and forwards between Fiat and the RAC. Eventually gave up.

Called in to the Fiat stand at the NEC 10 days ago and no-one there could/would give me an answer (I had hoped that in a camping/caravanning show they should have realised that someone was bound to ask and they had done the necessary groundwork so I came equiped with my V5). I did gain the impression that I was far from the first to have raised this query.

Still they took my name, contact, and vehicle details and they promised to get back to me...

Nothing yet ...


I'll let you know if/when I have an answer.





My conversion is a "camper" and looks similar to the one on their Camper Services opening page http://www.fiatcamper.com/services.php




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thanks for the reply mr fiat but my van was registered in march 08 .a letter could have been left in cab at point of sale .saves a lot of cost on your mobile when you are on the phone to the wrong breakdown service .i and other owner now have the right company to deal with.

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"CAB, would this be the same problem as listed here?

http://www.outandaboutlive.co.uk/forums/forums/thread-view.asp?tid=14866&posts=42 "



Spot-on. Apologies for hijacking this thread.

In my rush I had confused the 2 threads with similar titles.

Nevertheless as "Fiat" is obvioulsy monitoring this thread it would be good if he/she could provide a definitive answer to the questions posted on the other thread.

In particular:

Are all conversions based on the X250 (A-class, coachbuilt, panel van conversions etc) eligible for Camper Assist


Is there a 2-tier "Animal Farm" scenario in that all conversions (or converters) are equal, but some are more equal than others?


I will now retire to the previous thread!




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As both motorhomes that are having this Fiat Camper Assist problem are recently-converted Murvi models, I would think you should be making serious overtures to Murvi rather than Fiat.


You might try asking Murvi why current panel-van conversions from other companies - not just 'biggies' like Trigano, but 'smallies' like Timberland and IH Motor Campers - have Fiat Camper Assist but not (seemingly) those from Murvi.


I'm gaining the impression that you and John Meadows are very happy to get stuck into Fiat about this issue, but uncomfortable about grabbing Murvi by the throat.


While it may well be Fiat's 'fault' that your motorhomes have not got Fiat Camper Assist, I'm doubtful that you will be able to sort this out as individual owners. You really should be taking a tough line with Murvi and demanding that they make every effort on your behalf to sort this out.

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Please can you contact our customer relations department with your vehicle details and we will be happy to confirm your information.


00800 3428 0000



Many thanks


Justin Westnedge

Fiat Professional Supervisor

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I was told by my supplying dealer in June last year that the RAC were no doing it.

I left the RAC some years ago because I considered them to be inefficient. When the clutch went on my vehicle with less than 600 miles on the clock,the RAC recovery were late. The police on scene at the time 'forced' me to use thier agent which cost me £150. They were unable to lift the vehicle despite a fairly substantial 'break back' truck and 'soft towed' me about 200 yards to a layby. When the RAC's agent arrived he was not a happy bunny,he had been given incorrect directions. I had to give directions to an operator in Italy who had difficulty pronouncing the place names. I was surprised they didn't have an adequate mapping software.

Also according to the computers, my van was 'lost' for 48 hours because the RAC hadn't inputted it on their system,only my threat to contact the Police,and report it stolen, elicited a response as to its whereabouts,sometime later,. The only benefit is that I can regail my chums with the tale of the lost camper and the Grand Tour it did of 5 FIAT garages in North West England,some twice!!

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thank you mr fiat contacted your customer services today     to be told i have now got rac cover .your head office is getting back to me .i pointed out that your paper work said i was with the aa .i had rac cover that i paid for just before i tuck delivery of the camper .if i had known i was with rac i would have suspend the rac .your aa paper work left in van said if with aa you can suspend your membership.

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Finally received a reply from Fiat via email (copied below) which confirms what I had suspected for some time. Unless the vehicle was sourced directly from Fiat as a base vehicle for conversion (in the main chassis-cabs) then my panel van conversion is not a "camper" in Fiat's view, but a commercial vehicle.


Some panel vans, mainly from larger converters who purchase directly from Fiat, may also qualify - particularly if the converter also offers coachbuilt and similar models.


It would have been far simpler if this information had been published on their Fiat Camper Services website (http://www.fiatcamper.com/services.php).


However (and correct me if I am wrong) all is not lost as:

"Authorised" conversions are eligible for 2 years Fiat Camper Assist (RAC) and 2 years Fiat warranty

"Commercial" conversions are eligible for 1 year UK/Europe breakdown/recovery cover (AA), 2 years Fiat warranty, and 1 year dealer warranty.


So I lose a year's breakdown cover, but gain a year's warranty?


I'm not going to take up the offer of contacting customer support again as on the two previous occasions I was bounced between different departments and numbers and got nowhere - although I do now have a named Customer Care representative to ask for.





"Thankyou for contacting Fiat Professional. I have recieved your email regarding RAC Camper assist policy.


I have spoken to the relevant department who have advised me that your vehicle is panel van which was sold to Murvi by Barnes as a commercial vehicle. Murvi have converted into a motorhome which benefits with a 1 year AA cover which expires in December 2009.


I hope this information is of use to you if do you wish to discuss this further please contact me on 00800 342 80000.




Jamil Hussain

Fiat Professional "


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In the August 2008 issue of MMM the magazine's Deputy Editor, Rachel Stothert, looked at motorhome warranties. A longish list was published of motorhome-makes marketed in the UK showing their base-vehicle, habitation and water-ingress warranty durations.


Although it was generally true that, for motorhomes based on a Fiat Ducato, the duration of the base-vehicle warranty was 2 years, there were exceptions. Fiat-based Auto-Trail, Bavaria, CI, Hymer, Lunar, Murvi, Rapido, Swift Group, Timberland and Trigano motorhomes were said to have a 3-year base-vehicle warranty, though the 3rd year was often insurance-based (rather than manufacturer-based) and, in the case of Hymer and Rapido, evidently applied only to 'UK-sourced chassis'.


Roadside assistance packages were also mentioned with the Fiat Ducato one referred to as:


"Camper Assist: 3 yrs on UK-sourced chassis, 2 yrs on European chassis. Fiat Assist 12months AA."


The following paragraphs appeared in the article's text:


"It's worth mentioning the Fiat Camper Assist scheme as a separate entity. If your new vehicle is registered as a motorhome with the DVLA, you should be able to qualify for this service, which not only offers roadside assistance, but will tell you where the nearest Fiat garage suitable for motorhomes is, among many other things.


Van conversions aren't always registered as motorhomes with the DVLA, so make sure you do this, specifically on a Fiat Ducato-based vehicle. There are a whole host of other benefits for registering your camper as a motorhome, as described in the tips for buying a used motorhome feature."


(Presumably guidance about the link between the Fiat Camper Assistance scheme and DVLA registration was provided to Rachel by Fiat - otherwise I can't imagine where it would have come from.)


The MMM piece also included a useful 'Warranties - Questions to Ask' crib-sheet that, if used by motorhome potential buyers, might go some way towards avoiding the warranty-related misunderstanding occasionally complained of on forums.


As I said previously, if a Ducato is purchased by a converter as a 'commercial vehicle', with a commercial-vehicle warranty, then it doesn't seem unreasonable to me that, even after the vehicle has been converted into a motorcaravan, and DVLA-registered as such, it will remain ineligible for Fiat 'Camper' services. Although this view appears to conflict with Rachel Stothert's advice, I still think there's a good chance that's how Fiat would play it and Mr Jamil Hussain's e-mail to you seems to confirm this.


Unfortunately (as is often the case with these things), what is really needed is a straightforward explanation from Fiat's side as to how the metamorphosis of a Ducato 'chassis' into a Ducato-based motorhome is processed by Fiat as far as the warranty is concerned. If IH Motor Campers and Timberland can market their panel-van conversions with 'motorhome' warranty terms and conditions that include Fiat Camper Assistance (which is what the two companies led me to believe) then what do they do that Murvi does not?


I'm going to suggest to you that the first two paragraphs in your latest posting are actually educated assumptions on your part and that Mr Hussain's e-mail does not satisfactorily confirm them. It may be that Murvi is the sole 'established' UK Ducato converter using a vehicle procurement method that results in the motorhome end-product remaining a commercial-vehicle in Fiat's eyes and non-eligible for Fiat Camper Services. If that were true, surely it would be unrealistic to expect Fiat to modify their international advertising to include an "Except for Murvi" exclusion clause? In any case, as Murvi is (apparently) marketing Ducato-based motorhomes with commercial-vehicle warranties, I believe it is far more important for Murvi to make this plain to potential buyers, than for Fiat's advertising bumph to attempt to cover all 'camper' permutations.


(Incidentally, I tried to explore this issue on the Motor Home Facts forum in the hope that its much larger audience would yield more information. Sadly, a complete waste of my time.)

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Finally talked to someone at Fiat Camper Assist Customer Care.

However I didn't make any further progress. The person I spoke to consulted with others, but was unable to give any information as to the critera for a conversion to qualify for Camper Assist. At one stage he said that all that was needed was for my conversion to be recorded as a Motor Caravan on the V5, but after consulting colleagues he then retracted this statement.

He then stated that the conversion had to be based on the chassis-cab Ducato, but we know (don't we?) that this is not always the case with some panel van conversions apparently being sold with Camper Assist (can any owners confirm this as it looks as if this is the case then it may be news to the Customer Services?)


Frustrating not to have a definitive answer, but life's too short and there are trips to plan for this Easter.



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CAB - 2009-03-16 8:21 PM


He then stated that the conversion had to be based on the chassis-cab Ducato, but we know (don't we?) that this is not always the case with some panel van conversions apparently being sold with Camper Assist (can any owners confirm this as it looks as if this is the case then it may be news to the Customer Services?)





This is what I tried to explore on the MotorHome Facts forum (using one of my several alter egos). As you'll see, things did not go swimmingly!





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Our 2002 Murvi Morello is registered with Dvla as a motor caravan even

though purchased in southern Ireland as a panel van.

There is no logical reason for Murvi to be dealt with by Fiat assist in a

different manner as they purchase their panel vans from the same

dealer that IH use unless their has been a very recent change.

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bobalobs - 2009-03-17 7:09 PM


There is no logical reason for Murvi to be dealt with by Fiat assist in a

different manner as they purchase their panel vans from the same

dealer that IH use unless their has been a very recent change.


Don't overlook that Clive's Morello - although also DVLA-registered as a "Motor Caravan" continues (apparently) to be shown in Fiat's records as a 'commercial vehicle' not a 'camper'. This is why its warranty terms and conditions differ from that of a Ducato perceived by Fiat as a motorcaravan and why (perfectly understandably) it does not qualify for Fiat Camper Assistance.



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CAB - 2009-03-16 8:21 PM Finally talked to someone at Fiat Camper Assist Customer Care. However I didn't make any further progress. The person I spoke to consulted with others, but was unable to give any information as to the critera for a conversion to qualify for Camper Assist. At one stage he said that all that was needed was for my conversion to be recorded as a Motor Caravan on the V5, but after consulting colleagues he then retracted this statement. He then stated that the conversion had to be based on the chassis-cab Ducato, but we know (don't we?) that this is not always the case with some panel van conversions apparently being sold with Camper Assist (can any owners confirm this as it looks as if this is the case then it may be news to the Customer Services?) Frustrating not to have a definitive answer, but life's too short and there are trips to plan for this Easter. Clive


It seems to me that the source of your problem is Murvi, and not Fiat.  Clearly, other converters are able to sell vehicles with Camper Assist, whereas your's does not have this.  The reason, from your enquiries at Fiat, is that a necessary "button" was not pushed at the time of purchase by Murvi, to notify Fiat that your vehicle was destined to become a Camper, and would thus become eligible for the scheme.  This may be a result of the way Murvi buy their vans generally, or it may be an odd instance due to error by Murvi, the supplying dealership, or Fiat.  However, since Murvi bought the van, they would have to initiate the query.  Since you bought from Murvi, it is only with Murvi that you have a contract.  You have no contract with anyone else in the supply chain, so cannot demand answers from them.

Since you have evidence from Fiat that they do not, and unless something changes, will not, accept your vehicle as a Camper, my suggestion would be to write (a proper letter, not an e-mail) to Murvi's MD, with copies of the Fiat correspondence and your evidence that other converters achieve the necessary status, and ask him whether there has been an error in the case of your van or, if not, whether, in view of Fiat's rather sweeping claims, they should not rectify the situation in future - either by clarifying publicly that Murvis will not qualify, or, preferably, by ensuring their acquisition route secures qualification.

It can't be that difficult, and Murvi must have shifted a fair few Fiats over the years, so they ought to get at least some sense from Fiat.

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I am in agreement with most of your comments and observations.

However, despite stirling efforts from Derek Uzzell on this thread and others within this form and elsewhere ( http://www.outandaboutlive.co.uk/forums/forums/thread-view.asp?tid=14866&posts=42 ) no-one that I am aware of with a UK-built panel van conversion has yet come forward stating that their vehicle was supplied with Fiat Camper Assist. Or indeed neither with a continental-sourced panel van conversion. Or have I missed a post?


Frankly I'm not too bothered - it's "swings and roundabouts" for me where the loss on one year FCA/roadside assistance is more than balanced by gaining an extra year dealer warranty - especially as UK/Europe AA assistance/recovery is included in the insurance.


My frustration was with Fiat who have given confusing and ambiguous information both on their website and through their Customer Services.

We know they are monitoring this forum having posted earlier.

All they have to do to stop this thread in its tracks is to explain clearly what converters need to do to ensure that the vehicles they receive from Fiat are "earmarked" for FCA - especially if they are panel vans and not chassis-cabs.


End of story for me.



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CAB - 2009-03-18 8:40 PM


no-one that I am aware of with a UK-built panel van conversion has yet come forward stating that their vehicle was supplied with Fiat Camper Assist. Or indeed neither with a continental-sourced panel van conversion. Or have I missed a post?




You've apparently missed a post. See comments from a Trigano Tribute owner towards the bottom of Page 1 of the other forum posting you refer to.


The reason no owner of "a UK-built panel van conversion has yet come forward stating that their vehicle was supplied with Fiat Camper Assist" may be that there aren't any participating on this forum, but much more likely that they have not been asked directly to comment. Out of personal curiosity I'll give it one last try...

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