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Sorry satallitte again

al n sal

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Hi everyone


sorry this has probably been posted before but I can't find a cheap solution.


right, i have a satellite system in case, Lidle special. works great if plugged up to my portable tv via scart socket.


but i want to be able to use it with my smaller lcd screen, this doesn't have a scart socket only a AV, I have tried the scart to av adapters, 2 x different ones, but the problem is the tv keeps saying No Signal.


I tried the satellite on my main house tv also both via scart (works) and via Av no signal......


Any Ideas please, I really need to use the nice and slim lcd instead of the bulky portable, only a little van




Al :'(

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Would have thought the scart to a/v should work correctly - one thing to check, however, (though I may be teaching my granny.....) is that these leads are 'directional'.


If you have two/three rca (a/v) plugs, these may be either input or output - you may therefore have an a/v to scart lead, rather than scart to a/v!


if you have four/six plugs, then you need to connect the appropriate subset to the TV.


Some leads come with only a single set of plugs, but a switch on the scart that you can set to either input or output, which varies the pins in the scart to which the leads relate.

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We use a scart to AV lead. On the scart end there is a little sliding switch which has to be set to enable either output from the scart end or input from the AV end.


Could that be your problem? Failing that have you obtained a lead which only allows signal from AV to scart and not the other way about?



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Thanks Graham


to be honest I don't know. mine doesn't have any switch or marking on it.


so I think I'll go buy one tomorrow, if it doesn't fix it, it will probably come in handy later, one of those..."Perfect Glad I kept that" jobbies



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Hiya guys

It worked, I first bought a scart adapter(out), and after trying several different leads, all looking the same, I finally stumbled across a setup that worked, I know have satellite that works on my small lcd in my van.Yippeeee....


I am surprised though at how much certain electronics stores want to charge for leads and things, one wanted 29.99, they said it is gold connection, obviously I told him I wanted it diamond tipped and chauffeur driven for that, finally at Maplins 7.99 for the scart adapter, scrounged the leads from friends and also found a few in the loft.


also didn't realise how different leads are, even though they look the same. went through a few before finally finding one that worked without buzzing..


but very happy now.. thank you



al :-o

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