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Habitational Checks


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Should you have a habitation check EVERY YEAR ? if so ,why?

After our first Hab check, we had a problem with the gas valve (unfortunately while in France) Had to sort it ourselves. Have not had one this year yet, Van is three years old and just out of warranty

Others views welcome please

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Thanks Martyn I'll keep them in mind, It's just that I thought £220 was a bit steep,that price was at EMM BEE at Heywood where I got it from and they couldn't tell me when they could do the job as they were so busy.


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Hi Pauline, habitational checks have to be done to satisfy the warranty, if it's a 3 year warranty then you have to have the check done 3 times and logged in the warranty booklet. If anything goes wrong you are not covered if you haven't had it checked.
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Hi, Just had our Hab check done at Geoff Cox in Derby, £126 this is our second and it was done at the dealers to keep the warranty up to date.

Also had the 2nd service done on our Ford Transit that cost £99 all in from Ford garage in Kettering.


So I make that £225 in total.



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Please don't apologise on my account, my comment was aimed at all the posts generally, and was not directed at your post.  Sorry if that was unclear. 

But, for example, Eddie's (judgemental) price from his Belgian dealer is, I think, just for an annual damp check, which what his Eura Mobil warranty requires him to have.  Others are almost certainly having rather more work carried out for their money, but what the individual dealers etc are including is not stated, so it is impossible to know whether a low price represents better value that a higher one - because it is not clear which price includes which checks. 

There is a National Caravan Council (I think) definition of a habitation service, but just because firm A calls their service a "habitation service", it does not guarantee all the NCC's items are covered, or that it is any better, or worse, than firm B's "habitation service".  That is why I said the mere price comparisons were meaningless.

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trickydicky - 2009-03-05 4:24 PM


hi, we have just booked our van in for it's first service and habitation check and have been quoted £380. this is with richard baldwin's in halifax.does this seem ok.

Hi, At this price I wonder if it's worth it ? . I have a van convertion due the first Hab inspection soon, and as an averagely competant DIYer over the next 3 years I wonder what I could not replace for new for 3x£380 ?....Also I think I would rather trust someone like Dave Newell --[even though I dont think he's yet accepted by some converters as an 'official 'Hab-checker ] -- than go to some large dealers.....Any thoughts??

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izzywhit - 2009-03-05 3:48 PM


Hi Pauline, habitational checks have to be done to satisfy the warranty, if it's a 3 year warranty then you have to have the check done 3 times and logged in the warranty booklet. If anything goes wrong you are not covered if you haven't had it checked.


But the warranty ceases after the third year, so could not claim anyway. When it was in warranty and the gas valve went wrong , they would not cover it anyway.

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trooper - 2009-03-05 7:15 PM Its not meaningless, its about how much you have to pay to comply with guarantee's etc on habitation and chassis, the average person wouldn't have a clue what work was actually done.

Then the average person needs to stop being average, and find out!

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Just had an interim mechanical service, habitation service, and damp test at Hymer UK. All come with a sheet telling me what they say they have checked.


Arrived at 8 am and departed a few minutes after noon. Good going I think. Price is less of an issue for me. I demand high levels of service and will pay for it. Hymer UK have not let me down in 9 years. I find it very difficult to take odd days of work unless I book them 2 months in advance.

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Apart from cost, work carried and the quality of the workmanship I think there's further consideration here - but perhaps one that might not appeal to all subscribers. I'm thinking about the concept of, dare I say it, dealer loyalty (no vested interests to declare by the way)


It just occurs to me that if we expect our dealers to keep abreast of technology, hold reasonable stocks of spares and invest in well trained staff then in return we should be prepared to support them by using them to conduct annual servicing.


Now I accept that there comes a point at which all such relationships have their price and some dealers might abuse that loyalty but I certainly believe that if we want better performance from our dealers we have a part to play in that objective. It also occurs to me that with the prospect of fewer 'van sales dealers might become more reliant upon spares and service for their survival - and do we really want them to go out of business?



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For what it's worth -

we had our first vehicle and habitaiton services last July, and Cheslotn quote a fixed price of £299 and £199 respectively.

The warranty for both on our Burstner/ Fiat is 2years, so when the time comes for this years servicing, for the Habiation side I shall simply have the damp check done, plus a gas check., As for the rest I know if somethings working or not, and if not wouldn't want to wait for the service to get it fixed anyway It is also more than likely it would be 'excluded' anyway!

As far as the Fiat side is concerend, I shall go for the full 2 years service, and stay with chelston, if for no oterh reason they are my 'link' for any modification due from the judder problem....and i have reeceived excellent service from them so far at all times.

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Sorry Brian but obviously you are above average and can see what is done when you are not there, I was in boiler repairs, both hands on and managerial and know just a little what goes on. I would always use only people I could trust, Like Dave Newall,

That is the only guarrantee(of sorts) one can get as to what work is done, and if it is done correctly. Over many years I have seen large amounts charged for rubbish work and small amounts for very good work.

To repeat, Only use some one you can trust.


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Guest peter

I also use someone I can trust totally.

Myself :D

As I've said before, as far as I'm concerned the yearly check is a total waste of money.

I check my van every time I use it and if something isn't working , I fix it.

It's all about dealers putting the frighteners on people.

About the only thing that might need keeping an eye on is the gas supply and that shouldn't cost a lot. All you need is a Manometer which you can make yourself.

As an aside, I've never noticed a test point anywhere in my Rapido to test the gas system for leaks. Good job I've fitted a Bubble Tester.

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peter - 2009-03-06 9:59 PM


I also use someone I can trust totally.

Myself :D

As I've said before, as far as I'm concerned the yearly check is a total waste of money.

I check my van every time I use it and if something isn't working , I fix it.

It's all about dealers putting the frighteners on people.

About the only thing that might need keeping an eye on is the gas supply and that shouldn't cost a lot. All you need is a Manometer which you can make yourself.

As an aside, I've never noticed a test point anywhere in my Rapido to test the gas system for leaks. Good job I've fitted a Bubble Tester.



I agree,


All I do is get my local CORGI registered gas installer to carry out the pressure & CO2 checks on my gas appliances from time to time.


I can do the electrics myself and as you say, most of us are aware if we have any problems anyway!!


Sorry, but the majority of habitation checks are purely a 'money spinning rip off'

I don't need to pay to be told that 'everything is working OK Sir !!


I will now put the 'barricades' up and wait for the onslaught to follow !!!



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trooper - 2009-03-06 7:35 PM Sorry Brian but obviously you are above average and can see what is done when you are not there, I was in boiler repairs, both hands on and managerial and know just a little what goes on. I would always use only people I could trust, Like Dave Newall, That is the only guarrantee(of sorts) one can get as to what work is done, and if it is done correctly. Over many years I have seen large amounts charged for rubbish work and small amounts for very good work. To repeat, Only use some one you can trust.

Now, now!  No need for that. :-)

But surely, what any sensible (I assume most average folk are sensible, aren't they?) person does before agreeing to pay £2/300 for a job of work, is to enquire what, actually, will be done?

When my van, or my car, are serviced, I have a service handbook that lists what is to be done, and I get an itemised list of what was done as a matter of course, so, again I know what I have paid for.  If it turns out not to have been done (and so far it hasn't), I can return to have the omission corrected.

If the average person truly does agree to pay those sorts of prices without querying what they will get for their money, then I am indeed above average!  Oh yea, and thank you for pointing that out.  You have just made an ageing man very happy!  :-)

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