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Toilet chemicals

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fjmike - 2009-03-10 10:30 PM


J9withdogs - 2009-03-10 12:53 PM


(Not sure it's nice to advertise another forum on here, fjmike)


At least I was sticking to the thread and not making silly comments


fjmike - do you go into Tesco with a placard saying:


I shop in Asda, why don't you?

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Glad you took the trouble to join motorhometoday and I am genuinely looking forward to your first post. As you have probably seen it is not a commercial forum but run by motorhome owners for motorhomers.


ps we don't mind if you put a link in to Out and About either as most people are members of both forums

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J9withdogs - 2009-03-11 9:18 AM


I've just advertised our forum on that forum - let's see if that's allowed! :D


Why are you giving Mike such a hard time? Lots on here have links to their own more commercial WWW sites and they are ignored.......... His is to another motorhome forum which needs support not criticism *-)

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fjmike - 2009-03-11 12:49 PM Glad you took the trouble to join motorhometoday and I am genuinely looking forward to your first post. As you have probably seen it is not a commercial forum but run by motorhome owners for motorhomers. ps we don't mind if you put a link in to Out and About either as most people are members of both forums

Hello Mike

I assume you eventually got that Pilote to the UK from France OK?

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SOG,s are the next best thing to re-fillable gas bottles, even after a vindaloo the pong doesn't penetrate the van (pity the tent next door).

Someone said why can't you have one at home, you can in Germany seen them on campsite loos they have a fan that sucks air out around the rim of the bowel.

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Derek Uzzell - 2009-03-07 8:35 AM


SOG-related stuff . . .

Current price of a SOG 'kit' approaches £100.


Should anyone be interested in having one fitted and considering a German holiday.


Firma SOG is at, 'In Der Mark, Lof, in the Mosel'. They have a fitting service and a Stellplatze. Free electric hook-up available for pre-booked customers.

Only seems to take a couple of hours (I was having a satellite dish fitted)

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We too have a SOG system fitted. Fab bit of kit. Highly reccomended.

You can't smell anything outside or inside (even after a few beers and a curry!). When blade is opened on toilet, all smells are drawn outside with a fan through a filter.

No chemicals to buy. Soon get your money back. Can empty toilet as often as you like without wasting a 'dose of chemicals'.

First thing to get fitted if we change vans!

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Just got back from the Easter break and was interested to see a sign at the site we used, saying only toilet cassettes with blue chemicals could be emptied there. This makes no odds to us as we have a SOG fitted and use no chemicals, but obviously many places are being more eco aware now.


I have also notices that since having our SOG fitted, we do not use the special toilet paper recommended but use whatever we are using at home, and the outcome is that the home toilet paper breaks down into nothing quicker and better then the special recommended toilet papers! It is also a saving on your purse as well as the convenience of buying.



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But Blue chemicals contain Formaldehyde not what I would call eco friendly. We use a SOG too, having used one I would never have a Motorhome without one.


As for the bog paper we always stock up on the continent even cheaper on the wallet & the narrower width of the rolls means even less to break down.


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lennyhb - 2009-04-16 9:04 AM


But Blue chemicals contain Formaldehyde not what I would call eco friendly. We use a SOG too, having used one I would never have a Motorhome without one.



This is NOT true for Thetford Aqua Chem Blue which is formaldehyde free and has been for years now. It is perfectly safe in septic tanks.



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I was not aware of that. Also the reason they brought out the Green fluid was because it was formaldehyde free, I know in it's early incarnation the green could damage earthenware pipework & and a lot of sites banned it, but that was soon sorted.

So why to they bother to market both?

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Hi Lenny, I don't know the real reason for the production of the Green stuff which is a bio-logical version, however the suspicious mind might believe that money is made from sales and sales are made from marketing and there is a very gullible 'green' section of the community that 'gets off' on believing they are helping to save the planet, irrespective of the personal cost, ready to be 'marketed' too.







for more information. An Australian site but one of the only descriptions I have seen, the Australians are quite careful about their environment though I believe.



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duetto owner - 2009-05-14 8:12 AM


being new never realised the toilet was so complex. We got three bottles free with our van at present using the pink one will try the blue and green ones later, had no problems with any smell with the pink.

The pink one is only for the flush tank, not the cassette. You need to use the blue or green in the cassette.


There are alternatives - we use Elsan Organic - which can be used in both cassette and flush tank.



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duetto owner - 2009-05-14 10:16 AM




Thanks did not know they went in the tank as well was only using them in the flush.


another tip learned.


When all else fails read the instruction books!


We have never used the overpriced Thetford 'special' bum paper and whatever soft paper we have used always breaks down and empties without a problem. Don't be conned by fancy talk and high prices!

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duetto owner - 2009-05-14 11:02 AM




Also got thetford toilet paper with van, will normal paper be ok to use when it runs out.

Definitely. Happened to us as well. We now buy cheapie stuff from whatever supermarket we are in at the time. Never caused us a problem.



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duetto owner - 2009-05-14 11:02 AM




Also got thetford toilet paper with van, will normal paper be ok to use when it runs out.


In our experience the cheap supermarket paper dissolves better than the advised toilet paper which is also more expensive, and since using normal toilet paper have had no problems at all.

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