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Beware scam company Invent Leisure/Parking Sensors


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Just wondered if anyone else has been caught by this company? They call themselves wirelessparkingsensors.co.uk and invent-leisure.com


After getting our first time MH, we ordered a reversing parking sensor set from them - it took lots of messages to get someone to call back to take the order - they took our money out straight away and instead of delivering within 24hrs it was about 10 days. They never ever answer their phones nor reply to emails.


We eventually got the item which was faulty and cannot get hold of them yet again. Eventually we got an email to say we would get a replacement and they would give us a delivery date 'tomorrow', but as the saying goes 'tomorrow never comes' and we still cannot get hold of them, they don't answer the phone and the replacement is not to be seen! They have now taken their business message off their answerphone which is even more of a worry. So a month down the line of taking our money we still haven't got a working kit.


Luckily we paid by credit card and have requested a chargeback as the goods are not 'fit for purpose', but anyone considering using them please beware. The rubbish they put on their site about great customer service is a downright lie - what decent business doesn't ever answer the phone, more like a dodgy one if you ask me!


Thanks for the opportunity to rant!


Helen >:-)

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Helen, sorry you've had all these problems, when I get my MH I'll want reversing sensors so I'll keep clear of them.

2009 will be the year when many companies go bust and most (not all) will be those who don't run a tight ship, who are over levereged (Too much debt) and most importantly don't treat the customer right.

Sadly it's often difficult to find out who these 'dodgy' firms arebecause it's so easy to create a wonderful looking web site and write a few 'testamonials' from non existent customers. 

ETA :-

Just had a look at their web site and nearly fell off my chair laughing at their "Why buy from us" page - completely blank!! Even they couldn't think of ANY reasons to buy from them lol.

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