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Adjustable Height Bed


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Thinking of downsizing our van and looking at vans with a transverse fixed bed with large garage below to store our bikes. Only trouble is that in the vans we've seen so far it is impossible to sit upright without banging our heads on the ceiling or overhead lockers. I vaguely remember reading about a bed that you can lower or raise as you require. Can anybody identify the van in question and whether it is still in production.
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You have not said what size you are downsizing from so what size have you in mind?


Frankia have models where the bed can go up or down over the garage and which you can sit up in either way. Also they don't have overhead lockers just where your head wants to be.



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Have a look at the RDH website:




They sell Kentucky motorhomes (same as Rimor - part of the same company) and some of these have adjustable height rear beds. Their Kentucky Royal has a "rear Double Bed Modifiable in Height Electrically"! Not sure about the other models.


We have a Rimor Sailer 645TC (see picture left) which has a rear garage but it is not as high as the usual garages, you can't put a bike in it normally as it's not high enough, however, we find by removing the quick release front wheels on our mountain bikes and standing them in on the rear wheel and the front forks they fit fine and it only takes 10 seconds to put the wheels back on. This gives us a fixed bed with good headroom but that is not difficult to get in/out of as it is that bit lower, and a usable garage, best of both worlds really.

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Guest JudgeMental

The French firm CHALLANGER do van's with electric double beds over a large garage...Saw these at Dusseldorf show 2 years ago.


My van is 2.9 high with a large garage that can accommodate bikes and a bed above with ample head room....It was hard to find a van without a bed that was not claustrophobic

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