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Northern Ireland

josie gibblebucket

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Just when N.I. was getting past the old image and attracting more and more tourists spending money, but then perhaps thats why these murdering scum commit these attrocities. My thoughts are with the families of the victims.
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It's such a shame!

My daughter and her husband are leaving there in two weeks time. They have seen this coming for a while now and have said it was only time before something like this happened again.

Northern Ireland is a beautiful place, I have visited twice since Louise has been there.

I pray and hope it does not deteriorate into how it was before, it will be a tragedy if it does.

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What really gets me is that both these soldiers were unarmed. Someone had the bright idea some time ago that carrying weapons sent out all the wrong signals and a softly softly approach should be adopted. Well I hope the a**eholes responsible now have the decency to at least spare a thought for the two lads now dead, and for their family and friends in their grief. Police officers there are armed at all times, and what better deterrent for these scumbags than the knowledge that cold blooded murder is liable to be met with equal response, with interest.

My sympathy also goes out to the police officer shot dead today. Difficult job to say the least, but democracy and the rule of law must always come first.

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If only it were just down to democracy, Howie. Fear is already a major part of this as anyone could see in the interview with the teenagers over there yesterday. They ended their interview by saying that they couldn't say too much.


From our safety of England we seem not to have realised that the fear has actually never gone away.


My heart aches for the relatives of the people killed and join the other threadposters in their desperate hope that this terror is squashed quickly. Joy

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The worst thing is, the government know exactly who this "real IRA " are, and who the members are.

They should send in the SAS and wipe them out before they start to get the violence on the move again.

I would respect them for fighting for their cause, if they had the guts to fight the soldiers and police, face to face, but as always, they are cowardly terrorists who hide behind masks and plant booby traps, or fire on unarmed men.


It was good to see the silent protests by young and old folks alike at the recent murders. The good people of N.I. have seen far too much bloodshed, and a return to it after n10 years would be such a shame.

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None of our troops in Northern Ireland have been killed in face to face firefights, they have been either ambushed and shot in the back or they have been killed by carbombs or booby traps.

They haven't been killed in battle they have been MURDERED by cowards.

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The real ira or whatever name these scum hide behind are not trying to unite Ireland. They are simply a criminal gang that are losing their control on drug running, loan sharking, protection rackets and other criminal money raising schemes. Thats why they are trying to show their muscle, to show the ordinary people that they can kill whenever and whoever they want so do what we say and pay up or else.
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