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Andy's Fiat Thread is missing!


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New posts go in at the top of page one, so strings/threads with no recent posts slide back down the order, until they disappear from page one, and so on, into the mists of time!

Andy's page three string had got too big, and the story had moved on a bit, so by agreement, the new string, on page one, was generally adopted as the currently live string.

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Hello Brian,

I now realise what you are saying but have noticed that when I'm logged off and just browsing, Andy's thread is on the 1st page just under the stickies. But when i log on it disappears to page 3 which it has just done since loging on. His last thread then goes completely until i log off then it comes back to page 3 !!. So that is why i asked what had happened to his thread. It seems like i have hit a wrong key somehow, or i have bought a Fiat lap-top that's got the judders or i have progressed from a novice to a complete idiot, is this how it works on Forums?

I shall now log off and watch. Once again sorry for the fright Andy and thanks for the explanation Brian. :-D



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Hi Dave, I think you're mixing the threads up that's all.


Logged or off, the the "new" thread is at or near the top because of the recent posts, the "old" massive thread is slowly drifting away.


Without wishing to sound rude, have you noticed the thread titles are different?


Hope this helps!!




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Hello Martyn.

I realise that about the old thread moving away the problem seems to be that when i log on, Andys new thread moves to the third page and Andys old thread just goes completely but when i log off every thing returns to normal, so being a novice i'm really at a loss to know what to do. Yes i did note the different title and no you are not sounding rude it will be my fault i'm sure so thank you.



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Just below the welcome screen (top right) you will see a "button" called control panel.  Open that and have a fiddle with the options for viewing threads.  Mine are all set to forum default, and I don't get the problem you describe.  If your are also set to forum default, which I imagine they will be unless you've changed something, try alternatives until you get what you want.  I practise, I tend to just click the "new threads" button, but you must log in first for that to work, as it needs to recognise you.
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