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Simple Pleasures in Life like............

josie gibblebucket

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A work colleague was a POW during WWII and, on coming back to England ,a group of them were interviewed at the docks by BBC radio and, on being asked what pleasures they were looking forward to now they were back home, one replied, "sitting on a toilet seat to have a ***t."


Ah! the simple things in life but, thinking about it, a luxury too.


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The wag of my dog's tail - you can't buy that - when I come home


The sight of the first daffodil of the year


The first dawn chorus, waking me up, of the year


Scenery or music that is so beautiful I am moved to tears

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kelly58 - 2009-03-12 12:06 PM
malc d - 2009-03-12 11:58 AM I can't believe that, on a serious thread like this, no-one has yet mentioned bacon sandwiches. ;-)

Would that be smoked bacon toasted sandwich with brown sauce yum yum

Yes, ideally it should be smoked bacon.More seriously, I think one of the greatest pleasures for me is standing on top of a mountain, on a nice day, in a fairly remote place ( e.g. north of Scotland ) and being able to see for miles.( Makes you realise just how insignificant we all are !)Even better if there are no buildings, roads, or other people,in sight. :-|
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Bag of chips of on the way home from the pub wrapped in newspaper with 5 times the recommended amount of salt and vinigar. Mmmm.

Young chick with nice pair of knockers.







































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Oh Howie what are you like?


Great pictures Mick H, who is the little boy?







Other simple pleasures:


Bananas & Custard

The sound of the front door opening so I know my husband's arrived home

My toy clanger that makes that penny whistle sound

and best of all, getting the van ready for a weekend away! ;-)

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LordThornber - 2009-03-12 2:23 PM


Going into a pub, in the middle of goodness knows where after a good trek and finding they keep a top quality cask beer that I recognise, bliss.



PS, Howie, that was a classic mate


Martyn, hic :D


Martyn you took the words out of my mouth. To put a damper on things a mate of mine went to hospital last wednesday with bad headaches and double vision. By sunday they'd turned off the life support, he'd had a tumor he didn't know anything about(obviously). He was 41 with a 6 year old and a 3 year old. So last night i was thinking that there a lot of things that give me pleasure and i should cherish them all, life is too short for negative things and i've been ranting on here a bit lately. So positive things and take pleasure from the simple things.

Sorry everyone but i feel better now

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josie gibblebucket - 2009-03-12 1:36 PM


Oh Howie what are you like?


Great pictures Mick H, who is the little boy?






Hope this opens the article about the little boy.ok.









Other simple pleasures:


Bananas & Custard

The sound of the front door opening so I know my husband's arrived home

My toy clanger that makes that penny whistle sound

and best of all, getting the van ready for a weekend away! ;-)


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I am a hoplessly emotional person and many things bring lumps to my throat and tears to my eyes.


But the ones I cherish the most are those that just appear with no planning.


I remember standing by the mountain stream in the Aire at Le Bresse listening to the water rush over the stones and the sun shinning down and for some reason I just stood and cried, no reason just so happy to be alive. That happened 2 weeks after my friends 9 year old daughter fell ill on the Tuesday evening and passed away on the Thursday for no reason, and it made me realise she would never hear or see any thing like I was experiencing there again.


Gawd, I'm off again now.



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Watching a young lady walk off with £250.000 on 'Deal or no Deal' earlier on. Already accepted a offer of £17.500, but when it came down to either 1p or the £250.000 took up the bankers offer of giving back the £17.500 and went for broke. All drama, but she did win the big one, and what a wonderful start to adult life for this youngster.
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Not usually my cup of tea Janine, but really enjoy this show. Missed the only time the £250.000 went before and great to see a youngster win it this time.


Cutting off that piece of fat when the Sunday joint comes out of the oven and slowly savouring the flavour as it melts in your mouth. Mmmm, i,m dribbling already.

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