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Simple Pleasures in Life like............

josie gibblebucket

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Tuesday night's tea - spam fritter, chips, scraps, mushy peas, bread & butter, nice cuppa tea ... my special 'birthday' tea! :D


Really special simple pleasure ... getting a lick off my poorly Midge (he rarely licks at the best of times) ... priceless!!! :-D


Nice cuppa tea in bed in a morning.


Pottering on a beach with the dogs.


Getting a cuddle from little Lily and big Romy (dogs).


Doing a jigsaw puzzle for the first time in years!



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Howie - thank you my little pink fluffy bunny! :D And everyone else too ... unfortunately I've not been too well since - nothing to do with the spam fritter I hasten to add!!!! Some bug causing a horrible sort throat which felt like someone had cut it literally (now then Judge!) and generally feeling really crappy so I've been off work since Wednesday lunchtime. Off out tonight as it's our friend Angie's 60th birthday surprise do ... don't think she's twigged! Don't really feel like it and wouldn't normally go out when I've been off work poorly but can't let them down as we're taking them to the venue. It'll cheer me up a bit so that'll be good and the sore throat is much better so I should at least be able to partake of the grub. :-D
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