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Satelite Finder - Price

mike 202

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Hi just a bit of info might save someone a few pounds. I needed a satellite finder and found one in Towshure catalogue with LED's at £26.95p but to my surprise the same item or very similar was on sale at B&Q for under £10.00p. B&Q also had an analogue one for £14 which I bought.
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I don't know if you took a look at the Maplin Sat Finder Kit (it has a similar analogue meter to the B & Q one I think).


It was £29.99 at Maplins, now reduced to £19.99 ( http://www.maplin.co.uk/Module.aspx?ModuleNo=858&doy=12m3&C=SO&U=strat15 )


If you use ebay and put in item number 270290038129 the same kit can be bought for £7.49 (Brand New).


Got myself one last week - Worth it if all you use is the compass and Meter.



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Hi. Has anyone used this type of sat finder, if so was it easy to find the correct signal? I have read conflicting reports of the sucsess with cheap finders, and you need to spend a lot to get one to be sucsessful.

Regards, Marcob

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marcob - 2009-03-13 2:18 PM


Hi. Has anyone used this type of sat finder, if so was it easy to find the correct signal? I have read conflicting reports of the sucsess with cheap finders, and you need to spend a lot to get one to be sucsessful.

Regards, Marcob


Henry, I've used my cheap but not nasty Lidl supplied one up until recently with no probs, however on our last trip, I failed miserably but the guy only a couple of metres away sorted his signal out with his all bells and whistles caper.


At £10, it's a case of I can't be bothered to NOT have one, I've been reluctant in the past due to price, (£20 +), if I'm honest, but a tenners neither here nor there..



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I always use the built in sat finder on my Lidl Silvercrest receiver.


I even do it before connecting the TV. I have my box set to autostart on Sky News. I just press info on the remote and the LED shows the signal strength.


I turn the handle 23 times on my Maxview crank-up if I'm in central France and with the supplied compass rotate dish to roughly the right direction.


I usually find the signal pretty quickly. If I'm further south, like here in Valencia I turn the handle 24 times to get the dish pointing higher and if in the UK 22 times does it.


A reading in the mid seventies guarantees a signal for all channels.

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