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Changing from CORGI


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i am a corgi reg. engineer and funnily enough my reg. is up on march31. i have not been notified of any changes re. this and am booked in for april 1st. on a re. reg. course. maybe because i am a non domestic installer/maint. engineer this does not comply.

just think of the stupidity of the reg. system, as a non domestic eng. i cannot come to your house and install or maint. a 33 kw boiler but i can go into your childs school and install a dozen in line 33kw. boilers or even into your hospital and install and maintain a million kw boiler including welding a 6" gas main to it. also i cannot connect your gas fire or your cooker without extra courses whish means a boring 2 day course telling me what i already know but charging in excess over £500 for the privelage. i have been corgi reg. for 40 years and this will be my last test and the last £1000 squids they can squeeze out of me. ( please do not reply trying to justify the domestic thing as it does not hold water !! or gas)



>:-) >:-)

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clay - 2009-03-17 8:28 PM

i have been corgi reg. for 40 years and this will be my last test and the last £1000 squids they can squeeze out of me. ( please do not reply trying to justify the domestic thing as it does not hold water !! or gas)



>:-) >:-)


Didn't CORGI regs only come out in the nineties? that's when they first came and saw me anyway.



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HI Clay,

You are dead right, I was gas board and Corgi registered over 30 years and it was all a lot of rubbish, when corgi registration came in I was stopped from doing things I had been doing for years, yet someone with a good memory could pass the course and be let loose on the public knowing very little of what they were realy doing.

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Hi Clay never realised that, I was doing home improvements at the time and had to be CORGI reg. because we fitted the occasional gas hob/oven. heating sys. The guy used to come around once a year and check a few jobs never had any complaints.


Then the compulsory course came in after about 5 years, I think you got a little change out off 2 grand, and I said bo**ocks, carried on, getting a mate to certify them before giving up completely in 2000.


Guy on another site said you now have separate course for boilers, fires, etc. what a ripoff.

Son-in-Law is CORGI for industrial, can fit 500,000BTU boilers but can't fit mine. >:-(



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Am I correct in thinking I can do what I like to my own gas appliances ?


Is there a legal clause that forbids me to do so?


I wouldn't say I know it all but I've been involved with dangerous industrial gasses for all my years.


I assume its 'Joe Public' that either you or I am forbidden to do work for without being certificated.


I'm well aware of the weight in air of propane regarding it collecting in low recesses etc.


Checking for faulty washers and joints is common sense and maintaining a free flow of air when ignited also. What else ??


You may not be legaly obliged to answer of course.



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libby - 2009-03-21 12:09 AM



Am I correct in thinking I can do what I like to my own gas appliances ?


Only in your motorhome and that is on the proviso that it is not rented out in the course of a business. Any other gas appliances you are forbidden to work on by law and must use a Corgi registered person who holds the relevant tickets for the appliance in question.


Is there a legal clause that forbids me to do so?


Only outside of your motorhome.


I wouldn't say I know it all but I've been involved with dangerous industrial gasses for all my years.


I assume its 'Joe Public' that either you or I am forbidden to do work for without being certificated.


I'm well aware of the weight in air of propane regarding it collecting in low recesses etc.


Checking for faulty washers and joints is common sense and maintaining a free flow of air when ignited also. What else ??


You may not be legaly obliged to answer of course.





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in reality you can do what you want in your own home as there is no one to regulate you which is fine until god forbid a disaster strikes and then you are in deep ****. you also have to remember that if you want to sell your home now you will need certs to cover your gas and elect. systems which if your system is incorrect you will not get. as far as gas in a motorhome is concerned if you do any alterations to your gas system and then sell the vehicle on you need to be sure things are right as again if things go wrong you will be in trouble. (just being 'a competant person 'does not wash in our politically correct society any more)>:-(
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clay - 2009-03-22 7:53 PM

(just being 'a competant person 'does not wash in our politically correct society any more)>:-(

Here some 'odd' one's.

On new bungalow, I was judged competant to do electrics, but required to get cert from qualified electrician.

For heating system I was not judged competant to design it, had to call in friend, "not done one like this before" he says, so I go throu with him how it will be, he 'writes it down in his hand' all happily excepted.

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