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Replacement rear ladder


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I have a 1996 CI Transit Riviera coachbuilt campervan. I bent the top of the rear roof access ladder, on the only overhanging tree in a pub carpark, while trying to reverse into a space.

These ladders are fitted to many CI coachbuilts over the last ten years, but I have been unable to find out the manufacturer, (it is not Fiamma)

or a supplier, for a new one or one from a written of van.

The ladder starts about a third up the rear of the van, and curves over the roof to fasten onto the roofrack. At the bottom of the ladder are two plastic hooks that allow the loose overcab bed access ladder to hook on and reach the ground.

Any help in identifying and sorcing a replacement would be appreciated.

Autotrail/CI, like many suppliers do not want to know.

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Wish I could remember the suppliers name but can't. A couple of years ago I did a search with Google.it (Italy google) and found a supplier who sold and shipped worldwide. Shipping charges were not expenisive and they also supplied loads of other Motohome/caravam bits and what looked at the time like sensible prices.
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Thanks, Brambles and Bob B for your suggestions.

I did try Fabweb.it site out of curiosity, but as my knowledge of Italian is zero, did not get far.

I also do not know how to change my Google search to Google.it.

When I went to school back in the fifties, they never taught you anything you really need to know.


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These are the people (Mapa)who probably made the original ladder.

Ther is one about half way down the page similar to what you have mentioned.


and here is their store -- bit pricy. Now the site I found before was much cheaper but as I have said cannot find now.




Can your bent mangled ladder not be repaired - I managed to get quite a nasty twist out of mine after revesing into my garage overhanging roof.

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bob b - 2009-03-18 10:15 PM
Brambles - 2009-03-18 8:43 PM No! it is not it.

Well...there's no need to lose your temper.

I WAS NOT LOSING MY TEMPER BUT I AM NOW. ;-) I was just replying - was busy looking for site. My reply was brief, to the point and honest. How do you know I was not writing it in a soft tone --noooooooo! iiiiiiiiiiiiit issssssss noooot - so please don't jump to conclusions I was losing my temper when I was not. :-S
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Thanks for all your help.

I live in Suffolk, Bury St Edmunds.

I did get a friend to make new arms for it. He did it as a freebie at Christmas, but depite having my bent ladder, he made them too short. Because they were free I didn't like to complain.

I then obtained two six foot lengths of aluminium tube, but realised the tube thickness has to be identical with original, as plastic connector that goes onto roof rack fits inside tube.

I also thought it would be difficult for me to line the rungs up to be exactly parallel.

Thats when I came to the conclusion that it may just be easier to "bite the bullet" and buy a replacement.


Please don't argue with each other over my problem. I feel very grateful that you are all taking the time to try to help me.


I will try the other options you have suggested.




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We do out best bill. Lot of knowlege collectively between all the posters on these forums.


Don't worry about us arguing, it is not really but just banter. A few posters have been around a while and is all tongue in cheek really.

Anyway! Welcome to the Forums and let us know how you get on with the ladder. Really just a case of searching Google for a supplier.

For google.it, just replace .co.uk in the address bar with .it



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Good evening gasgobill, have you looked in your local Yellow Pages under Stanless Steel Fabrication, Stainless Steel Metal Worker, etc? We have quite a few around here in our Yellow Pages, so perhaps you do also. There is a big demand for Stainlees Steel Products so you should get what you require in your area somewhere.
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Thanks for all your suggestions. After looking at the 300 Euro cost of a new ladder, plus carrige, I went and had a rethink.

On Sunday I measured the ladder OD (outside diameter) again and found it was still 25mm/1", which is electrical conduit tube size.

I then went next door to my neighbour who is an electrician. I showed him the ladder and asked if had a conduit bender at work, and if he thought he could straighten and bend the ladder to get it back to something resembling it's original shape.

One of the main problems was one of the legs had a nasty kink.

He offered to have a go, and today he brought it back. He had put a gas torch on the bend with the kink, and as he reset the bend, unbelievably, the kink came out.

The ladder is now back on the van, and you would have to be very critical to know it had those nasty twists in it.

If you see a CI Transit coachbuilt van on the road with a fellow at the wheel with a big silly grin on his face, it could well be me. I can't believe the ladder is finally fixed.

Thanks again,




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