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An Aire for Sheffield

Don Madge

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This has already been aired on the Motorhome List and Facts.


Martin Bennet is a Chemist in Sheffield, who has been trying for over 20 years to get some sort of campsite or aire in the Don Valley (originally for the student games) but you can read his letter at the end.


He posted to ask for us to contact his Council, and also the local paper to try to galvanise them. I was sure a lot more of you would also appreciate the facility, to stop overnight, stay a day or so (like the French aires)....


So for some background, here was Martin's letter


An edited version of the article below was published in today's edition

of the Sheffield Star - under their headline "Sheffield should carry on

camping" along with a photo of a caravan - despite me supplying a number

of Don's photos of motorcaravans on Aires. However, these are minor



What would be useful is if people would write in support of a campsite

or Aire both to the editor of the Star -




and to the leader of Sheffield Council








" Take the "Aire" at Camp Sheffield



In the late 80s I wrote to Sheffield Development Corporation to suggest

that an area in the Lower Don Valley be ear marked to house a camping

and caravan site. I suggested an area somewhere alongside the canal and

the, then proposed, supertram line, close to the M1, Meadowhall, the

Arena and Don Valley Stadium. My idea was that initially this would be

used as a facility for those attending the World Student Games, but

subsequently it would be a tourist destination for those visiting the

city or attending concerts and sports events. The reply from Sir Hugh

Sykes said that it was something that the SDC had not previously

considered and he thought the idea "interesting", however, the

infrastructure would not be in place to develop this in time for the



I left it ten years and tried again with an approach direct to the

Council which sent my request round the houses from Chief Executive to

Tourism to Planning and back before I lost interest. Last year, 20 years

on, I tried yet again with the Council, copying in the Caravan Club who

do seem interested in running or managing a site. I've had little

response from the Council so perhaps some publicity via The Star might

generate interest.


Basically, Sheffield's missing a trick. As a keen motocaravanner I

travel throughout Europe and can generally find sites to stay convenient

for all major cities. In Sheffield there are none. The increasing

sophistication of caravans and motorhomes mean that these are now

year-round vehicles and city sites are becoming preferred winter

destinations for many. Where city sites do exist they are generally full

booked at weekends throughout the year. The Caravan Club has sites at

York, Edinburgh, Bristol, Durham, London, Cambridge and Bury. They are

so popular that it's almost impossible to get on these sites without

advance booking. Cardiff has a municipal site within walking distance of

the Millennium Stadium which, again, is in use and very popular

throughout the year.


Not everyone wants to stay in a hotel and so a campsite somewhere in the

Lower Don Valley would be an ideal alternative. It would be a fantastic

winter destination with the supertram allowing access to Meadowhall and

the city centre along with all the sporting and concert venues, the

Museums, Magna, the Canal, the River Don (5 Weirs Walk) and with the

Peak district only 20 minutes away. It is also an ideal overnight stop

for those travelling north or south along the M1.


I have no doubt at all that this would be hugely popular bringing

tourists to the area along with their disposable income.


Surely the Council can find some land in this area that could be

developed in this manner. Admittedly it will take time but given the 20

year gestation period so far I'd like to see some action before I'm too

old to drive a vehicle there!


However, I do have an intermediate proposal which the Council might like

to consider as a half-way house allowing them to dip their toes in the

water so to speak. This is to develop an idea which is in use on the

continent - the creation of special areas providing facilities for

motorhomes only that enable overnight parking with a point for water

collection (a tap) and disposal of waste liquids (an emptying point into

a sewer) plus provision for domestic type waste (a wheely bin). These

are known as "Aires" in France (short for Aires de Service/Stationment

pour Camping-Car) and "Stellplatze" in Germany.


They are designed solely for Motorhomes - French law forbids caravans

and tents from using them, but permits motorhomes to be parked

responsibly and for their users to cook and sleep in them. There is

usually a small charge levied, some have electricity available and some

villages make no charge just to encourage motorhomers to visit and spend

their money in local shops, restaurants and garages. These are usually

situated on hard surfaced areas and are perfect places to visit in

winter when other sites are often closed or water logged.


An English publication ("All the Aires - France" see

VicariousBooks.co.uk) lists 1600 Aires in France. A similar German

publication lists 4,500 Stellplatze locations. Overnight charges range

from zero to 16 euros per night depending on what is available. Often

there is a maximum stay of 3 nights. At the moment there are only a

handful of similar sites in the UK although a move is afoot to develop

the idea in Ireland.


So where could we position these "Stopovers" in Sheffield? Well what

about the Don Valley Bowl - that would be ideal and could be closed off

when any events are in progress. Part of one of the far car parks at

Meadowhall would be suitable as would a school yard in holiday time, a

pub or supermarket car park. They don't have to be large areas -

sufficient for 4 or 5 motorhomes would be fine and they would generate

an income. I don't doubt there would be "planning consent" issues but

where there's a will there's a way and it's really just an overnight

parking spot.


So come on let's be innovative and create Camp Sheffield!


Martin Bennett

MD, Wicker Pharmacy,

55-67 Wicker, S3 8HT



So how about it, would you like to add your support and see if we can't get something done.




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The initiative and perseverance shown by Martin is to be applauded and encouraged as an example for others to follow. If we can get more fellow motorhome users to contact their local authorities we stand a good chance of seeing more motorhome stopovers being developed around the country.


I have sent my messages of support.



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I have recently written to Exeter City Council copying the thank you to them for their help with day parking in MMM, and telling them of Teigngridge Councils intention to provide some designated parking for motorhomes. I also outlined the potential financial benefits to the city. For example Exeter Cathedral now charge £5 entry and most people would want to see it as well as many other historic parts of this English City. Visitors = income.

Predictably the response was "yes but what about all the travellers who will take advantage".

I have pointed them in the direction of All the Aires France as an example of how more enlightened, and financially aware local councils deal with such parking and asking if they can do it why cant we?

The latest is that they want to monitor how, as they put it, " the Teignbridge initiative works out".

Unfortunately one has to accept that people who work in local government are not financially "savvy" and will always work well within their collective comfort zone. The only way we will shift this negative attitude is to PESTER, PESTER and PESTER them. Politely of course.


Porky well fed and happy to be on a mission.

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One thing lacking from the noble effort is the payback. The Camping and Caravanning Club did a survey a few years ago and came up with the figure of a £28 per night spend per camping unit that is £196 per week per unit all spent locally and excludes site fees. The Caravan Club use a different figure but if you do the sums it is easy to show how advantageous it is for Local Authorities to encourage extra visitors by investing in camping facilities. With current economics everybody is scrambling for crumbs and visitor attractions are desperate to generate income. I tried using the numbers with Scarborough to get extra Motorhome parking on North Bay and had a positive reply by return of post but I dont know the outcome as yet. So I suggest correspondents quote the numbers. Good luck.
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  • 1 month later...

Doubtless other respondees will have received a response from the Leader Of Sheffield City Council but here's mine:-


Could I thank you for your recent email. I will do my best to assist you with your enquiry and have asked the Head of Planning to look into the issues you raise and report back to me.




I will make every effort to ensure that you receive a response within the next 14 days. If your enquiry needs more time to be dealt with, you will be kept up to date on progress.




Kind regards and best wishes.



Yours sincerely



Councillor Paul Scriven


Leader of the Council





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It is likely that one of the reasons Teignbridge was quick off the mark was that one of the councillors was a motorcaravanner and primed the pump (thanks Sandra) unfortunatly she lost her seat at the last election.


We are seeing more continental motorcaravans this year and no doubt the falling value of the pound is making the UK a more attractive destination. Unfortunatly they will find the lack available pitches a bit of a shock compared with mainland Europe and may not return and worse still spread the bad news and put others off.



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  • 1 month later...

Have just received what appears to be a very positive reply to my e-mail to Sheffield City Council. The Leader of the Council seems to be a little unsure about exactly what is being suggested but I think from the response that if many others were to e-mail/write with the suggestion to provide suitable overnight parking for motorhomes then it would be taken up with more vigour - especially if it were to be led by the originator, Martin Bennet.


Here is a copy of the reply I received:


Councillor Paul Scriven

Leader of Sheffield City Council

& Broomhill Ward Councillor

Leadership Office

Town Hall


S1 2HH


Dear Mr Lloyd

Facilities for Motorhomes in Sheffield

Thank you for your email. I am aware that provision for motor home users within Sheffield itself is limited, although there is accommodation in nearby attractive areas of the Peak District a few miles to the west.

There may also be some overnight parking available within the City although, in common with many other Councils, Sheffield bans overnight sleeping in its car parks.

I am not aware of the extent of demand for such facilities in the City. Over the past ten years we have had no applications relating to sites or parking for caravans or motorhomes (other than for sites for Gypsies or Travellers). Although we have recently received an enquiry from the Caravan Club about the Gypsy and Traveller site at Tinsley Park Road.

Certainly, I appreciate the potential contribution that tourists can make to the City’s economy and for these reasons our policy is to encourage tourism in the City. If a proposal were to come forward to develop facilities for motorhomes we would look upon it positively and help to identify a suitable site.


Kind regards and best wishes.


Yours sincerely



Councillor Paul Scriven

Leader of the Council


If anyone is interested in encouraging Sheffield City Council to provide an overnight aire the contact details for Councillor Scriven are contained in Don Madge's original post. Reading the letter again it would be best to ensure that point is made that the council ought to be proactively seeking to provide the facility (much like other councils such as Canterbury, Redcar and Cleveland etc) and not simply waiting for a 'proposal' to come forward from some other body or individual.





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I've just received the same letter from Cllr Scriven that David mentioned.


I've replied to try to point out the difference between an aire type facility and a conventional camp site by reference to other authorities.



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Very similar response to the one I had from Exeter City Council, they just can`t understand the difference can they between a few dedicated spaces for motorhomes and gipsy sites. The main reason for posting this is to encourage everyone to pester their local authority and to keep this thread active. Getting the name of the person responsible is a good step forward so perhaps we could post these so that we can support each other with emails to them. Lots of emails means means more of their day will be devoted to considering dedicated motorhome parking. Successes could also be posted to use as support for our case to councils.


Steve Carnell is the man at Exeter City Council and he has said:-

"I am in regular contact with the Parking Manager at Teignbridge and will be interested to see how their motorhome initiative unfolds.

If it proves a success then I suggest that might be the catalyst for a review here."

His email is Steve.Carnell@exeter.gov.uk


So come on everybody let`s see if we can get to page 25+ on this thread like the judder issue.


Porky well fed and happy

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