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EHIC reminder letters and Government databases


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There was a discussion on here a few weeks ago suggesting that reminders may not be sent out to renew EHIC cards although I cannot find it now.


Yes, they do send out reminders. I received one this morning for my husband and it's the third anniversary of his death tomorrow. They were notified the same week so this is very upsetting.


Do I have any confidence in Government databases - NO!

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Hi Patricia

Sorry to hear of your unfortunate experience.

I read your post and checked the EHIC cards for my wife and me.I was first of all suprised to find that they expire (why ?) and that ours had different expiry dates ( by two years) even though they were both obtained at the same time.

My wifes card expired in Nov. 2008 and we have not had a reminder, mine expires in Nov.2010.

Good reminder to all to check your EHIC cards.


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I'm sorry to hear that they have been insensative - it beggers belief, but unfortunately this kind of thing seems to be the norm these days.


I had a British Gas phone me at home asking to speak to my husband by name - similar situation. It doesn't take a rocket scientist or does it??


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Well we certainly did not get reminder letters. Sorting papers a couple of hours ago for trip to France at Easter and found EHIC cards expired 5 months ago !!! I phoned the number given on the website ( the one mentioned on Don Madge's sticky) and they quote between 5-10 days for issuing new ones; we might just be lucky. If they don't reach us in time I have been given an emergency telephone number to use from France.



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Thank you all for your comments. I regret starting this thread now really but I was so cross at receiving that letter, this week of all weeks. I am still trying to remove his name together with all his card numbers (all out of date of course and destroyed anyway) from Sentinel.


What I was really pointing out was that the databases are so inaccurate, mostly through human error. New ones containing even more information are constructed frequently by the Government which I think is really worrying. There is also the recent trend for all letters from Government departments, for example the Inland Revenue, to print all Christian names in full on the envelope's address panel. What a Godsend for identity thieves!


Still I hope my post reminded Colin to look at the dates on his cards. Like him our two cards were two years apart despite them being issued on the same day. Mine does not expire until January 2011 by which time I think I will have had it over 6 years, certainly mine was one of the first issued.

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