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Winter Warmth?

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So as the world heads headlong into the next ice age where do we go next year for some winter sunshine and warmth?


Spain was again bloody cold for most of December January and February - so I am told - as well as being a bit wet at times. We were not there except for a few days in late January and early March and cold and wet about sums it up!


Morocco - so we are told - has had the coldest and wettest winter for many many years with a lot of snow up in the mountains - up to 8' high drifts in some places - and impassable roads.


Winter being winter there is always an element of risk of cold and wet but cold nights are not so bad as long as you have plenty of gas (or diesel) and the days are mainly dry and sunny with just the odd period of cold and/or wet?


Any experience of Southern Italy, Greece or Turkey anyone and does anyone have the best route to Utopia please?

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Guest Tracker

Many thanks Tony for that priceless piece of advice but 'chilling out' is exactly what we want to avoid - how about 'warming up' instead!


Using the seasons to best advantage is exactly what we plan to do and if that means travel to a cooler place when 'tis 'ot and a warmer place when 'tis not - then so be it!


We'll enjoy the Spring all the more if we have not had our extremities frozen off, washed away or blown apart by excessive wind - the climatic kind, not the dietary kind I hasten to add!


Can we assume that you will no longer be travelling abroad for your holidays as it would be so wrong for a man of your integrity not to practise that which he so extols?

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Firstly, I lost a word in that last post - it should have read "for hibernation if possible!"

My integrity remains untarnished (at least in this respect!! :D ) - going on holiday is precisely what the summer is for, and exploring this great continent of which we're a part (however relauctanly for some!) is a big part of what going on holiday is for!

Winter, however, is for enjoying the different pleasures of the frost and the snow, for putting up with the rain so we don't have hosepipe bans later, and for looking forward to (& planning) the summer's adventures!

Oh, and work fits in somewhere as well :-D !


Sorry I also missed out the smileys in my last post - please take it in the spirit it was meant, of you can guess what that is!! And enhoy the rest of the winter, wherever you spend it.

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Tracker, if you want to keep warm I suggest you look in Chatterbox at the ladies' ads for men wanted ....... they've all gone sex mad.


Short of that, I would like to think that we will all evolve along with the climate change so that we don't feel the cold as much.


Glad to see you back on forum after your holiday. Joy

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Guest Tracker

Tony, just as I will never take myself or life too seriously so too I read what you said in the spirit in which I thought that it was intended!


I would take issue with you in that going on holiday may well be what summer is about for you - but when you retire you will hopefully find that your summers lasts from 1st January to 31st December every year without time off for good behaviour.


Honestly Tony - it's relentless - life is one long holiday - no breaks from it at all - it's tough being retired you know!


I would never take any offence at anything you say and my reply too was very much tongue in cheek - or did you guess that already even?


Enjoy your hibernation and when you emerge we can tell you all about how those who can enjoyed life in the warm winter sun - assuming we ever find any that is!

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Stuart - 2009-03-21 9:08 PM


To Brian R,

Could you give an idea of how prices in France compare with those in Spain at that time of year, I was thinking of site fees particularly.






With so many Aires, and other free overnight locations, in the area if cost is an issue why use sites at all?


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Nor retired myself yet and Oh how I find myself wishing away the years more and more ! However, still does not stop me from looking at the paths that I am looking forward to wandering when the glorious day arrives. I have been monitoring the European climates over the winter to see where, other than Spain, would be a good place to head the Big Momma to and Athens was frequently very much warmer than the Southern Spanish climes. Noticeable over the past couple of weeks though that the temperatures there are getting cooler than the likes of Madrid, Valencia :-)
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Stuart - 2009-03-21 9:08 PM


To Brian R,

Could you give an idea of how prices in France compare with those in Spain at that time of year, I was thinking of site fees particularly.






Sorry, Stuart, I have not used sites in Spain for many years.

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Tracker, first of all where were you in Spain, we have been here since mid January, our first couple of weeks were at Vilanova Park, but since early February we've been in Peniscola, and OK the weather has not been blisteringly hot , but for the last 3 weeks at least it has been excellent.

Our trip across France was chilly I'll admit that, the first night in France was on the cold side of BRRR, second night was better,and after that it got better you must have been the opposite of us ,we got good weather where ever we went.

We leave Spain on the 2nd of April lets hope the run back is good weather wise as it was coming


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Brian Kirby - 2009-03-22 8:15 PM


If you can square your conscience with your carbon footprint, I hear property is fairly cheap in New Zealand.  They have summer while we are having winter, and vice versa, so two flights per year should see you right!


Thanks Brian - as far as all that carbon footprint bullsh.. is concerned I have no conscience 'cos I don't believe it - but it would also mean having two vans and more cars as well as we would hate to be confined to any house - whichever continent!


It is a thought though!

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Oh dear - pardonez moi Barrie - sorry if you are offended at not being replied at!


What about Turkey then? Are you asking or telling?


If you are asking - so am I! If you are telling - I'm listening!

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Probably because it is a very large country, with considerable variation in topography.  Parts have quite harsh winters, especially in the East near Iraq.  The further East one goes down the Med, the more extreme the weather becomes, being influenced by the huge Eurasian landmass.  Not really capable of summary therefore, unless a geographic area is specified.
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Guest Tracker

Thanks for that erudite answer Brian!


It seems that the Med coast either side of the France/Spain border might be as good or as bad as anywhere else then - or not as the case may be.? Duh!




I'm just off to check the dictionary to see wot erudite means as I have a feeling it's a type of glue!

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Firstly yes I was asking, and thanks for the reply. There must be something in going to Turkey in the winter, because I know that no lesser motorhomer than Don Madge has wintered there on more than one occasion. But I thought there might have been a lot more.
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hymer1942 - 2009-03-28 5:26 PM


Firstly yes I was asking, and thanks for the reply. There must be something in going to Turkey in the winter, because I know that no lesser motorhomer than Don Madge has wintered there on more than one occasion. But I thought there might have been a lot more.


Sorry Barry only just find your post.


Turkey is OK for the winter as long as you stick to the coast. Once past Antalya on the Med coast the weather is usually warm enough to sit out when the sun is shining.


You will not find many motorhomes there in the winter, we have never met more than couple in the years we have wintered there. Hopefully we will go back next year (health permitting) after our aborted trip this year.


Will you be at Peterborough?



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Hi Don nice to hear from you, no wont be at Peterborough getting ready to go to France after a HCI rally at Cheltenham we cross on the shuttle on the 6th May, and back on the 5th July for about 5 weeks and the to Xanten in Germany for another HCI rally after which we are going to wander slowly down the mosselle.
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