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Just taken the plunge- now, which Club to join?


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With time running out for a bespoke camper for this year we've just bought an "off-the-peg" new campervan with a few mobility adaptions so that we can at least get out & about now.


We will be using it mostly as a day van with occasional 2-3 night stops, in the north and Scotland, not needing an EHO and are curious to hear others opinions of which club would be best to join?


Best Regards



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Well Colin I'll post my twopennerth for what it's worth, I'm actually a member of 3 clubs Caravan Club, Camping and Caravanning Club, and the Motorcaravanners Club.

There is not a great deal between Caravan Club and C&CC as for Motorcaravanners I for one will not be renewing my subscription this year I just feel there is not a great deal for your money,(no doubt others will say different), however all 3 have their own websites so ya pays ya money, etc etc etc,

I would say Caravan Club has the edge,as every site I've ever visited they have let me pick me own pitch that never happened with C&CC,they always sited me ,as I said that's my twopennerth,HAPPY TRAILS mate!!



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We use Caravan Club, who does our m/home insurance, get u home and simliar stuff. Probabaly cheaper elsewhere, but I take the view that in case of dire need all the paperwork is one place.


Excellent campsites and CL sites (mainly). Intresting magazine every month.


Others will doubless disagree. THATS what I like about this forum >:-)



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Hi Colin9591


My wife is disabled and we belong to both CC, C&CC and do most of our caravanning all over Scotland,and the north. The reason we stay with both is that if my wife decides that she would like a site with disabled facilities for that night they both normally have comething suitable, but there are gaps in coverage.



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Hi Colin,

For what its worth, my opinion is join both as both CC and C&CC offer good sites and the magazines are probably worth the subs anyway.

CC has the edge so far as I am concerned, especially as there is no deposit to pay when booking a site, BUT C&CC sites are much cheaper for us as we get the OAP discount non site fees!

Whaatever you decide, enjoy!


little jack

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Like most others, I am a member of both Caravan Club and Camping and Caravanning Club also joined Motorcaravanners section and District Association. Have to confess that have never used or attended Motor caravanners or the DA section so cannot comment. Being a member of both clubs gives wide coverage although Caravan Club in my humble opinion has the edge.


Whatever you decide just enjoy the wide open spaces, some beautiful locations and freedom (within reason) to do just what you want.

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What do you want out of your campsite? We are members of both, have used the CC more and so far all the sites I have been on have been top quality amenities, quiet(after a certain time at night), and very clean. The CCC I have had a mix of excellent facilities to not so good, but not bad, but have been very friendly and relaxed. CC don't want a deposit CCC do. I believe both allow you a few hours, at a price, to stay a few hours to refresh, dump and refill with water(never used this facility).


I have also been to all singing sites with lots of facilities and to be fair much larger in size and capacity and found them to be very noisy, not too clean and a portakabin for showers and loos and a few blades of grass being called the touring field. There are out there some very nice commercial sites with very nice facilities so can't paint all with same brush. I just know that if I book on either of these you (so far) know the standard you are getting.

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Hi Colin

Have to say that (like Mondo0 we joined Caravan Club and The motorcaravaners club, Did not renew Motor Caravaners this year , as they dont have many sites and seem to be mainly about Rallies, which is not our scene Find the CC very good, . Good for discount ferry fares, and the sites in Scotland were execellent. If you intend going abroad, then the CC is the best IMO

Best of luck in your travelling


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It is down to personal preference which until you have tried is an impossibility as we are all different in views. However, for what it is worth we are members of the CC and are pleased with the sites and the helpfulness of the wardens. We were members of the C&CC for one year and one year only and will never join them again as we found that when we used their sites the wardens were anti motorhomers, rude and this spoiled are holiday (that's what you get away from) and the standard of some of their sites are not value for money. No doubt others will have different views but I can only say as I have seen.
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I wouldn't suggest there is not a "better club" to join, each will vary according to their controlling body. It rather depends on where you want to go and for what purpose. Two miles down the road can be as pleasant as two hundred.


Some are adults only some are members only, if you like a particular type of outdoor scenery you may be restricted to a particular club and its location.


You don't have to engage yourself with the site staff, they are doing a daily job like a shopkeeper and making the best of it with complete strangers trying to harrass them at every opportunity.


Most sites have a time for entering to make their office life more tolerable, but from my visits most members think they have the right to arrive at any time which does cause friction.


The simple answer is for you to decide what suits you. If a particular site or club doesn't suit you then there are others, if you want isolation then a CL is for you. If you want lots of noise and people then choose a tourist site near a popular beach.


Then of course you are not obliged to join any particular club, many will accept passers by, with a small fee added. There are also many commercial sites. All you realy need is a reason to go, to spend a few days with a different view, and ignore everyone else.



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This debate has raged for years and a search using the search facility - if it is still working OK - should show many differing viewpoints - all right in their different ways.


As with most things - there is no right or wrong - just different!

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In truth, both clubs are very similar, and have sites at similar (sometimes the same) locations.  Both "staff" their sites with paid volunteers, and your reaction on arrival at any given site will depend on the chemistry of your, and their, personalities.  Some (most) are happy and humorous couples, some (a few) are clearly couples where one loves the life, and the other is less keen.  Some suffer "mower mania", where the (usually) male partner spends all day mowing the bowling green that is trying to be a part time camp site, while his other half cleans the toilet block.  For some reason this division of labour seems to cause friction, but who am I to comment!  :-)  In a few cases the frictions can become a bit apparent, but usually you will get very helpful, efficient, service with a smile.

Inevitably, some of the sites are shiny and new, while others are due for refurbishment.  You will not get tenters on CC sites, but you will on CCC sites.  Some tenters can get a bit touchy about those who camp in mobile lounges, but at least as many have half an eye on a mobile lounge for themselves one day.

Really, nothing to choose, and all human life is there.  Join both, try them out, and if you find you prefer one over the other, just stick to that.

Be warned, though; their sites are not particularly cheap, especially in the summer, and both suffer from large numbers of advanced weekend bookings almost all year round, that leave sites full Friday night to Sunday morning, but with spaces the rest of the week.

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Colin hope you enjoy your new camper and manage to spend many happy times in it. I notice that you mention mobility adaptions and with the fact that you have settled for a camper, which is usually a bit cramped, you might find the club sites are best for you. Sanitary blocks on both of the clubs sites are always immaculate and well adapted for mobility aids. As Brian mentions they are not cheap but if you are able to use them mid-week they have offers at some sites and the CCC reduce charges for the over (think this is the right age)55s. They also have pitches where you do not have to have electric if you do not want it but the downside is that you do not get to choose your pitch (although some wardens will negociate and certainly anyone with a disability can be sited near the toilet block) and you have to pay a deposit of £25. Some of these sites now have excellent meeting rooms too - I am thinking of Blackmore in particular.


I was a member of both clubs when the children were small and rallied with them every weekend between February and December. Then we lapsed membership for quite a few years but now I am a member of both again but mainly because I use them when I go out with a club for lone campers and also if I go with my family. Something to note though is that club affiliated sites have different pricing structures and are dearer still!

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The CC has more main sites and CL sites and they let you choose your pitch except in exceptional circumstanced, they can be pricey though. The C&CC are probably not quite as 'strict', however, I've never used their sites so can't really say what they are like nowadays (didn't like the reception we got at one many years ago ... expected to pay full extortionate fee to park on their car park as they didn't want us to pitch on the grass as all the hard standings had gone ... the weather was fine and dry and the ground was rock hard!).


Why not have a look at their websites and see where their main sites are placed and if they are in the locations you want to visit, and also what sort of cost they are as this may give you a better idea which is best for you.


Brian - just to correct you old boy :D the Caravan Club does actually allow tents but it only has a few sites that you can pitch them on.

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Most of the answers here are tending to concentrate on the various clubs sites, but rarely mention rallies. I belong to both the Caravan Club and the Camping & Caravanning Club ( and was, for a short while, a member of the Motor Caravan Club). To rally with the Caravan Club one needs to book ahead, which I could never do before I retired owing to work commitments, and are sometimes unsuitable for motor caravans. So I started rallying with the C&CC. The Motor Caravan Section of the C&CC will rally (or 'Meet') at venues chosen with motor caravans in mind, but, generally speaking, all members are welcomed at all Meets, which are held most weekend throughout the season and throughout the country. Many Meets are at licensed campsites whose owners allow us to camp at reduced rates, while others will be at 'Green Field' sites, school grounds, etc. A substantial number of non-rallying people seem to think that rallying entails a type of Hi-de-Hi camping, this is not so, you do as YOU want while at a rally or Meet (within limits). So, depending on your chosen type of campsite, you will find the Camping & Caravanning Club has a lot to offer.
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Patricia - 2009-03-26 6:45 PM


Thought about joining the motorhome section rallies but was worried that they would not be on hardstanding.


They usually are not but because they are run by motor caravanners for motor caravanners you won't often get asked to park anywhere sticky and if you do park on blocks or boards to spread the weight and if push comes to shove there are plenty of willing helpers to do just that.


I've never yet got stuck on a motor caravan section rally field or THS or with an MCC rally.


That said common sense applies and if it looks dodgy ask to park somewhere else.

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We have been fortunate to have been able to enjoy both the Caravan Club and the Camping and Caravaning Clubs sites in the UK. Both in the main provide an excellent service and facilities. What will have a far greater bearing on your enjoyment of any particular site is the attitude of the site manager and staff.


Given a choice I would vote for the French philosophy towards less organisation rather than more. But I am a rebel!


If another person trys to tell me which way round I must park our motorhome... Grrrrr if you know what I mean!







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Clive - 2009-03-26 10:22 PM


If another person trys to tell me which way round I must park our motorhome... Grrrrr if you know what I mean!





Exactly Clive especially as they now seem to have moved the goal posts as it were! For as long as I can remember it was put the off-side rear corner to the post, now it is centre the post which is not so easy when reversing a motorhome as it has to be total guesswork. Much easier when you could see the post in the driving mirror.

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Patricia - 2009-03-27 8:05 AM
Clive - 2009-03-26 10:22 PM If another person trys to tell me which way round I must park our motorhome... Grrrrr if you know what I mean! C.
Exactly Clive especially as they now seem to have moved the goal posts as it were! For as long as I can remember it was put the off-side rear corner to the post, now it is centre the post which is not so easy when reversing a motorhome as it has to be total guesswork. Much easier when you could see the post in the driving mirror.

A neighbouring inmate revealed the workaround for this situation at a rather heavily overseen CC site near York a couple of years back.  Having been shepherded back onto his pitch by the Sergeant at Arms (sorry, warden), he was then asked to adjust the position of his van, as he wasn't quite correctly aligned with the (white painted, of course!) peg.  "OK" quoth he, "but I'm knackered for now, so let me have a cuppa first, then I'll move, and then you can come back a bit later and check all is OK."  Sergeant agreed, neighbour winked at me and, as soon as warden was out of sight, just moved the peg.  Problem solved, everyone happy!  :-)

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We Have been members of the two main clubs for the last twenty years plus and of the two we use the CCC more than the CC as we find the CC sites too much hardstanding and gravel but that may just be the sites we have visited. Our policy is decide where we want to go and stop in the most most convenient site be it club or commercial owned.
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