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T5 Trident Blinds


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I have put the blinds up,down, middle,etc and I cannot get rid of the rattles..The road has to be perfect for them not to make a very audible noise.Every bump,pothole starts them off!!the van is not yet a year old!! Not Happy Dave :D..........Any Ideas (?) (?) :D :D
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We know the problem well of rattling blinds. For over 6 years we used small sections of grey foam insulasting for water pipes which was a relatively successful fix on our Trident T4.


Recently for our new Symbol ES (which had many rattles, groans and squeaks) my wife had the brilliant idea of sash window wedges. she found some at Homebase - £1.25 for two. She pushed these between the blind and the window frame with the blinds open. This has worked very well. All blinds are now sorted.


However despite numerous visits to Hayes followed by our own efforts we have not yet cured some of the squeaks and rattles. ( We suspect some are caused by the grp trim but no one has been able to cure all the problems.)


We are a little disappointed with Auto-Sleeper build quality.

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