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Home Insurance for Motorhomers

starvin marvin

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Its that time of year again, home insurance up for renewal. Any good offers out there at the moment that include extended unoccupancy say for 90 or 120 or 160 days.


I got 160 days last time from the Post Office for no additional premium, but with conditions attached. This year they look far too expensive.


Many thanks

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Nationwide BS policy used to have no limits on the time you were away from home, but you need to comply with some conditions, which i think were having someone check every 2 weeks and during the winter you needed to keep a minimum temperature to avoid damage due to dampness or freezing etc, its worth checking the out. You didn't need to be a member


Hi, It seems like they are still offering teh same terms have a look at the link




hope it works

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SAGA will provide cover for longer periods of time away than just 60 days with the usual conditions but apply a 15% loading to the premiums. Additionally they won't confirm the conditions (underwriter has to be contacted) so you won't precisely know if they will extend cover until you can provide dates to the underwiter. They are the only company I've yet contacted to apply a premium loading.
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Had a quote from Comfort today and they are now the most expensive provider of the ten companies I have contacted. The AA is the cheapest but their level of cover is trimmed to I guess get the price down. The AA will provide exended cover for periods when the house is empty and conditions do apply, re heating levels in the winter and visits to the property by a key holder.


Excuse the pun but the saga continues, however it will all be over today, when I make a decision on a provider.

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Just had my renewal from Saga who allow 60 days in their standard policy without too many silly conditions but it has gone up about 10%.


I have done an online quote from the Camping & Caravanning Club Clubcare insurers and they offer 180 days unoccupied for club members but they have come out £40 dearer.


It's a minefield once you try to compare all the various addons legal cover, lost keys etc



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I've now changed my cover to the Nationwide. I tried contacting 10 companies for prices, the cheapest was the AA and the most expensive was Comfort. £250 difference from highest to lowest!


I preferred the level of cover from the Nationwide. To me the AA appear to have got the most competative price due to scaling back the level/value of cover.


3 companies would only provide either 30, 60 or 90 days cover regardless. They having no mechanism to extent the cover beyond these timescales.


SAGA load the premiums by 15% once you go over the standard 90 days. When I asked them along with the AA they would also only confirm the conditions imposed once you can give dates of your travel/unoccupancy.


More than one company would not except a family member, who does not ordinarily live in the house, if staying in the house for a weekend as a break in the period of unoccupancy, so watch this one please. I know some people believe this breaks the period of unoccupancy, don't get caught out.


The price I'm paying is almost the same as 06/07 when I was with the Post Office. Its £30 cheaper than what I paid last year, but £130 cheaper than my renewal invitation!!

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My household insurance, arranged through the Camping and Caravanning Club allows the house to be unoccupied for 180 days.

The cost may not be as low as you would like but it does use a blanket sum for the house value and the contents. So there is no traipsing from room to room wondering if you have costed everything perfectly.

It's cheaper than the Bank I was with previously which gave 60 days unoccupation "Ask your children to stay for a week end and the 60 day period will start again" I was told.

So if the rates of your present Insurer are OK ask how you can renew your period of unoccupation..it may just need a relative to stay for a night or two.

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