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Motorhom Hire for Aussie visitors


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We are expecting a distant relation from Australia to come to Uk early May


They hope to tour Wales and Scotland whilst here for just over 3 weeks, In particular researching their ancestral roots on the Black Isle north of Inverness. Initially hireing a car and using B&B stops.


Does anyone have any experience of Motorhome hire for overseas visitors, relating to costs, Driving licence conditions , insurance matters etc, temporary Club membership, Campsite/cl accessability for overseas visitors etc.


We have forwarded some details of B&B costs, Car hire etc and we recon that although motorhome hire is usually significantly more than Car hire the total overall costs taking self catering into consideration as well as campsite fees versus B&B, evening meals etc, could be more economic.


Anyone any views , hints , suggestions .


Tonyg3nwl (?) (?) (?)

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