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M25 stopover

Tony Jones

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Spent today with parents in Oxfordshire.

The "day job" requires me back in town for Sunday morning, so usually, we set off when Liz finishes school and stay overnight in the carpark at Mum's sheltered flats, but this time we were stuck with a meeting in Friday evening and couldn't get away until 9.15pm. So instead of getting there at midnight, I enquired at South Mimms Services on the M25, and found them very helpful.

You either go in the WHS shop, or use the machine, to buy a ticket for £10 (remember, most CLs are nearly that much these days!) and you get also a £2 voucher which you can use towards breakfast the next morning.

There were two other vans, and one caravan, in the "caravans" area of the car park, and we had a surprisingly quiet night's sleep.

Recommended - and maybe other UK service areas do something similar? If anyone has tried them, please let us know.


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I think a lot of motorway services do this, we often stop on services on M5, leaving friday evening and heading towards west country, when have enough of driving (say midnight) pull in the next services ready for a early start next morning, it's not unsual to see most of HGV parking taken up by caravans and motorhomes on M5.
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I don't know about the service areas mentioned as have not stopped at them but would never stop overnight at Clacket Lane. One of the first times we had stopped there with a motorhome the alarm had been triggered when we returned, thought no more of this until it happened again on the next visit. Since then if I need to stretch my legs my wife will stop in the van or visa versa. I have been told there have been numerous caravans stolen from this service area, so if they have gone whats to stop them taking a motorhome whilst your enjoying your breakfast. Being at the hub of the motorway network your van could be anywhere in the UK or abroad in a couple of hours. Everyone knows not to stop on motorway services on the continent what so different in the UK?
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Mike does his mean you will not stop on any MSA? It does seem a little extreme that the fact your alarm was tripped while you were out of the van is a reason for not using an MSA. There are many reasons for alarms to trip, you do not mention any other sign of attempted entry so why make the assumption of break in?.

MSAs are of great benefit to those who have to travel long distances in this country and are a reasonably priced option for many who work shifts and unsocial hours who wish to get away for a break.

Having said all that one of my favourites is the on the M6 s/bound at Killington Lake.


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Your right doctored I will not overnight at any MSA. I have seen very dubious activity at Clacket Lane whilst stopped for a rest break enough to convince me that the alarm activations were probably attempts to get into it if not steal it
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In 13 years travelling all over Europe with a motorhome and countless years with a caravan, the only time our alarm has gone off was at the Clackett's Lane Service Area this February, on return from a trip to Holland. On reflection ,we realise we were being watched by a woman in a Mercedes car- neither of us had mentioned the fact that individually we had thought the woman at the other end of the car park was paying us a lot of attention. I thought she was just admiring the 'van! We shall avoid this service station in future or take it in turns to use the facilities there.
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I too would avoid overnighting at Clackett lane Services. On a couple of occasions when stopping off for a meal, a car has slowly cruised up alongside me and a 'low life character has offered me a cheap watch.

Those Services in particular, do seem to attract some dodgy characters. I wouldn't feel comfortable spending the night there.

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Yes be wary at motorway services but the alarm was most probably triggered by lorry vibrations, they always set alarms off and most msa areas designated for mh/caravans are co-habiting with lorries.


You will get people selling (or at least trying to) knock off goods - it is the ideal place as you probably wont see them again when you realise the rolex is painted gold! lol! It is just what comes with roadway life!


The thing you really do have to be wary of, is foreign drivers in lorries, that are GENERALLY drunk/incompetant and will hit you MH without stopping. And when you do catch them at it, will try to fob you off with incoherant jabberings and offer out of date insurance policies - in which case always check the date, and take your time! It may be foreign, but easy enough to understand! Do not allow them to leave until you are happy, and take pictures of the driver and lorry....they will try to deny it!

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At South Mimms, the caravan/MH area is just about as far away as possible from the coach/lorry section.

But that's very unusual in MSAs. Most of them divide their space neatly into "Normal people" (ie cars) and "Strange people" who need more room - including us!

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