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FIAT Ducato Forever!

Bill Loneskie

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Hello Bill, can I as a owner of a 2008 Fiat 2.3 based Motorhome ,just say the following, I bought my Motorhome knowing Some where having problems with reverse Judder ,the salesman whom sold me my Motorhome when asked about the reverse judder, said it was a load of hype. I road tested my motorhome but could not find a suitable incline to test the theory, on the whole I think the engine very versatile and adequately powered I bought my motorhome Mainly for the conversion by Burstner,we liked the lay out etc ,I have never like Fiat,s but will stand by my word and say I am Happy with everything But the transmission, my drive has a slight incline but even on there the Transmission does judder ,not violently but bad enough to know damage may occur over time (having to slip the clutch is proof there is a transmission problem ) ), after paying some £50 odd thousand buying it I would expect better from the transmission and Fiat, I am in the queue to have the modification and thus have to put my faith in Fiat to resolve this issue,My Motorhome was booked in by the after sales Manager of my Dealer so it is known by some dealers, Good Luck with any treatment your receiving for your Cancer,I have had it twice two different types and two different operations but I,m still here and thriving,thanks to the NHS, ...come on Gentlemen this Forum has a brilliant reputation for helping people and for listening to all comment without Bias ,lets not fall into disrepute over this topic
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I'm with Corky 8. I bought mine (my 1st motorhome) last year unaware of the problem. Mine is a 4 tonner and it judders severely even on level ground. It doesn't stop me using it - I manage the problem mostly by avoiding reversing wherever possible. I'm waiting for Fiat to fix it but I'm not pushing them for it for various reasons and I am prepared to tolerate it for a while yet. Am I happy with my motorhome? Well, yes I am because the package as a whole is very good indeed - only the transmission lets it down. But unlike the quote above I am not 'perfectly happy' because the situation is far from perfect. Those owners who are 'perfectly happy' have absolutely nothing to worry about. If the implication made by some is that this is a minority issue, then presumably it will not be a big issue for Fiat to address it quickly, will it? Those who believe they don't have an issue need not join the queue.


I am a little dissappointed with the way the tone of several threads had gone in the last few days. The personal antagonism does not do anyone any good.

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Guest Tracker
JudgeMental - 2009-04-01 7:52 PM



There you go shouting again you ignorent piece of work


How stupid and naive do you think we are....... His wages and probably yours as well are paid for by advertising/vested interests



Come on Eddie - this sort of response doesn't help anyone - give the man a break - even though I too dislike his attitude I find it better to remain on the moral high ground - you know me - a more placid and unargumentative fella does not exist!

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Guest JudgeMental
Tracker - 2009-04-02 10:37 AM


JudgeMental - 2009-04-01 7:52 PM



There you go shouting again you ignorent piece of work


How stupid and naive do you think we are....... His wages and probably yours as well are paid for by advertising/vested interests



Come on Eddie - this sort of response doesn't help anyone - give the man a break - even though I too dislike his attitude I find it better to remain on the moral high ground - you know me - a more placid and unargumentative fella does not exist!


Sorry but he is not worth it, I could have picked his initial diatribe to bits piece by piece but it was so full of ill feeling and rude I decided it wasn’t worth it, and have been proved right in this I believe? . Others, including yourself gave politely reasoned responses and have been totally ignored lol The more he posts the more he sinks in my estimation to be honest.


I think I have been reasonable with him under the circumstances. Anyway to busy packing! Oft to Goa this afternoon.....





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Bill Loneskie - 2009-04-01 7:44 PM


No Andy, you are wrong again. I do not hate anybody, nor, Hangman, am I bitter and twisted. Wrong too Colin, I am not "paid by FIAT". As for insulting anyone , I think you lot should read what you have written about me in the past 3 days. So before the Mad Mullah of Motorcaravanning has this thread closed down may I end with this quote from the Editor of Which Motor Caravan (p17 April 2009) :


But you probably won't accept him as honest,decent and truthful either.


I had CBT treatment to contol my emotions and anger, do you want the no

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Like others I brought my van for the overall package I knew about the possibility of problems when I ordered it but when buying a Motorhome if you rule out any on a Fiat chassis you have discounted 75% of Motorhomes on the market.

Although I haven’t had any problems with my van it doesn’t mean there isn’t a problem.

Bill’s attack on Andy is totally unfounded and not the sort of thing we want posted on this group, we should all be praising Andy for all the effort he has put into getting Fiat to come up with a fix. If Andy had not been so persistent with the advantage of being a Motorhome magazine journalist Fiat would probably still trying to fob people off until their van was out of warranty.


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Well Bill if this thread is to be closed down as you suggest, may have a long wait it's on its third life as it has been so popular the serever can't cope.

The normal thing that closes threads is people starting to post vitriolic lies I wonder who does that?

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