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Fiat Ducato pre 2006 models clutch


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You have probably have heard from me before , having experienced clutch failure on my 2.3 Ducato swift sundance 600 s at 15000 mls ,whilst in SPAIN ,LATE FEB 09. Is it just the new Ducatos or is this an ongoing problem for Fiat Ducato,s generally , would be interested to know other peoples experiences and opinions for and against ,and would they think it worthwhile writing to FIAT UK for compensation.





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I've re-read your previous posting




Although you have not said so specifically, I have assumed that, when your clutch problem occurred in Spain, the repair work was carried out there by a Fiat main agent and that you paid that agent for that work. I have also assumed that your complete clutch-assembly required replacement (rather than just hydraulic cylinders as Nick Fisher suggested might have been a possible cause of the malfunction). It would be helpful if you could confirm that these assumptions are correct and, if so, say what the repairer's explanation for the fault was. (Hopefully, you have retained the original components that were replaced during the repair work?)


Also, did you check via the Fiat forum whether there was any known history of premature clutch failure on pre-2006 Ducatos with the 2.3litre motor and, if you did, was there any useful feedback?


My understanding is that clutch failures on current-model Ducatos have been due to the clutch over-heating when the vehicles' excessively-high reverse-gear ratio has placed the clutch under severe stress. Failure is normally accompanied by burning smells (even smoke) from the clutch housing and, when failures have occurred, they have usually been quite early on in a vehicle's life-span - well before your 15000 miles. As far as I'm aware, all such failures have been dealt with by Fiat free of charge under warranty, presumably because Fiat accepts that the failures have resulted from the vehicles' inherent over-gearing.


The Dual Mass Flywheel (DMF) design of clutch fitted to all current-model Ducatos differs radically from that of your Sundance. Your motorhome's clutch is a less complex 'traditional' type and it might be argued that its simpler mechanism is more resilient to stress than a DMF clutch. There is absolutely no evidence (and no good reason) to link ongoing clutch problems on current (post-2006) Ducatos with clutch failures on earlier Ducatos.


Friction-related components (brake pads/shoes, brake discs, clutches, etc.), are normally not covered by a vehicle manufacturer's warranty if their failure is adjudged to be due to 'wear and tear'. However, such components will (normally) be covered by warranty when their failure is recognised as being due to a 'manufacturing defect'.


For clutch assemblies, I believe the general rule of thumb is that, if there are signs of over-heating when a failed clutch is inspected and no indication of a manufacturing defect, then the vehicle manufacturer will consider the failure to be a 'wear and tear' case and will resist a claim for under-warranty repair.


Plainly there is nothing to stop you seeking full, or partial, compensation from Fiat for the work needed to rectify your Ducato's clutch problem. You would need to provide original servicing receipts to prove that your Ducato has been correctly serviced according to Fiat's stated requirements, plus original receipts relating to the clutch repair. If you have not got the components that were replaced during the repair (or a statement from the repairer that the failure was due to a manufacturing defect) you may have trouble insisting that the problem was not due to 'wear and tear'.


However, if you don't ask you definitely won't get. (I approached Ford when a final-drive bearing failed on my 1996 Transit-based Herald motorhome when it was 4 years out of warranty and, although repairs were eventually funded by a 3rd-party warranty, Ford showed willingness to partially fund the repair costs.) I don't think you will get any financial joy from Fiat if you seek compensation for incidental expenses that fall outside warranty terms and conditions (eg. delay, stress, etc.)


Suggest you try involving the Swift dealer who sold you the Sundance as motorhome dealers have experience submitting warranty claims and should be able to point you in the right direction.

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