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Dogs left in motorhome for short periods


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We are getting together our trip to europe for the winter months November to March. I have read in a few mags that sites do not like you to leave unattended dogs in the van. We can leave ours for a couple of hours over here just to do a quick shop or sight see. She nevers barks at home or in the van. Has anyone ever left their dog in the van for short periods and if so have you had any problems with the site owners. we intend to take her with us on trips to the beach etc... but would like to leave her if we want to cycle anywhere to see the area. Any help would be apprecxiated as we are new at this and are now worried about what to do with our labrador. Thank you great site to be able to get help and advice from people who have been doing this awhile. Forgot to mention have already got her passport arrnaged


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With a bowl of doggy din dins and a large bowl of water our dog stays in the van for many hours sometimes while we visit dog unfriendly places. She is quiet and either sleeps or sits looking out of the window quite contentedly (according to neighbouring campers) and is a good anti theft deterrent as well. We generally leave the skylight open for ventilation when it's hot or just sunny on a cold day as it does get quite warm inside in sunlight even on a cold day.


We don't use sites very much and whilst we never ask the site owner/warden no one has ever complained and we've had dogs for over 20 years.


If a warden does complain all you can do is say sorry you didn't know that it was a crime and go and camp somewhere else if it's a problem.

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We do this quite often, our dogs just settle themselves down or peer out people watching! If it's sunny, close the curtains or blinds on the side where the sun is shining in - it can really make a difference to the inside temperature - and open a roof vent to let the hot air out. If it is very, very hot we don't leave them long (35+ degrees) as even in a motorhome in very hot weather it can soon turn into a gigantic oven.


Give you good a good walk to tire her out and some food and she should be fine.

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We travel with 2 poodles and leave them for short preiods providing its not too hot,and have never had a problem, in fact they seem to sleep most of the time. Sometimes I have left a tape recorder running, and have never heard a sound from them.

We tend to pull most of the blinds and open a roof vent.

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We have left our very old dog in the motorhome for short periods of time with no problems, normally with blinds up and roof vents open for ventilation, also if on site we have left a fan running well out of reach of her, but just to keep the air circulated. We had no problems but she was old and slept most of the time. I don't think anyone was any the wiser she was home alone.


I would be very reluctant to leave the new puppies home alone for even short periods of time. Their hearing is far more acute and I would hate them to kick off barking and get themselves in a state, as well as upset fellow campers. However, visiting the shower blocks etc is not a problem and is all part of camping.



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Thank you for the information. I can now plan our trip knowing that Bacardi yes thats her name she is a rescue she is as black as dark rum but not such a kick. As long as she has a good walk and fed she is happy to sleep or watch the world go by.
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Sorry everyone not sure I have the hang of this forum yet. I think I should have replied to you all using the( post a reply button). Infact I used a reply to only one member. Thanks for all the help it has put my mind at rest.


(lol) TT

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RRT - 2009-04-01 5:00 PM Forgot to mention have already got her passport arrnaged

Passport is one thing but have you got an air conditioner fitted ? I hope and pray (I'm sure you are) that you are well aware and concerned at the number of dogs that die each year in cars. It doesn't have to be sunny, and a window wound down half an inch is totally inadequate. As I'm pretty sure you know dogs do not sweat and can not cool themselves in this way, they have only one way to cool down and that is by increasing their breathing rate. Labradors are probably my favorite breed and I'm sure they are your favorite as well so please please before thinking about camp site rules etc. think about what may happen to your dog, and rather than cycle why not walk, you'll see more, you won't have to stick to the roads (and risk white van man killing your family) and your lovely dog can go with you.

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Mel B - 2009-04-01 10:51 PM If it is very, very hot we don't leave them long (35+ degrees) as even in a motorhome in very hot weather it can soon turn into a gigantic oven.

Hi Mel, I didn't want my post above to sound as if people should never leave their dogs in motorhomes, as everyone has implied there is more air in a MH than in a car and with roof vents open and a fan and curtains it can work, but as every concerned dog owner knows, it doesn't have to be blazing sunshine to kill, TBH if it was 35+ I wouldn't risk leaving our dogs more than 10 minutes and that might be cutting it fine. 

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Losos - 2009-04-02 4:55 PM
Mel B - 2009-04-01 10:51 PM If it is very, very hot we don't leave them long (35+ degrees) as even in a motorhome in very hot weather it can soon turn into a gigantic oven.

Hi Mel, I didn't want my post above to sound as if people should never leave their dogs in motorhomes, as everyone has implied there is more air in a MH than in a car and with roof vents open and a fan and curtains it can work, but as every concerned dog owner knows, it doesn't have to be blazing sunshine to kill, TBH if it was 35+ I wouldn't risk leaving our dogs more than 10 minutes and that might be cutting it fine. 

When we had our first foray abroad, to France in 2005, we were there when they had the heatwave - with temperatures of 41 degrees where we were in Cognac! We were all melting!!! Our van at the time, a Rapido, was very well insulated which proved to give a good degree of protection against the heat of the sun, this, coupled with vents open and blinds etc drawn actually kept the temperature warm but not too hot for us all most of the time except when it got to over 35 degrees. Once it got to that we only left the dogs for very short lengths of time. We always ensure they have plenty of water and move the mats so they have a cool floor to lay on too. If possible, we also look for some shade, behind a large tree, wall or building to block as much of the sun as we possibly can. When we were in Cognac in 2005 we went round distillery on a day when it was hot but we made sure we found a nice bit of shade for the van so the dogs didn't have a problem being inside it and they were quite happy and not stressed at all when we got back to them, they'd had a lovely kip ... probably glad of the peace and quiet from us! It's all about common sense really.
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It is all about common sense. The majority of dog owners (- sorry I can't say all dog owners) always put their dogs first. It comes down to the fact that alot of owners have dogs but are not responsible owners - they have no control over the dog, don't clear up after them - you know the type. It's these owners that cause trouble for the responsible owners, if all dog owners were like the minority, dogs would be allowed everywhere and there would be no need to leave them in any vehicle.


For example, blind dogs, hearing dogs etc are all allowed in places other dogs aren't allowed - the reason is because they are trained to high standards and cause no problems - these dogs are normal dogs, taken from a litter and trained, not specially bred as a superior well behaved breed. If so many owners put the time into training and understanding dogs then we would have a happier world, unfortunately like some parents, it is too easy to have children and not really bother with them, likewise it is all too easy to purchase a dog.


Appologies folks best get off my soapbox!

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Rapido-lass - 2009-04-03 9:03 AM


It is all about common sense. The majority of dog owners (- sorry I can't say all dog owners) always put their dogs first. It comes down to the fact that alot of owners have dogs but are not responsible owners - they have no control over the dog, don't clear up after them - you know the type. It's these owners that cause trouble for the responsible owners, if all dog owners were like the minority, dogs would be allowed everywhere and there would be no need to leave them in any vehicle.


For example, blind dogs, hearing dogs etc are all allowed in places other dogs aren't allowed - the reason is because they are trained to high standards and cause no problems - these dogs are normal dogs, taken from a litter and trained, not specially bred as a superior well behaved breed. If so many owners put the time into training and understanding dogs then we would have a happier world, unfortunately like some parents, it is too easy to have children and not really bother with them, likewise it is all too easy to purchase a dog.


Appologies folks best get off my soapbox!


Im sorry but I have to disagree with you :-S the MAJORITY of dog owners are responsible and clean up after their dogs and Do train them to behave but as usual the MINORITY get noticed! believe you me if it was as you say with the number of people that have dogs you wouldnt be able to walk for the amount of dog (Ill be polite) poo!!out there.


Just as a matter of interest :-D are you a dog owner??

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Tracker - 2009-04-01 4:27 PM




We don't use sites very much and whilst we never ask the site owner/warden no one has ever complained and we've had dogs for over 20 years.


Good grief! I could never leave mine that long.......rofl! (just my sense of humour, i couldn't resist! (lol)


We do leave ours for up to half an hour, and if on site the air con is left on to keep it cool. He doesn't seem to mind, and no one has said anything!

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When we had Piggy, she and Midge used to wait until we left our motorhome to got to the toilet block in the morning, they'd go and sit on the front seats, and then start to have a nice little howl together! It used to last about a minute then they'd stop ... anyone passing by at the time used to think it was hilarious!
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We used to leave ours the van. We had a Yorkie cross and quite often left her. At the time we had an Autosleeper Clubman & used to leave the back window & the roof vents open and the blinds down. We also had the summer screens that fit across the outside of the windscreen & left the cab windows half open. Whenever we camped with the dog we stayed on CCC or CC club sites so felt safe with them down. You actually couldn`t tell from the outside that the windows were wound down....so unless you knew.. you`d be none the wiser. We`d go for the shadiest spot on site & never had any problems. You use your common...if it`s hot for you it`s gunna be hot for them & if you`ve got any doubts you don`t risk it.
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My two German Shepherds would squeal in anguish if we left them in the Land Rover....until we were out of sight. I left them once to nip into a shop, came back a couple of minutes later to find an Old Biddy writing down my car registration. I had to get the dogs out of the car and introduce them before she would belive they were not in distress.


When the bitch died (14) closely followed by the cat (also 14) the dog, who had NEVER been without a four legged friend got very distressed if we left him alone in the house. Neighbours said he howled. So he went everywhere with us. Cinema? He was happy sleeping in the Landy. Ferry? We visited him mid-crossing....got a dirty look for disturbing his kip.


But our latest recue mutt is completly different. Daren't leave him in a car, he'd eat it. Also try to smash his way out to make friends with anybody walking past. Very friendy, but doesn't do "gentle".



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My two German Shepherds would squeal in anguish if we left them in the Land Rover....until we were out of sight. I left them once to nip into a shop, came back a couple of minutes later to find an Old Biddy writing down my car registration. I had to get the dogs out of the car and introduce them before she would belive they were not in distress.


When the bitch died (14) closely followed by the cat (also 14) the dog, who had NEVER been without a four legged friend got very distressed if we left him alone in the house. Neighbours said he howled. So he went everywhere with us. Cinema? He was happy sleeping in the Landy. Ferry? We visited him mid-crossing....got a dirty look for disturbing his kip.


But our latest recue mutt is completly different. Daren't leave him in a car, he'd eat it. Also try to smash his way out to make friends with anybody walking past. Very friendy, but doesn't do "gentle".



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maggyd - 2009-04-03 1:34 PM


Rapido-lass - 2009-04-03 9:03 AM


It is all about common sense. The majority of dog owners (- sorry I can't say all dog owners) always put their dogs first. It comes down to the fact that alot of owners have dogs but are not responsible owners - they have no control over the dog, don't clear up after them - you know the type. It's these owners that cause trouble for the responsible owners, if all dog owners were like the minority, dogs would be allowed everywhere and there would be no need to leave them in any vehicle.


For example, blind dogs, hearing dogs etc are all allowed in places other dogs aren't allowed - the reason is because they are trained to high standards and cause no problems - these dogs are normal dogs, taken from a litter and trained, not specially bred as a superior well behaved breed. If so many owners put the time into training and understanding dogs then we would have a happier world, unfortunately like some parents, it is too easy to have children and not really bother with them, likewise it is all too easy to purchase a dog.


Appologies folks best get off my soapbox!


Im sorry but I have to disagree with you :-S the MAJORITY of dog owners are responsible and clean up after their dogs and Do train them to behave but as usual the MINORITY get noticed! believe you me if it was as you say with the number of people that have dogs you wouldnt be able to walk for the amount of dog (Ill be polite) poo!!out there.


Just as a matter of interest :-D are you a dog owner??


I think you missunderstood what I said and meant. The majority of dog owners always put their dogs first. Alot of owners are not responsible owners this is the minority not majority. I mean alot because unfortunately it not a few even though the minority. And yes I am a responsible dog owner and have been for more years than I wish to reveal!

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Rapido-lass - 2009-04-03 10:03 AM  unfortunately like some parents, it is too easy to have children and not really bother with them, likewise it is all too easy to purchase a dog. Appologies folks best get off my soapbox!

No apologies needed so far as I'm concerned, over the past twenty years I have come to dislike an awful lot of humans, they breed like rabbits and couldn't give a dam about their offspring, and as you say it's the same with dogs, I want it and I want it now syndrum, but the minute you try to point out the error of their ways they are quoting all their 'civil rights' at you. Trainning a dog takes time and a lot of patience, two things which most humans don't have. Oh well I too had better get off my soap box !!  

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I certainly did missunderstand :-S as the question was about leaving your dog unattended in the van I thought you sounded like one of these people that are Anti -Dog and use any opportunity to dress down us dog owners :$ So Im sorry as I see you are a dog owner :D and are like us upset that we cant take our dog in places that we would like as they are classed as a Hygene Risk >:-( what about the great unwashed and stinkey people that we have to sit near!! that I only wish were as clean and cared for as our dog.


As for leaving you dog in the Van only you know the circumstances that prevail at the time and you have to judge dont you! if it complains when left for a short time I dont think anyone is going to bother after all Dogs Do Bark thats a fact of life the same as teenagers play loud music and kids make a noise when playing!!! IM on MY Soapbox now arent I LOL. :-D

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When my Basset hound was alive we used to leave him in the motorhome when we were in areas that he was not welcome (beaches etc.) I always returned to the motorhome every 30mins or so, on one occasion a passerby reprimanded me for leaving him in an enclosed vehicle, I invited her in to see for herself that the hound was actualy better off inside as with the curtains closed and the 15" roof fan running on low the temperature in the van was much cooler than the outside temperature. She was forced to agree that Sam was better off inside. It all depends on the circumstances no caring dog owner would allow his best friend to suffer. Common sense dictates what is the best for the dog *-) Happy camping to all (lol)
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Thanks for your comments Losos and Maggy, I'm sorry if any one else misunderstood my earlier comments. I am a dog owner and lover, I've just lost my old girl 4 months off her 18th birthday. She was well behaved, clean and loving and loyal which is more than can be said than some od the human race that I have been unfortunate to have come across.


People who spend time lecturing responsible owners about there dogs are probably people who have never owned and cared for a dog in their life, because if they had, they too would be fed up to the back teeth at being tar-d with the same brush as the irresponsible ones, but more to the point would know the difference between resoponsible and irresponsible dog owners.



Have you ever wondered where a dog is meant to stay while you use the facilities if the rules of the sites state a dog is not to be left in a motorhome/caravan, dogs are welcome on site as a dog walk is provided, but they aren't allowed in the toilet block and you were travelling alone? ?


I best get off my soap box and have a glass of wine!

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Rapido-lass - 2009-04-04 9:21 PM


Thanks for your comments Losos and Maggy, I'm sorry if any one else misunderstood my earlier comments. I am a dog owner and lover, I've just lost my old girl 4 months off her 18th birthday. She was well behaved, clean and loving and loyal which is more than can be said than some od the human race that I have been unfortunate to have come across.


People who spend time lecturing responsible owners about there dogs are probably people who have never owned and cared for a dog in their life, because if they had, they too would be fed up to the back teeth at being tar-d with the same brush as the irresponsible ones, but more to the point would know the difference between resoponsible and irresponsible dog owners.



Have you ever wondered where a dog is meant to stay while you use the facilities if the rules of the sites state a dog is not to be left in a motorhome/caravan, dogs are welcome on site as a dog walk is provided, but they aren't allowed in the toilet block and you were travelling alone? ?


I best get off my soap box and have a glass of wine!




I agree Rapido-lass,


I have always taken my Dobermann's on holiday in my van ( only owned one at one time) and have never had problems with any of them.


In fact so many people have been so 'surprised' as to their good behavior that they have gone out of their way to compliment me on their good behaviour.


Wish I could say the same about some of the children I have encountered on my travels !!!


I think I may join you with that glass of wine !!!

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