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National show - Peterborough - who's going then?

Mel B

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Guest peter
Tracker - 2009-04-06 10:00 AM


peter - 2009-04-05 11:24 PM


We'll be there in our new Burstner Marano Fiat 2.3 6 speed.


Let us know when you arrive Peter ans it will be fun to see if your new van will reverse onto it's pitch without jjjjjjjjudderrrrrr?

Why? Is Pererborough half way up a mountain. Your'e a nasty piece of work aren't you?
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Tracker - 2009-04-06 1:50 PM


I wonder if we can prevail upon Dave's good nature to invite us all to meet at his stand at a certain time on a certain day - so long as it ain't precipitating with perilous precision?


If so we must all be careful not to block his stand from potentially paying customers whilst we all natter and slag off Fiat!


Or is there a more suitable meeting point?


I don't have a problem with you all meeting at our stand other than it may cause a blockage in the aisles, we're in the cattle sheds so not such wide gangways. Perhaps the MMM marquee or the food court would be better suited?



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peter - 2009-04-06 9:54 PM


Tracker - 2009-04-06 10:00 AM


peter - 2009-04-05 11:24 PM


We'll be there in our new Burstner Marano Fiat 2.3 6 speed.


Let us know when you arrive Peter ans it will be fun to see if your new van will reverse onto it's pitch without jjjjjjjjudderrrrrr?

Why? Is Pererborough half way up a mountain. Your'e a nasty piece of work aren't you?


I read Rich's post as being funny - why didn't you? 8- He's obviously mixing it up with Malvern poor lad ... signs of the confusion of old age setting in already eh Rich!!! :D )

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Guest Tracker
peter - 2009-04-06 9:54 PM


Tracker - 2009-04-06 10:00 AM


peter - 2009-04-05 11:24 PM


We'll be there in our new Burstner Marano Fiat 2.3 6 speed.


Let us know when you arrive Peter ans it will be fun to see if your new van will reverse onto it's pitch without jjjjjjjjudderrrrrr?

Why? Is Pererborough half way up a mountain. Your'e a nasty piece of work aren't you?


I'm not at all sorry or surprised that you are offended Peter as you seem to be one of those people who is happy to upset others just as no one ever dares say anything that you don't like.


Why is it that you are unable to see it as a joke and accept it as such with good grace?


As it is you not I who has been offensive an apology from you for your rudeness might be appropriate?

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I won't be going, Malvern last year was my last show, it was dreadful. I think I said something similar to this in a previous posting re another show and it was pulled by the moderator who must work with Warners interests at heart. What I think I said was ..."I would rather stick pins in my eyes". So not many of you will read this or will you???? Will they Web Marshall?



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Guest Tracker

It's a bit unfair to compare two shows at different venues Tony?


Peterborough is generally a much larger show than Malvern?



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Over the years I've been to Peterborough twice, Lincoln once, York once and Malvern once. These shows are all the same to me, I know some are bigger and some are smaller. After the first show I threatened never again but after a few years thought they must be getting better but no, the same rubbish in all respects. I guess I'm just not a person who likes shows or for that matter rallies. Please don't let me get started on rallies.
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Guest Tracker
starvin marvin - 2009-04-07 8:07 PM


Over the years I've been to Peterborough twice, Lincoln once, York once and Malvern once. These shows are all the same to me, I know some are bigger and some are smaller. After the first show I threatened never again but after a few years thought they must be getting better but no, the same rubbish in all respects. I guess I'm just not a person who likes shows or for that matter rallies. Please don't let me get started on rallies.


Oh dear - I never could resist a challenge so go on then!


So what's wrong with rallies Tony - thousands of people like 'em?

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Our friends arrived late Friday last year and parked in the Harvester Pub carpark at the North entrance, however they did arrive before closing and were given permission. By the way this was a 7metre van so was parked accross double bays.



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Guest peter
Tracker - 2009-04-07 7:21 PM


peter - 2009-04-06 9:54 PM


Tracker - 2009-04-06 10:00 AM


peter - 2009-04-05 11:24 PM


We'll be there in our new Burstner Marano Fiat 2.3 6 speed.


Let us know when you arrive Peter ans it will be fun to see if your new van will reverse onto it's pitch without jjjjjjjjudderrrrrr?

Why? Is Pererborough half way up a mountain. Your'e a nasty piece of work aren't you?


I'm not at all sorry or surprised that you are offended Peter as you seem to be one of those people who is happy to upset others just as no one ever dares say anything that you don't like.


Why is it that you are unable to see it as a joke and accept it as such with good grace?


As it is you not I who has been offensive an apology from you for your rudeness might be appropriate?

O/K Richard I'm sorry that I said that you are a nasty piece of work. Because you are always having little jokes with me aren't you?.

Like the nice jovial little one that you and your mate BGD kept going until the Moderator removed it, because it was totally OTT and not fit to be published on this Forum.

So in the light of your previous form, I stand by my original statement, that you are indeed a very nasty piece of work and like nothing better than making snide remarks and gloating over other peoples misfortune.

Jokes from you to me..........I don't think so matey. >:-)

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Oh for goodness sake .........! Just when MY thread was back on track ....


I don't care what's gone on in the past, who, if anyone, was at fault ... unless we want all threads to end up in a total mess and ruined please can everyone think first before posting as to how your 'words' will be read by others or may be misconstrued, many times it is totally unintentionally, but it can happen.


So - if you think a posting isn't nice or some such, then please politely ask for clarification - but lets stop this stupid and constant p*ssing contest please ... before we all drown in the stuff!!!! :-|

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Guest peter
Sorry to have ruined your thread Mel. But if you read the posts you will see who the real protagonist is. I dont take stuff like that lying down. It's your mate mr Tracker who owes you an apology for ruining your thread. Nuff said.
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So - if you think a posting isn't nice or some such, then please politely ask for clarification - but lets stop this stupid and constant p*ssing contest please ... before we all drown in the stuff!!!!


peter - 2009-04-08 10:20 PM

Sorry to have ruined your thread Mel. But if you read the posts you will see who the real protagonist is. I dont take stuff like that lying down. It's your mate mr Tracker who owes you an apology for ruining your thread. Nuff said.


Thanks for the apology Peter but I wasn't looking for one. Please do not take this the wrong way but ... what I don't understand is what you don't understand about what I said regarding stopping the p*ssing contest ......... ! It's getting really boring the both of you locking horns all the time.



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Guest peter

Well, Im only a man after all. I understood your original post re:- the p*ssing contest.

But for the life of me I couldn't understand your last one. :D

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Guest Tracker
david lloyd - 2009-04-10 5:53 PM


Mel B


If peter and richard (tracker) are going then just switch off the engine and listen for a while - soon find out where they are!!





Yes quite so David - my van is the one that reverses onto it's pitch smoothly and quietly with no judder - can't speak for Peter's van though!


And just for the record Peter - no I don't have it in for you - I don't harbour a grudge - and in your case there really is no reason why I should - and the original joke was just that - an innocent opportunist joke with no malice aforethought (as is this) - again with no malice intended.


That's a clarification - no more - no less.

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