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National show - Peterborough - who's going then?

Mel B

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If you really want to see what it's like when someone has it 'in for you' come and work where I do - it certainly ain't no bed of roses! :-(


There are a couple of people who I work with, one of whom takes every opportunity to try to make trouble for me and make me out to be some sort of ogre ... which I'm not! Fortunately she did this once too often and her 'story' was found to be the complete opposite of what had transpired (why are some people so willing to believe the lies that others tell?) she had also badly upset some other staff too not long before. She has been warned as to her future conduct by the bosses. :-S


The other ... unfortunately IS one of the bosses!!!! She's driving me nuts - one minute nice as pie, the next she can be hurling abuse ... fortunately my departmental head heard her one day and soon came out and stopped the tirade as I couldn't get a word in edge-ways. Trouble is, I never know when she's going to start again .... I'm fed up of walking on eggshells ... can't wait until I leave - shame as I've been there permanently since 1981 but enough is enough - I want out and the sooner the better. :-|

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Mel B - 2009-04-10 9:14 PM I'm fed up of walking on eggshells ... can't wait until I leave - shame as I've been there permanently since 1981 but enough is enough - I want out and the sooner the better. :-|

Been there Mel, had it all in my last job, in the end I chucked it in four years ago and never regreted it for one micro second and luckily can live to the big 'R' day which ain't so far off now. You'll love it too I promise you!!


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Guest peter
Mel B - 2009-04-10 4:57 PM


Peter ... were you p*ssed in a different way then chuck? :$


Are you going to Peterborough? :-D

Yes Mel, we are going.

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Weather looks set fair so all systems go for a Thursday drive up to Peterborough - unless it changes.


Has a meeting day and time and place been agreed yet?


How about Friday and/or Saturday at Dave Newell's stand at about 4.30 pm?


Unless anyone has a better idea - all offers considered!

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Whilst I have no personal problem with forumites meeting at our stand (even better if they buy something >:-) :D ) it might be better if a different meeting point was chosen, perhaps the Warners tent during the "meet the team" session? I only say this because our stand is in the cattle sheds and last year it was a very busy thoroughfafre, I'd hate to cause problems of access to other traders.



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but alice only wants to meet you dave me ansum, not the team, and she is well used to cattle sheds my luvvers. it'll be home from home. good weather forcast, the weather man down yer is sayin to take yer suncream with us. as us got enough payload is the question. so where is this meet the daves team then?


f & A xxx

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davenewell@home - 2009-04-19 9:12 PM


Whilst I have no personal problem with forumites meeting at our stand (even better if they buy something >:-) :D ) it might be better if a different meeting point was chosen, perhaps the Warners tent during the "meet the team" session? I only say this because our stand is in the cattle sheds and last year it was a very busy thoroughfafre, I'd hate to cause problems of access to other traders.




Fair enough Dave - but we might still come around and annoy you as usual!

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We are DEFINITELY GOING!! Saturday morning we got the MOT on the Iveco conversion and after 5 hours of crap with DVLA I now have a valid, and more importantly, correct tax disc!! Reasd all about it in a forthcoming magazine article!


We have MOT, Tax, insurance, stand space booked, a camper van with a big bed, cooker, toilet and fridge. Tomorrow morning I will sort the radio so we can have some sounds to relax to, then we load everything and roll for Peterborough! I possibly won't get a chance now to post on here before next Monday so all I can say is see you there and let's have a good 'un!! :D :D



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Hi guys


Nicely settled at Peterborough showground - arrived yesterday in glorious sunshine. It's been very sunny again today but the wind has got up so not quite as warm but still very nice. The show is very large, lots of motorhomes on sale, quite a lot of sold stickers too so some people are spending! Lots of accessory stands too so plenty to spend smaller amounts of dosh on too.


We've suitably 'harassed' Clive & Jan and had a guided tour of their new 'gin palace' with the biggest awning/gazebo set up on site! Plus a few of the other Warners writers including George and Dave (Hurrell) ... Van Rouge is here (MMM editor's van) but haven't spotted them yet.


Met Don Madge a couple of times 'lazing' about on the Vicarious Books stand, and a couple of other forum members too - Gaz & his Mrs in their Autotrail Scout I think! Sorry if I've got that wrong - memory is going! :D


Also met Jacqui and Dave Newell .... and sloppy Dexter. Had a look at Jacqui & Dave's passion wagon complete with red satin sheets resplendent on the massive rear bed ... yes that's right - I'm not kidding ... just to be sure that it doesn't 'rock' he's fitted 4 rear steadies!!!!!! 8-) :$


Some very keen pricing is going on so if you're on the lookout for a van it could prove a very good show, not sure what the PX prices are like though - nothing has really tempted us - we're currently considering putting a solar panel on so will have another scout around tomorrow afternoon to try to decide what size/who to go for.


Dave was asking if anyone had actually settled on a 'meet' - if anyone is coming tomorrow then there's the 'meet the team' at the MMM stand from 3.00 pm for an hour - not sure if Dave will make it though as it depends if Jacqui will let him 'escape' from their stand but all being well we'll be there so if anyone else feels like turning up there'll probably be coffee and biscuits if its anything like other 'team meets'!


Well, off for a wander round the forum before my laptop battery dies - if you're thinking of coming to the show I would recommend it - it is really good this year and no ....



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We are parked not far from the Huntingdon suite. A couple of nutters turned up on bikes one day then later a similar couple of nutters turned up with a pile of canines, one in a push chair. God knowes who they are?


Will rib the Newell about the steadies, thought he was well past that at his age.


Hope the gazebo,s stand up to the wind.


Nite nite all




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Mel B - 2009-04-24 9:04 PM

Also met Jacqui and Dave Newell .... and sloppy Dexter. Had a look at Jacqui & Dave's passion wagon complete with red satin sheets resplendent on the massive rear bed ... yes that's right - I'm not kidding ... just to be sure that it doesn't 'rock' he's fitted 4 rear steadies!!!!!! 8-) :$


And parked it right next to main day visitor entrance, just to let a few thousand know.

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"Also met Jacqui and Dave Newell .... and sloppy Dexter. Had a look at Jacqui & Dave's passion wagon complete with red satin sheets resplendent on the massive rear bed ... yes that's right - I'm not kidding ... just to be sure that it doesn't 'rock' he's fitted 4 rear steadies!!!!!! "


This is absolutely true and all I can say about satin sheets is WOW, they're FANTASTIC :D :D :D . The four corner steadies did the trick too ;-) ;-) .



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I've just thought of some records for you Dave ... what with your satin sheets ... "Slip Sliding Away" ..... or "Sparky"!


Oh ... just a though ... you'd better think of ways to get some better sound-proofing installed too ... kept half the showground awake so I hear! :$



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