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Have just purchased a 2 Year old Eldis Sunseeker, which will be parked on the drive outside my Garage - where initially I cannot install a Lockable Post for security.


Would appreciate any guidance on the best type of Wheel Clamp to purchase in the interim - to secure my vehicle. Also is it best to have one or two clamps on a vehicle to keep the thieves at Bay !!.

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The more clamps the longer it will take to remove them.


I have my doubts about how effective wheel clamps are aginst a handy little tool called the rechargable angle grinder. The very thin discs now available slice through steel very quickly and relativly quietly.


Interestingly very few clamps are Thatchham approved. I only found one one the Internet and it required locking wheel nuts as well.



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Guest peter
If it's got an imobiliser and alarm they would be hard pressed to nick it. You could fit more locks on Habitation and Cab doors to make it harder to actually get in in the first place. But don't get paranoid about it, or it will spoil your enjoyment altogether. If you want to totally eliminate the risk of getting you M/H stolen, don't buy one. :D
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Put a good motorbike locking chain on the stearing wheel to something strong like the brake pedal, with the wheel turned hard over left or right and a similar chain cab door to cab door, plus a good load alarm. An engine immobilizer helps too but stick a notice saying that it is fitted.
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In my experience for peace of mind, fit an alarm/tracker system. Should anything happen you will be advised and the vehicle tracked for a quick recovery depending on the system you fit. Like anything, if someone wants it they'll have it, all you need to do is make your motorhome seem less attractive than anyone elses hence the deterrants. The alarm/tracker system would always be with you, where as would you always carry your wheel clamps when you go away? what about your security then?


Please don't let the worry over take your enjoyment of your motorhome.



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The have a thing in the recovery industry known as 'emergency wheels' Where all locks and clamps are great it will never stop the person who wants it....and the person that wants it, has the contacts to shift it very quickly!


To give you an idea, i once had a number of recovery lorries stolen, all immobilised, from a locked compound in broad daylight. The lifted them over the fence using god only knows what size of crane - never to be seen again (nor was the insurance man either!!) If they want it, they will take it.


Right these wheels - now they are effectively solid iron replacements for wheels in case of theft or burnout - they last a lifetime but do set you can a few hundred pounds - that said, i wouldn't fancy driving it far on them! It would also keep your tyres nice and tidyily in the garage to never rot away! So to kill two birds as it were, probably worth a few hundred in what it will save in tyres alone!

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Guest Tracker

I don't know where you live but if theft is that much of an issue I'm darned glad I don't live there!


Unless it is a really high risk area - and your insurers should tell you if it is - I doubt you will need any more 'protection' than the inbuilt immobiliser and a good alarm - assuming that you can hear the alarm when indoors asleep?


If you have an alarm remember to start the van engine every couple of weeks as it will drain the battery when set.


Other than that I suspect that a chain twixt clutch and steering column (not the wheel which is very easily cut through) would be as good a deterrent as any other and a lot less expensive than many?

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Mine is well insured so as far as I am concerned if it gets nicked I put in a claim modern vehicles cannot be started without the keys so I make sure the keys are secure in the home safe obviously when we are about touring home and abroad we are at the mercy of the morons that take pleasure from living off ill gotten gains as long as a baseball bat has a ball with it it cannot be classed as an offensive weapon it a piece of sports equipment.
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Hi there, following on from the above, I agree with Peter. Just enjoy your van as it is so easy to become paranoid about damage or theft ..... believe me I have been there. A good alarm and being sensible when you leave the van on a site (close curtains etc) are quite good and now I am looking into some kind of warning device like walkie talkie alarm for when in a restaurant.


Following on from Brock's post, also if your petrol cap is stolen then change the door lock as they could be getting to know the door lock key ... see told you I was paranoid 8-)


Hope you enjoy your van and look forward to hearing about your travels. Joy


PS Tracker, the only time my vehicle was damaged when left was when it was parked in an 'upper class' area but has (touch wood) never been damaged yet when parked on my mum and dad's council estate. Sadly, there are no completely safe areas now.

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As someone else said, if someone is determined enough, they will pinch any vehicle they want.


Wheel clamps, chains etc are about deterring them from pinching yours.


Apart from the alarm systems that came with the van, I also use one of those gadgets that lock all the pedals together - called a Clutch Claw.

I fit it as a deterrent, and it is quite difficult to get at to remove without the key.


( I will now go and check to see if the van is still on the drive !)


As they say - don't worry too much - just enjoy the freedom.



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Andy, thanks for all the entertaining articles, all you need is a new clutch, leaving the keys in? used to do that when I had a Lada.


Generally, if it's a professional theft, they'll take it regardless. Most alarms and precautions are to deter casual thieves. Use of a good steering lock, wheel clamps or alarms should make sure that casuals pass you by looking for easier pickings. Making theft harder, without runing your enjoyment, is about all you can do.

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I couldn't find a wheel clamp big enough to fit mine so I bought a steering wheel clamp and am having a Thatcham approved alarm fitted next month. Caravan Guard Insurance insisted on wheel clamps and an alarm. I plan to get some more quotes next time. Has anyone got any insurance recommendations?
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We are with Shield Total Insurance who suit us. To be honest it is worth ringing around like all kinds of insurance and get quotes, but make sure you know what standard/extras you want before you start so they are all equal quotes.


Main thing is enjoy your new toy!

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