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Fiat Autotrail Trigano Tribute 550 suspension/knocking/bang


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Please help!!

My parents have just purchased a brand new Fiat Autotrail Trigano Tribute 550 and they went away for a few days last week, and my Father has said there is a knocking or a banging noise at the rear in the suspension area.

They have taken it back to the company they bought it from who said just see what happens when they use it!

Has anyone else had these problems or know of what may be causing it.

Any help would be appreciated as I'm at the end of my tether with the company!


Thank you

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Guest Tracker

Have you tried taking it to a Fiat Commercial vehicle dealer/workshop as they should be, no guarantee I know, better informed and better able to advise than a motorhome dealer - unless the motorhome dealer also has a Fiat authorised repair facility?


Alternatively Nick at Euroserv might know?

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Check out http://www.tribby.co.uk/forum/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=360 this is a dedicated site for Tribby owners.. The knocking is believed to be the rear suspension springs banging against each other, There should be a rubber spacer between the spring leafs, it looks like they have dropped off. (Have look at the above link scroll down and you should see some photo's ) causing both springs to bang against each other....
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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks Tracker - please could you advise me how I could get in touch with Nick from Euroserv?



Further update:


My parents are having more problems - the 'company' they purchased it from are saying they have been told it is not their slider blocks but they need 'AEONS' on the leaf springs? However these are not covered under the warranty?

Has anyone heard of these or can give any further assistance


Your help would be very much appreciated.

Their van is the Tribute Trigano 550



Thanks again


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