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Hymer UK

Sylv and Neil

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Had a problem on a recent trip to France, side window of our Niesmann and Bischoff Arto was smashed by Gypsies. Have been trying to get this sorted since our return at end of March. The van was purchased a couple of years ago from Hymer UK over at Preston where we have been trying to arrange for repairs. Today was informed that they no longer have the franchise for N&B and are unable to source the replacement window unit. We understand there is a UK based N&B owners club who may be able to advise us. Would be glad of any advice from anyone.
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Guest peter
You'll probably find that it's a standard "SEITZ" window and any competent fitter shoud be able to change it for you. Have a look at the windows and you should see the makers name. They are all listed on the Seitz website if it is one.
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Sylv and Neil. Sorry to hear of your troubles and hope they are soon resolved. Please could you post a few details of the incident and its location/surroundings and what you might do to avoid such a thing occurring again? It may help others to avoid similar problems.



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You should contact N&B in Polch Germany directly and ask them to direct you to their nominated UK dealer. The last I knew was AAA leisure in Wales but I am not sure if they take on repairs for vans they have not sold. Hence ask Polch.


Try this bloke




Good luck


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