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Hymer UK continued

Sylv and Neil

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Hello and thank you to everyone who responded to our plea for help. In answer to Bobs response, the incident happened on the Aire at Honfleur in France in March. A number of Irish gypsies arrived about the same time , they were moved around the aire by the French police but were not moved off. We were not directly near them until a couple of vans moved off, then we became neighbours to a family with teenage children who spent their time perfecting their catapulting skills. Sitting in the van one afternoon I heard a very loud crack and discovered the window had been broken and the children climbing over each other to get into their caravan. The police were informed but no real action taken, the gypsies remained. We discovered a couple of days later that an elderly Dutch couple had their front light cluster broken in the same way. Be careful if you visit Honfleur, your visit can be costly in more ways than one. Sylv
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We pulled on to the Honfleur Aire on 8th March and there was an assortment of unsavoury looking vans and caravans and occupants so we just did the loo and got water and moved off to a quieter spot for the night at the free Aire at La Riviere St Sauveur.
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bognormike - 2009-04-11 9:32 PM


what's this got to do with hymer Uk? (?)


Who cares?


It's useful info for anyone going to Honfleur and that's what really matters!

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bognormike - 2009-04-11 9:32 PM


what's this got to do with hymer Uk? (?)


This thread is an addendum to an earlier one by the same author that is (currently) on Page 2 of the forum. See




Although threads on earlier forum pages can be added to - which will then cause the thread automatically to be displayed at the top of Page 1 - there's no reason to expect a new forum member to know this instinctively.

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