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Processionary Caterpillars v's Dogs

starvin marvin

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There is only one winner and its not the dog. I've been meaning to post this since we returned home from our winter jaunt, and since its raining today here it is.


There were loads of nests visible in pine trees all through Spain & Portugal. I can't remember where we first spotted the nests in France on this trip, but they were visible on our return as far North as Sorigny just South of Tours. Didn't see anymore after that.


The only place we saw them on the ground was in Portugal in the Monchique hills on the 4th & 5th March when we duly up sticks and headed for the coast.


We then met a Swedish couple who's dog (a big Newfoundland cross) had touched the caterpillars on the previous Friday at a baragem camp and though they were able to save the dog which was unable to swallow due to its mouth/tongue swelling. They had to drive to Beja at midnight to find a vet. The dog was going to need to have part of its tongue removed.


We know a couple with a Jack Russell who had a very similar experience, a few years ago, so do beware.


I think I've read somewhere that the caterpillars don't survive temperatures lower thab 5 degC anybody confirm that? If true many of the nests in France should have been full of dead caterpillars.

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What horrible things! Last year near Loches we moved a small paddling pool and a short while later these monsters started crawling out of the ground. We eventually poured petrol on the ground and set it alight but even then many of them refused to die. Even a blow torch up close and personal took a while. I normalyy wouldn't kill a fly but these things are something else. Heading off to France in May. Need to keep a very close eye on the dogs.
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