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Damp Place in my van


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Advice please

I have found a damp stain 2" wide and 14" high at the rear nearside corner. What broughr it to my attention was the other night it was raining heavey and water started to run from UNDER the rubber band that is fitted around the window, that has now stopped. The window is approx 20" from the stain.

What is involved in repairing a fault like this and is it possible to repair it oneself or best take it to a dealer.

Are there books that I can buy on how to repair it.

What sealant does one use etc etc.


Any advice would be appreciated


John C

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Hi, you didn't say what Motorhome you have ,it helps as others may have the same one, is the stain above or below the window,?by the sounds of it ,it is more likely to be from the nearside corner itself, get a damp meter and work you way from the window to the damp patch watching the readings/ sounds (if audio ) that should tell you if there is water ingress from your window, the rubber band you describe I take is the actual window seal, these can some times be removed carefully and checked to see if there is evidence of water ingress around the window then a sealant applied carefully around the window before refitting the seal should help, put the heating on in the Motorhome to help dry the inside out and a hair drier can be used on the damp patch itself to help dry that up,also check the roof seal at the top of the nearside corner, looking for cracks or damage, no doubt others will be along with further advice, good luck,
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Corky 8


Thanks for the advice. My van is an Autotrail Cheyanne 634L. As I am unable to store my vehicle inside so I to take her to a local repair shop.

The water was getting in through the metal band that covers the rear and side join. The screws were rusted. Cost £80 to repair which I thought was not to bad.


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