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Guest Eric

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Eric Yes I have fitted them to the last 3 motorhomes we have had, very effective. Does what it says on the tin. Fitted our first one having suffered through what was thought to be contaminated water. Saying that it was the first problem we had after more than 40 years of camping. Expensive cure, but peace of mind,and my stomach is a lot older so needs looking after.
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Guest Andy Saville
Hi Eric, I fitted one of the 'Naturepure' systems to my van last September and have found it to be excellent, we are very satisfied, no funny tastes, previously had a 'plasticy' taste from the water either from the tank or piping, also and more importantly (for the boss) no 'scum' on the 1st cup of tea in the morning, or any cuppa. Very easy to fit using the supplied instructions only problem I had was finding a suitable 'T' connector to tap into piping, but one call to General Ecology and they sent one free of charge in the post. I know its not cheap but is quicker and easier than having a filter jug on the sinktop taking up space. I would certainly recommend it.
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Guest Derek Uzzell
I recall looking at this General Ecology product years back and thinking it cost a helluva lot. You can get similar products for domestic water systems via builders' merchants and I also saw one recently (tap + filter) at our local Focus DIY outlet. Didn't check the price I'm afraid, but I doubt it was very expensive.
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Please be aware that this product really only makes water taste better. It does not filter out the major causes of water borne illnesses and diarrhoea. The only effective filter for safe drinking water has to have the filtering to < 3 micron. This can only be achieved by a process known as reverse osmosis. Without this you are at risk of cryptosporidium gastroenteritis which is one of the worst you can get. It is surprising common especially in warmer climes. Secondly there should be ultraviolet light irradion of the water and further filtering to filter out the resultant dead bacteria and viral particles. The Dometic unit has UV treatment and filtering but I am not sure it has reverse osmosis. Anything less that this is a compromise and you are just fooling yourself that the water is safe.
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John I do not know if your comments are about the Naturepure filter or Dereks builder merchant product which may be a "taste" filter, and not a water purifier, but the Naturepure filter claims to remove bacteria such as S.typhosa (typhoid fever), Shiglla, which causes diarrhea, and E.coli, pathogenic cysts such as Giardia,Cryptosporidia and other parasites down to 0.1 microns. They claim that the design of the filter does not require reverse osmosis. Filters such as the Whale filter are just "taste" filters and do not claim to be water purifiers.
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Eric I change the filter depending on usage, if we get out a lot including throughout the winter then yearly, if we have been resrticted in our outings then 18 months to 2 years. Naturepure say when the flow reduces or every year. I usually get a replacement filter at Peterborough or York shows, if we are in the country, they are usually available at a slight discount. I know you can buy a lot of bottled water for the cost, but what price convenience.
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Guest David Powell
Hi Eric...The important thing with fitting Naturepure as far as WE and campers etc are concerned is the fact that it filters out something nasty that sheep leave around, and finishes up in local water supplies [like all over the Welsh mountains where a lot of water comes from and is pumped to the midlands]We have been wracking our brains but can't remember it's name,(some thing like SPIROCHAETA ******) it is in a minute spiral shaped hard shell, and Naturepure filters them out....Filter changing times are just as Doug says...Naturepure sends me a letter when it is time to change... P.S. when you see that little statement on site notes:-"possible sheep on site", instead of thinking..dark green patterns on carpets...think water filters...Also a big problem in New Zealand with big notices stuck up all over camp sites.
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Guest David Powell
ERROR in Naturepure(11) My filter is not Naturepure...it is General Ecology...they are at all the Shows...Sorry for the mistake...
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  • 1 year later...
Seriously thinking of getting one of these systems, how do people rate them now, any good or bad views would be great. Also the filters are expensive do they still recommend changing every year to 18 months? Many thanks Mandy Just noticed it is exactly 2 years to the day that this was last brought up, must be a spring thing
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Hi MandyandAndy We have used the Naturepure for 3 years in my MH and also have the domestic one fitted at home as we draw our water from a spring in the hillside. They are superb and the cost is minimal compared to a ruined holiday! I first used them in Rwanda when on attachment with the US Army who have them as standard issue. The water sources there were interesting to say the least but not one case of illness due to bad water was reported. That sold it for me. When you see folk rinsing out toilet casettes at drinking water points then I know that whatever is there will be taken out by the Naturepure. Eau de Thetford does not begin to compete with Rwandan rivers and streams. Heartily recommended for peace of mind and much cheaper than buying bottled water. The filters last for about 1000-1500 litres and should be replaced when the water flow begins to appreciably slow down. Do not confuse with water filters sold at builders merchants etc, they remove sediment and improve taste but still allow the nasties to get through. The first time you will notice their ineffectiveness is when you start the small room shuffle! Regards Pat
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I have fitted one and it's excellent. It was the only filter I found that, on testing, actually removed the taste of plastic from the water (caused by our new water tanks). The only problem with it is the fitting: it comes with US-sized connector spigots which are really too small for UK/European pipes plus jubilee clips, so, unless you take great care, it starts leaking as soon as the pump buils up the water presuure. Mel E ====
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Good to see this old subject brought back again, every Motor home should have one. Did not realise how mauch time has flown by, I was called David Powell on that old thread. Just changing the 'van so will without a doubt put a Naturepure filter in the our new "preloved" 'van before it ever leaves the driveway. A must for everyone who respects their health, well being, and taste buds. P.S. it is a good idea to take out the carbon filter and store it dry in the house when/if your 'van is not in use over a long period.
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