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Autosleeper Nuevo wheel fouling arch

Ed Brumby

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We purchased an Autosleeper Nuevo in October. The rear wheels are fouling the wheel arches on going over a bump. I am awaiting Autoslepers directions but want to contact an owner of a recent Nuevo who will measure wheel arch clearances.

Not too happy Ed

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Welcome to the forum Ed.


You don't say which year your van is but I used to have a Nuevo on the pre X250 chassis and this was never a problem and neither was anything else as the van was well made and totally reliable.


Indeed I have never had this problem with any van which makes me think that there must either be the wrong size wheels and/or tyres on it or incorrectly fitted wheel arch panels or a very serious body to chassis alignment issue?


Auto Sleepers had a reputation for first class customer care and maybe a phone call to them at Willersey would throw some light on the issue?

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Hi Ed and welcome,

You never said if your Motorhome was empty or loaded when it happen,s also it may sound a daft question but your not carrying a motorbike or anything heavy either on the tow bar (if one fitted),or internally, and do you mean its catching the outside of the wheel arch or the tyre is actually touching the top of the wheel arch inside , if its touching the inside top of the wheel arch it sounds like you rear suspension may be at fault, your dealer should be wanting to rectify that problem very quickly.

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Thanks for the reply. The load is just my wife and I. No motor bikes.

It is touching the sides of the plastic wheel arch. The offside wheel has 5mm clearance at the rear! You can see where the plastic has been rubbing against the tyre. Goodnes knows what the original clearance was! I need to speek to a Nuevo owner in readiness for further discussion with Autosleeper. It is an 08 van


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Perhaps the springs need resetting. Perhaps previous owners have been carying excessive loads over uneven ground. What mileage is showing?


Is this when fully loaded, have you been to a weighbridge when the rubbing occurs (with all passengers on board) to check your all up load?

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Ed your discussions should be taking place with the dealer who sold you the van.Dealing direct with Autosleepers you have no legal rights and are totally relying on their goodwill to fix any faults. Going through the supplying dealer gives you your full legal rights up to and including returning the van. Additionally the dealer is responsible for meeting any costs you incur while van is unsuitable. eg hire car; booked sites you cannot get to etc.

All the best


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docted - 2009-04-14 12:49 PM


Ed your discussions should be taking place with the dealer who sold you the van.Dealing direct with Autosleepers you have no legal rights and are totally relying on their goodwill to fix any faults. Going through the supplying dealer gives you your full legal rights up to and including returning the van. Additionally the dealer is responsible for meeting any costs you incur while van is unsuitable. eg hire car; booked sites you cannot get to etc.

All the best



Agreed - but you may well get more sense from a phone call to Auto Sleepers that you will from a dealer - unless things have changed at A/S and customer care and product knowledge are no longer as first class as they used to be - I don't know - but I would certainly be on the phone to the makers first rather than last to get their response.

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It could be that the floor pan is to wide for the latest chassis, it could be old stock from the previous model, I say this because I experienced a similar problem some time ago and the manufacturer put it back on the production line and corrected it. It was perfect after that, the wheel apertures were recut and new wheel arches were fitted along with a new wiring loom which had rubbed away.
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Re docted's comments. In an ideal world this would be so. We had various problems with a new 58 plate Auto-Sleepers Symbol ES, including a total habitation closedown on day 2 of ownership. As indicated in my letter printed in a recent issue of Hayes Leisure at Darlaston near Birmingham were first class in their response. However we have had many ongoing problems including another 2 electronic control units being needed. There were so many other problems, running into the teens. For the first four months we had to visit Hayes at least once each month. Three camping trips had to be curtailed. On a number of occasions (not initially) we spoke about rejecting the van and we were told by two of Hayes family that we could not and would have to take them to court. As we could not afford the risk of losing, we did not. Bill Hayes, sales director, said that their only obligation is to correct any faults. We asked about their buying the van from us on two occasions but were told that they were overstocked and so were not in a position to do so.


In fairness :

Bill was willing to look for a different vehicle for us and to part exchange our vehicle. We both agreed I would lose a lot of money so did not take up that offer.

Most of the faults have been rectified.


However some of the squeaks were untraceable by Hayes but they were willing to try again.


We have solved some of them ourselves and seem to have to accept that bigger vans than our previous Trident (bought from Hayes) do rattle and squeak



We still

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Hi Mel


mel wood - 2009-04-14 5:40 PM


In fairness :

Bill was willing to look for a different vehicle for us and to part exchange our vehicle. We both agreed I would lose a lot of money so did not take up that offer.


Sorry, but I don't think that Bill was playing fair with you - if he was they would've let you exchange it for a van of the same value without it costing you any more at all! Instead he was 'willing' to PX it for you and cream you for some more money in the process!!!!

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Ed Brumby - 2009-04-13 6:22 PM


It is touching the sides of the plastic wheel arch. The offside wheel has 5mm clearance at the rear! You can see where the plastic has been rubbing against the tyre. Goodnes knows what the original clearance was!


Hi Ed


As it is rubbing on the SIDES and not hitting at the top, these makes me suspicious of the tyres/wheels you have and/or what axle is fitted - it could be too wide for your particular model of van.

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Ed's inquiry is specific - he wishes to contact an owner of a current model Nuevo so that he can compare wheel-arch clearances.


My experience of Auto-Sleepers is that, if there are under-warranty problems that the vending dealership feels would be best addressed by the factory, Auto-Sleepers may well agree to deal directly with a motorhome owner and may ask for the vehicle to be returned to the factory for attention. That may be what's happening in Ed's case.


I can fully appreciate Ed's wish to try to establish whether the lack of rear wheel-arch clearance is peculiar to his Nuevo, or whether this is the norm for this model - it's exactly what I would want to do. How else will he be able to assess the validity of what Auto-Sleepers tells him, or the potential effectiveness of whatever remedial action is proposed?

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Ed, I've just measured the narrowest gap between rear tyre and wheel arch.


The most accurate figure I can provide is 8 cms. The van is a 2003, shod with Michelin Agilis which have 65 psi in at the rear. We have no fouling issues.


The van is on a very slight slope but I assume that would make little or no difference to the measurement I have provided.


I hope this helps.



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