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Autosleeper Surrey HOT WATER PROBLEMS


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Autosleeper County Range Surrey


Following our first trip out , lots of small problems sorted out including the front number plate dropping off on the drive at home. ( You cannot fit sticky strips on top of old ones). Main problem left to sort HOT WATER what is wrong? it would be easier to state what is right? answer nothing.

You turn the hot tap on out comes nothing the pump bangs vibrates, then a strong splurge and the water comes out in fits and starts, you shut the tap off, and the pump keeps running, turn the tap off and the pump stops, then out of the blue with the tap off the pump starts and keeps running, turn the tap on and off the pump stops. In the middle of the night the pump starts to run. As I said it would be easier to say what is right.

No leaks visible, have tried small adjustments of the screw on the pump, but to no avail have returned adjustment back as it was.

Have looked at other threads seems a bit of a common problem, so have ordered a Fiamma A20 accumulator, to fit into the system ( as a point of interest Shurflo Pumps show one in their plumbing diagram as an optional extra)The Shurflo Accumulator being twice the price of the Fiamma one.

Can Simon or someone confirm that this should be fitted on the feed pipe from the pump to the water heater, in the case of the Surrey the drain Tap under the bunk, fitting the Accumulator into the 12mm blue pipe under the bunk between the drain tap return to the Water heater.

As a matter if interest bumped into a couple locally just purchased a 2009 Devon from the same dealer as myself guess what they were at MudiBond Mercedes Dealer getting a rear number plate made, yes you have guessed it dropped off, not so lucky as me they lost theirs. In their case the incorrect type of sticky pads were used you must use exterior grade. sorry to be a bit of a no it all I have just retired from the motor trade after 35 years and sold hundreds of cars all with new plates fitted guess what not one dropped off. The Devon couple were also very annoyed AND guess what with exactly the same HOT WATER PROBLEMS.

I think this may suggest that an Accumulator should be fitted as standard, if indeed this is the answer to correct the problem.

Perhaps Simon would like to comment. I appreciate the dealer or the service department at the factory would sort the problem but it is a 186 mile round trip to the dealer, plus the time involved. Should the Accumulator not cure the problem I will have to return it to the service department, it cannot be used as it is.

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The majority of motorhome water systems that use a pressure-sensitive diaphragm water-pump like the one fitted to your vehicle do not include any form of surge-damper/accumulator and function pretty well without one.


The SHURflo schematic is just a general diagram - it includes an accumulator to indicate that such things exist (and are made by SHURflo) and the position where an accumulator should be fitted in the 'pipework' It in no way indicates that an accumulator should be fitted as standard.


The SHURflo Installation/Operation leaflet provides a troubleshooting section that may help you to identify the cause of your present problem, but there are plenty of possibilities. I'm doubtful from your description that just adding an accumulator will provide a solution.


I don't know which other threads you have looked at, but this one does discuss accumulators in some detail



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Thanks for useful comments. have already looked through threads as you suggest. Fitting an accumulator as I see, can do no harm, other than to my wallet. But even that is cheaper than a return of the M/H to the dealer or Autosleeper themselves. Hoping to fit today fingers crossed it may work, will keep you posted

Take care



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Guest Tracker
Number plates held on by sticky pads are all too easy to lose or to have pulled off and stolen either by yobs or by vehicle cloners and I always drill and pop rivet my number plates in place on every vehicle I get.
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delboy0127 - 2009-04-18 10:32 AM


But even that is cheaper than a return of the M/H to the dealer or Autosleeper themselves.




You don't have to visit the factory or the dealer, just telephone or e-mail Auto-Sleepers with the details of your problem and they will respond promptly and effectively. They always have for me, and I have had three Auto-Sleeper 'vans in 17 years.

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Hi Tracker


When blind drilling you have to be on the look out for hidden cable trunking which you cannot always see, but yes tend to agree a more permanent fixing of number plates can be a better idea, all one would ask either way , that who ever fits the plates, should ensure that they do not drop off within 24hours of delivery, do you agree?


Take care



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Hi Brian,


Are Autosleepers offering a new mobile service for warranty work, doing the repairs on your drive at home?. Seriously it was much easier for me to get on and get the job done. And yes Autosleepers and the dealership are only at the end of the telephone or e-mail, and have been for me, they have both been first class. No complaints.



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