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Nu Venture Rio Gross Weight


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A friend of mine has a 2002 Nu Venture Rio Special Edition (SE because they had it built to their own interior specification - very nice too). It is on a Fiat Scudo 2 litre TD. The Max Gross Weight as given by Fiat on the Data plate on the vehicle is 2315Kg. In the Nu Venture Handbook the Max weight is stated at 2335Kg - only 20Kg more, but in loaded touring state it weighed 2300Kgs on the local weighbridge. Now, they are pretty close to the limit, but if the limit were 2335Kg, they would at least have a few more Kgs to play with. They have tried to clear this up with Nu Venture, but only get told that the bloke who built it for them is no longer employed and refuse to answer further questions. My own opinion is that the Fiat Data plate is the one to be followed, but what do our Forum experts think?



Neil B

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The data plate attached to vehicle is the one to use, but, how well balenced is the loading of axles, if they are both well within there own max it might be usefull to contact SV Tech for an updated data plate, if either axle is close or over then maybe a rethink.
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I would agree that the Fiat plate is the one to adhere to. I am afraid that the Rio had a very low payload. I wonder if the reason that Autotrail stopped building the Tracker on the Scudo was a payload problem.

I had a Rio Quattro for 3 years but changed because I was always running at the maximum overall weight, and also maximum rear axle weight.


The new Scudo has a better payload allowance.

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The handbook figure is irrelevant (even if it were 'correct') - it's the weight data on the vehicle's VIN-plate that matter.


For what it's worth, Which Motorcaravan and MMM apparently reported on a Scudo-based Rio in respectively Dec 2000 and June 1998 issues (I haven't got copies.)


WM Jan 2002 gives the MTPLM of an Auto-Trail Scudo-based Tracker as 2510kg and a MRO of 2140kg, but no equivalent weight-related data are provided for the Nu Venture Rio.

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Thanks guys, confirms what I had thought. Friend will just have to continue to slim down and be careful of what he carries. He tells me that the 'van is supposed to be 1850 Kg 'on the road', but when he weighed it it is 2150Kgs, ie before he starts to get ready for a trip - what a pain!

Thanks again, Neil B

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