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Nuevo Radio problem (Marquis/Autosleeper Lancashire)


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I have an Autosleeper (marquis) Lancashire, which is a Nuevo by another name. Registered 2007 but is the cab and chassis that was used up to 2006. (not the new long nose and bumper)

I heard on this forum that the radio was a pain and, yes it is!

Others have said about it turning itself off after 20 minutes but I did not realise that it would turn itself off after 20 mins even when driving. Is this standard and, if so, is there a fix?

What is the "radio isolator switch" above the fridge about? It seems to do absolutely nothing.

There is a menu item on the radio that says"IGN" and can be set at 20 or 0 and seems to make no difference eg it turns itself off after 20 mins whilst driving!


Secondly, It has Michelin Camping tyres fitted and the salesman said that tyre pressures should be 60psi all round and not what the doorpost or manual says. Can anybody confirm this?

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As for your radio it's a bone of contention yes 20 mins and it goes off but it's not supposed to do it when your driving I'd query that one with the dealers and ask for it fixing..tyres are a different problem some one a while back posted a link with a phone number so you could actually check the correct pressures but I can't remember who/where /when it was
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If you turn the radio isolater switch to on then the radio will not turn off after 20 mins when driving. However do not leave the switch on when the vehicle is parked up. Even when you turn it off it leaves the radio powered up in some kind of sleep mode and will flatten the vehicle battery in about 8 days. Yes yes I have done it.
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Just to clarify I meant when you turn the radio off if you leave the isolater switch on the radio stays powered up. It is easy to check if you look at the radio in dim light you will see that the radio switch is glowing if the isolater switch is on. This is covered in the AS handbook but it is not very clear. Hope this helps.
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Thanks all for your replies.


Graham, does the radio isolator switch work independently from the control panel ?

(control panel = the one that has controls for the pump, lights and water/battery indicator etc)


Oh,....... also, ........I suppose the radio isolator switch is "press the top bit of the switch for off and the bottom of the switch for on.


I know I'm asking basic seemingly stupid questions but I want to get my facts right before I go to Marquis demanding faultfix . (what a crazy way to set up a radio!) >:-)

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Yes it is nothing to do with the control panel it is just the radio. You are correct press the top for off and bottom for on (at least it was on ours). This switch is fitted by AS on most (if not all) of pre X250 based vehicles. I don't know how they wire it but it is obviously there to overcome the 20 min problem. I assume Peugeot put the 20 min thing on the radio to stop white van man running the battery flat when parked up but it is a Peugeot thing and not AS. If your isolater switch works ( it is possible that a previous owner couldn't understand it and fiddled with it) then there is nothing wrong with the system and nothing for Marquis to do. It does work fine as long as you remember to turn it off when you stop using the van (very important). When it gets dark go into the vehicle and turn the switch on (radio off) and then on/off radio switch should glow. Then turn it off again. THe manual (assuming you have one ) needs to be read between the lines to work out what that switch does which is why we got it wrong and flattened the battery. I have met several other AS owners who were similarly confused.
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Thanks for the guidance Graham!

I have just done exactly whay you said and the radio does not glow,(with switch either way.. Therefore, I guess, the wiring is at fault. I'll investigate more tomorrow.

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Hi Dan,

I have the same van as you, the glow is very faint, the best way to test it is:

turn the isolater switch on, turn the radio on, and wait for it to pass the twenty minute time, if it stops on, it's working.

But don't forget to turn the isolater off after use.


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Thanks for that, Pete. i have now tried all combinations of the switch on/off etc. My radio has the on /off switch which is circular and you press the top of it to increase volume and the bottom to decrease volume. It also has in the menu mode, a setting IGN TIME which can be either 20 or 0. This is NOT described in the manual, so, I can only guess that this is some sort of delay switchoff setting. I have also tried this on both settings with isolator switch both on and off. I have checked the isolator switch and two wires are connected, so, I guess that this is OK, wiringwise.

Of course, waiting 20 minutes to pass, then getting excited when you think that it is fixed, then......rowlocks!!!!! It turns itself off....every bloomin' time.

Methinks its wired up wrong.

I'll confront Marquis to see if they will fix it. If not, I will buy a new radio and resource a live wire from elsewhere to feed it. Apparently the 20 minute delay is not in the radio, but in the wiring somewhere.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi all.

Marquis have looked at the radio and the switch was wired up wrong and a wire was off at the back of the radio.

I have just this minute noticed the dim glow on the radio is working! The interior lights in the van are a bit dim, so, 2 days of the thing being on "standby", sotospeak, has possibly already had an affect on the battery,

or would it be only the engine battery that suffers?

If it is on, then the radio stays on after 20 mins whilst driving......phew.


I'll start Avro up tomorrow. (I hope) ((Avro Lancaster (shire))

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Assuming it is now wired as AS intended then the radio only works off the vehicle battery and it is this that will go flat if the switch is left on so be careful. If you do make a mistake remember that the on board charger will trickle charge the vehicle battery if you put the control panel switch in the vehicle position. I don't know how long it takes to charge but it does recover, yes I twice forgot to turn the switch off. If your internal lights are dimming the leisure battery may have seen better days. Just as an aside it might be worth checking that the internal charger is turned on. Ours wasn't when we collected it. If you lift one of the large round bungs in the wardrobe floor (I can't remember which one) you will see the switch and a little light.
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