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Selling a motorhome.


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Hello all.


For numerous reasons, I'm contemplating selling my beloved Swift Royale. It's a bit sad in a way, but since my divorce and relocation last year, I've hardly used the 'van and I can't see it getting much use in the foreseeable future. Add to this the storage fees that I'm paying and the fact that if I sell it, my post-divorce debts will be cleared, and it starts to make sense.


The problem I have is that I've never done this before, the other 'vans that I've owned were all traded in for newer ones. My local motorhome dealer offers a selling service from his "lot" for a set fee of £495 but I've no idea if that's good or bad. In truth, I'd be happy to pay that if it goes for enough.


If anyone has any thoughts or suggestions, I'd be greatly appreciative of them.


Thanks in advance.





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Guest peter

£495 sounds pretty good to me, as you can set the price. The only problem that I can see is, will you get your money?. I think you would need to set up a Brokerage contract with the dealer stating the exact terms of the sale and your subsequent receipt of your funds. Especially if he went bust. Your money would probably have to go into an Escrow account so it is not paid into the dealers own account, or any cheques would need to be paid direct to you and the van not handed over before they cleared. Be very careful or you could lose your van and the money.

Much safer to put an advert in the Mag' or on a web site.

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Hi Martyn,


With the present climate, I would be rather dubious of handing my motorhome over for someone else to sell in case they went bust and you lost everything. My hunch would be to advertise it yourself and see what happens first and resort to your option only if you have to.


I know you can't advertise your motorhome at shows, but it wouldn't stop you talking to people and adding into the conversation that yours is for sale.......... I don't think that would be breaking any rules and you have of course got an audience who are looking at motorhomes.

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Hi Martyn, I know that you know your own situation best, but can I suggest that with the current climate and with the fact that you are still in the early post-divorce blues situation, that if possible you hold onto your van for just a little longer .... say through this summer?


If you are alone now, believe me that there will be times when you really appreciate the conversation of the people you meet at the sites. Camping can be lonely, but also as in my case, it can be a real life-saver.


Only you know what is best for you, and either way I hope all goes well for you.



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