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Puppies, Motorhome & the Easter outing


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I thought I'd let you all know how my puppies found their Easter outing in the Motorhome.........


Apart from one of the pups suffering from travel sickness, I can report that they spent a lovely Easter break in the Yorkshire Dales. The slowly over the 4 days learnt some site etiquette - and not everyone passing by needed to be barked at!


They thought it was amazing that they had been left an Easter treat of rabbit droppings and the sheep **** was very tempting too - oh the joys of puppies, eveything into their mouths!


It was a shame they were too young to take advantage of the lovely long walks from the site, but this will be another reason to come back to this area when they are older.


Their puzzled reaction to the first aquaroll that went past - unable to make this dog out! Needless to say they met with a lot of people and other dogs so this helped with their socialising and development.


All in all they were very good and we are pleased that they have adapted so well in such a short time. It means we will be more relaxed for the Peterborough Show!

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So nice to read you had a nice time after your previous sad :'( posting the dogs have grown quite a bit in the short time between the pics they look a real handful, keep posting the pics as i am sure lots of us enjoy them best wishes john
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Oh double trouble :-D one a quarter of their size ran me ragged, how innocent they look when they are asleep like that ;-) recharging their batteries!!! My little one loves the van he thinks everytime we go in it we are taking him somewhere he gets all excited. I dont know about you but Motorhoming just isnt the same without a dog along side you they get you motivated into going for walks, good luck with your little ones.
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